A few years ago when I first ‘reviewed’ Access Consciousness I didn’t check for attachments… and unfortunately my high evaluation exposed a lot of people to the nasty attachments Access Consciousness puts on people. I apologize. If you are one who got involved, please get in touch.
The Gary Dougless, Dain Heer bunch is as nasty as Scientology, maybe even nastier because of their ability to put an energetic attachment on you and keep you trapped.
More of my notes at the end…
Here is an article I found online:
BY CRAIG MALISOW in The Houston (Texas) Press
‘This is something I’ve wanted to do for the kids for a long time,’ Gary Douglas says to an audience of children in an Austin hotel conference room over the summer. Other kids across the country are watching the seminar online.
Douglas, 70, just got done hearing from a mother professing gratitude to Douglas for bringing consciousness to her kids. He opened their eyes, and they opened hers. And that’s ‘consciousness’ with a little trademark symbol above it, just so you know. This isn’t any pedestrian notion of consciousness. It’s Access Consciousness. It’s so mind-blowingly conscious that you have to be other than human to get it. You have to be what’s called a humanoid. Here’s one way for you to find out if you’re a human or a humanoid: If you like to sit on the couch, drink beer and watch TV, you’re probably a human. If you judge others and not yourself, you’re a human. Humans are middle America. They sleepwalk through life. They’re idiots.
Humanoids are steeped in awareness, not judgment. They get it. They’ve torn down the barriers, the mental implants drilled into their brains an eternity ago by malicious entities. They can change the weather.
Humanoids in this conference room, adults and children alike, understand it when Douglas says, ‘What stupidity are you using to create the old thinking you are choosing? Everything that is, times a godzillion — will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and wrong, good and bad, pod and poc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds.’
That’s part of the Access Consciousness ‘clearing statement’ — a sort of mush-mouthed mantra humanoids recite when they dismantle the implants. It’s what Douglas would like to bring into public schools through something called the Access True Knowledge Foundation. Not many people knew about Access, and there was no real vehicle to get it into schools, until ex-NFL player Ricky Williams fell in love with Access and accepted a fifty thousand dollar donation from them for his Ricky Williams Foundation. Some sports writers poked fun at Williams for aligning himself with a ‘cult,’ but at least Access got some attention.
Expanded consciousness might seem like a heavy trip for the average teen, but you have to remember that we’re all infinite beings, and children — even infants — are master manipulators. Children picked their parents before they were even conceived, and then they stripped those parents of choice. Douglas’s son and daughter chose their moments of conception when Douglas was still asleep. On both occasions, according to Access’s blog, he suddenly snapped awake just before ejaculating inside his wife. Boom, now he’s got Schyler, playing guitar in a band in Santa Barbara, along with Grace, a new mom herself, here in Houston. See, kids get it.
Douglas also tells us that ‘young children are incredibly sexy.’ And if that made you recoil, if your mind immediately went to the gutter, then you’re a human. ‘Sexy’ doesn’t mean sexy. Not in Accessory-speak. It’s more a matter of energy, and kids have it in spades. And it’s something parents have to own up to. They have to acknowledge that they find their kids sexy-in-the-humanoid-sense. ‘The parents’ own feelings of sexualness towards their children can be terrifying to these parents, who are afraid they will end up abusing their own children,’ Douglas is quoted as saying on Access’s blog. Right next to the quote is a picture of a young girl, maybe a tween, staring straight into the lens with just a slip of a smile, her long dark hair tossed by the wind. Although Access is based in Santa Barbara, there are many Accessories, as adherents are called, in Texas. Most notable among them is Curry Glassell, scion of the Houston family that gave its name to the Glassell School of Art and a philanthropic foundation. She’s on the board of the Access True Knowledge Foundation. Like most other Accessories the Houston Press reached out to for this story, she wasn’t interested in talking. An e-mail had circulated among them: Some guy in Houston was calling around, asking questions about Access. The concern was that things would be taken out of context. Like the young-kids-are-sexy bit. Like the bit about how humanoids should call up enemies and tell them they are going to kill them. Those things need proper context. And that context comes with a price tag. You have to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to move up the ranks and take the right classes to learn the tools and get the context. The Press obtained these manuals, ordinarily not seen by anyone outside Access. Douglas’s publicist, Justine McKell, wanted to know where we got them. She also stated in an e-mail that ‘most of the info is copyrighted as well, so you would need [Douglas’s] written permission I believe.’
After more than 20 years of existence, after its spread around the world and its sales of books, CDs and its own brand of bottled water, Access is finally reaching kids. Douglas couldn’t be happier. And neither could a 14-year-old kid in Colorado named Eli, who’s watching the Austin conference online. Blossom Benedict, one of Douglas’s Santa Barbara-based office workers, reads aloud Eli’s e-mail to Douglas. Eli was so moved by the day’s online workshop, ‘Energetic Synthesis of Communion.’ ‘I already feel a change coming in my life, and that is great. The ESC today was so powerful that I just started to cry. Thank you for this, and how it is just for us kids.’
‘Hey, thanks,’ Douglas says. ‘Thanks for being on here, Eli…This has been one of my hopes for a long time.’ _____________________ ‘So you’re coming at it from a sex-cult point of view,’ an Accessory says over the phone when asked about the ‘young children are incredibly sexy’ line. ‘You know what’s interesting?’ she says, ‘is that I have not experienced anything like that from any class I have ever taken with any facilitator. So I think that that completely is taken out of context.’ When asked what the context might be, she says, ‘I don’t gain anything out of it by giving that to you.’ She doesn’t want to talk for this story. (The most recent Access Level One manual states that, while ‘children are highly sexual beings,’ ‘it is certainly not appropriate for adults to have sex with children’ — a sentiment that contradicts Access’s bedrock principle that there is no right or wrong). Access is most certainly not a ‘sex cult.’ It’s conceivable it could be one day, since Douglas seems to add new tenets with each update of the secret manuals, which Accessories have to buy. Access is anything Douglas wants it to be. He’s said that no two Access workshops are the same; the energy in the room at the time dictates whatever direction Access is going to take. And up until very recently, Access was simply too boring to be suspected of being a sex cult. In hours of CDs and DVDs of Access classes from 2003 to 2005 reviewed by the Press, there’s barely any talk about sex, and what talk there is, is focused on how to be ‘one’ with your partner, just delivered in the maddeningly esoteric jargon of Access-speak in an attempt to sound new and profound. The Accessory on the phone, because she is aware and unencumbered by simpleminded human judgment, only has to hear one question about sexy children to realize that this story is going to be a hatchet job. Like she said, there’s nothing in it for her. And that’s what it’s all about. And she’s no doubt right. She’s probably never heard anything about sex and kids in any of her classes. It might be such a fresh concept that it hasn’t spread to all Accessories yet. The thing is, Access might never have been born had Gary Major Douglas gotten out of real estate.
He’d done well for a while — by his estimation, making $100,000 a year. But by 1990, according to Santa Barbara court records, his business went belly up. He was sued by collection agencies, then filed for bankruptcy in 1993. His host of creditors included the IRS and the U.S. Department of Justice’s tax division. He’d be paying off those federal liens for the next eight years. After real estate, he had a short stint in the United Way, but nothing seemed to be working for him.
That’s when Douglas surveyed the metaphysical landscape of Santa Barbara and found an opening. For years, Douglas had flitted on the outskirts of Scientology. His first wife, Laurie Alexander, ran a ‘field group’ in the city — pulling in new recruits through Scientology’s ‘auditing’ process. The whole point of Scientology was to get ‘clear,’ to rid your body of subconscious memories of tragic events, which are called ‘engrams.’ People paid good money for this. Scientology had its own language, and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, had something of a fetish for dictionaries and what he considered to be the true definitions of everyday words. After Douglas divorced Alexander in 1983, he married an ex-Scientologist named Patricia O’Hara. The two were close friends with another former Scientologist, named Mary Wernicke, who was roughly 40 years their senior. The English-born Wernicke rose up the Scientology ranks, working for the church’s exclusive ‘Sea Org’ unit. But after dedicating years of her life to the church, Wernicke and others grew disenchanted when Hubbard passed the reins to David Miscavige in the early 1980s. Miscavige began to restructure the organization, creating a rift. Wernicke was one of many higher-ups who left the church for the short-lived offshoot, the Advanced Ability Center. Douglas grew very close to Wernicke and even cared for her as her health began to fail in older age. He moved her into his Santa Barbara home and hired nurses to tend to her.
According to mutual friend Kathleen Martin, Wernicke had a profound influence on Douglas. She made Douglas the executor of her will. She wasn’t a wealthy woman and she had no surviving relatives, so she left her jewelry and books to a handful of friends, including Douglas, his wife and his daughter Grace. She left $10,000 for one friend, and any remaining money (including the proceeds of any household items sold) to Douglas, which amounted to around $100,000. Martin says that Douglas gave her a portion of the money, even though Wernicke hadn’t willed any to her; it was simply in Douglas’s nature to be generous, she says.
Not only was Douglas exposed to key elements of Scientology through Wernicke and others, he was tapped into the growing popularity in Santa Barbara of ‘channels,’ people who claimed to be able to allow spirits to enter their bodies. It was always a hit at parties. Though channels no doubt were serious about these supernatural powers, Douglas was not without a sense of humor. According to the early Access document ‘How Access Came to Be,’ ‘Gary related that, in 1987, he went to a party and saw a man channeling a being called Bashar. He said, ‘How come he can do that and I can’t? He is no better looking than I, he’s no taller, he certainly doesn’t speak better — he’s from New Jersey.’ Around the time Douglas’s real estate business imploded, he discovered his own channeling powers. One night, his body was taken over by the spirit of Grigori Rasputin, the Russian mystic who was assassinated in 1916. Douglas would later joke about how it was just his luck that he couldn’t be a conduit for any of the typical angelic beings claimed by other channels. Douglas didn’t entirely trust Rasputin, and he eventually was inhabited by other spirits, including a ‘wise ancient Chinese man named Tchia Tsin,’ a ‘robust, rowdy’ 14th-century friar named Brother George, and a group of alien beings called Novian. ‘Never having been human, Novian was very hard on [Douglas’s] body,’ according to ‘How Access Came to Be.’ ‘They would take about one breath and talk for twenty minutes, lower Gary’s blood pressure and heartbeat to the point that, on a 92-degree day, he would be freezing…Belligerent, he said, ‘You know what? If you can’t give this information through Rasputin, I am not doing it anymore. This f—king hurts, and I’m just not going to do it.’ The very next day, Rasputin began talking about what is now known as Access.’ Douglas retired Rasputin several years ago, but old recordings indicate that Accessories were spellbound by these channeling sessions, a feat made all the more impressive by the fact that Douglas’s faux Russian accent makes him sound like a high-school thespian doing Tevye.
Rasputin was enough of a hit that Douglas decided to go into business, creating what was originally called Access Energy Transformation. Access was more than a channeling routine — it was a watered-down repackaging of Scientology. At the ground level, both offered fairly typical New Age palaver, but there was incredible chance for advancement, if you were willing to pay. _____________________
In Access, the hook is that there are 32 ‘bars,’ or ‘points on your head, which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn’t allow you to receive,’ according to the 2012 Access Foundation manual. In order to ‘run bars’ on a person, you must take Access classes to become certified. There are 22 Texas ‘certified bars facilitators’ on Access’s Web site, but the number could be higher, since not all facilitators need to post a profile on the site. The idea of the bars has stayed consistent through Access’s life, and it’s how Access drew in its number-two man. Around 2000, a thirtysomething Santa Barbara-area chiropractor named Dain Heer was on the verge of suicide. Handsome in a J.Crew-catalog sort of way, with a gentle manner, he had a wonderful fiancée and lived in one of the most beautiful cities in the country. On the surface, he appeared to have it all. But his chiropractic practice wasn’t doing well, and he could barely pay his share of the rent on the apartment he shared with his fiancée. Heer states in his profile on various Access sites that he was a victim of childhood abuse. He had too much self-doubt and self-loathing to allow himself to be happy and in love. It got bad enough that he set a six-month expiration date for his life if nothing got better. Lo and behold, he was flipping through a local paper when he saw an ad for a woman who ‘ran bars,’ in Access parlance. The woman turned out to be Douglas’s stepdaughter, Shannon, who discovered that this sad, chiseled man was actually a prodigy. He had a gift for healing that he wasn’t even aware of. He took the Access Foundation and Level One classes, and then Douglas went to see him. He asked Heer to start facilitating Level Three classes, something the chiropractor hadn’t anticipated. Douglas recounted one of these early visits in a 2004 class: ‘Just talk to my body and do what it tells you,’ Douglas said he told Heer. ‘And I knew that he could do that. And so he started doing this stuff, and I started twitching all over the table, and when I got up, I went, ‘Holy shit, what did you just do? That was the most phenomenal thing I’ve ever experienced.’ And that session changed my life. And that session changed his life, too.’ Before long, Heer moved into Douglas’s home and became Access’s number-two man.
With his hint of vulnerability, impeccable taste in clothes and awesome hair, Heer was an immediate hit. Based on some accounts by former Accessories, the man has magic fingers. When he runs bars at Access workshops, with only his fingertips on a woman’s head, he has been known to induce orgasm.
Heer certainly helped with the eye-candy aspect, but based on the earlier classes reviewed by the Press, this wasn’t the only appealing part of Access workshops. These weren’t stodgy affairs; there were no pedantic lectures or church-like solemnity. They were fun, lively explorations of what it means to be a humanoid. When Douglas wasn’t spouting Access catchphrases like ‘binary occlusions’ and ‘nucleated spheres,’ he was dropping the F-bomb, sharing funny anecdotes and encouraging healthy debate. Heer could keep things light with impressions of his family members or a random joke about his penis. To someone who doesn’t believe in past lives, metaphysics or magical healing, the classes might seem flaky, but benign enough. But based on more recent writings and accounts from later classes, Access has taken a distinctive turn. One woman, whom we’ll call Tammy because she didn’t want her name used, told the Press that Douglas was ‘verbally abusive’ at a workshop she attended within the past year. ‘I was horrified by his style of facilitating — which is shaming,’ Tammy says, later comparing Douglas’s style to Heer’s. ‘I mean, Dain is really sweet and openhearted, and Gary can be really vicious…I think he has a lot of unresolved anger toward women…He would talk very disparagingly about his ex-wives and how they did this to him and that to him. He just sounded like a victim the way he talked about it.’
Tammy says he showed a real dark side, referring to his ex-wives as ‘controlling bitches,’ and sharing an anecdote about how he dealt with a little girl who picked on his daughter Grace when she was a child: ‘Gary told us that he pulled the little girl aside and he called her a little cunt.’ (Douglas’s first wife, Laurie Alexander, a minister and life coach in Santa Barbara, told the Press that she loves Gary. ‘He’s a great guy, really good person, really lots of integrity…That’s all I can say.’ His second wife, Patricia O’Hara, also praised Douglas and Access to the Press, which is odd, since Douglas told a group of Accessories in 2004 that, because of her, ‘You were not allowed to talk about Access in the house.’ Douglas meekly bowed to her demands, as in all aspects of the marriage: ‘I said nothing…I just made the money and gave it to her.’ To illustrate what an emasculating shrew she was, he told a story of how she chided him in front of Heer and other dinner guests one evening, snidely asking him if he remembered to turn off the barbecue grill because he had forgotten to the last time. At this point in Douglas’s story, Heer chimed in about how he was even more upset than Douglas, saying, ‘She was about to get kicked in the cunt.’)
Tammy says that Douglas’s rantings were so different from the Access teachings that appealed to her in the first place, explaining that ‘I’m grappling with that, because I don’t want to throw it out completely — because there are good things.’ Another former Accessory, whom we’ll call Liz, said she left the group after noticing what she called a darker streak in Douglas’s teachings. What had started out as a call for ‘oneness’ and just generally being a better person, led by a genuinely sweet man who had empathy for others, had taken a dark turn — especially in how he spoke about women. Simply put, Liz says Douglas’s ‘perspective on women lacks development.’ She says he didn’t think women were inferior; he just wanted to focus more on helping men explore their consciousness. (She says the only female who had any sway over Douglas was his biological daughter, Grace. In Liz’s estimation, Douglas’s stepdaughter Shannon threw herself into Access and worked hard for Douglas’s approval, while Grace walked on water.)
Liz was also slightly uncomfortable with how Douglas ‘created Dain [Heer] as his little mini-me’ and ‘[posed] Dain as Prince Charming.’ Prior to Heer, she says, Douglas was grooming two men in Australia to be his VIPs, but they didn’t last. Liz says that, for Douglas, Heer was a perfect, impressionable acolyte — someone who was ‘perhaps not a self-thinker’ and was ‘willing to follow Gary blindly.’ _____________________
These women’s recounting of Douglas’s behavior describes a man radically different from the Douglas in the 2004 workshops reviewed by the Press. That was a man who advocated self-reliance, and swapping a low-confidence victim mentality for one of empowerment. That Douglas even encouraged skepticism, saying at a workshop that one sign Access isn’t a cult is that ‘I ask and request of you one thing: Know that you know. Whatever makes you feel light is right and true. Whatever makes you feel heavy is a lie — don’t buy a lie from anybody. Not me. Not the guy I channel, Rasputin. Not anybody.’
That sentiment is lacking in the most recent Access manuals. Some of these puzzling changes in Access dogma were first revealed by the administrator of a site calledAccessschism.com, and explored in a more irreverent manner by a blogger outside of Houston, Connie Schmidt, whose brilliant ‘Whirled Musings’ blog atcosmicconnie.blogspot.com tackles what she calls ‘the New-Age/New-Wage crowd.’
Andrew Blanford explains on Accessschism.com that he took a basic Access class and has ‘read much of the material.’ He writes that, while ‘there are some good things in Access,’ much of the material ‘is confusing, convoluted and contradictory at best.’ According to Blanford, ‘Most of the deceit and coercion you won’t discover until you are invested to the point that you don’t want to admit to yourself that you were duped.’ He told the Press in an e-mail, ‘One of the foundational elements of Access Consciousness is accepting and allowing everything, therefore Access Consciousness should be in total acceptance and allowance of any critical discernment of their teachings or writings.’ Among the recent Access teachings Blanford helped bring to light are the new ways in which Accessories should deal with ‘elfs’ (‘Evil Little Fucks’), rattlesnakes and other enemies. The excerpts on Accessschism.com are an accurate reflection of recent manuals obtained by the Press, and they were included in questions we e-mailed to Douglas’s publicist. From the March 2012 Level One manual: ‘How do you handle a demon bitch or bastard from hell? You call them up and say quietly to them three times, ‘If you do this again, I will kill you.’ Make sure nobody else can hear you. You have to mean it. Maybe not this lifetime, but you will kill them. If they tell somebody, you go, ‘Me? Would I do such a thing?” And then there’s this, from the same manual: ‘In many cases where children were sexually abused, the child allowed themselves to be molested because it was a way of stopping the person from doing it to anybody else. And they knew it — even if they were only six or seven years old. That was a great gift and a bizarre point of view to realize that they know it’s what they have to do.’ There’s also a treatise on family in Access’s March 2012 Foundation manual, which states that the word stands for ‘fucked-up and mainly interested in limiting you’ and explains that ‘the reason they love you is that you agree with them.’ Also: ‘Remember, the only reason to have a family is if they have money you might inherit. Otherwise, divorce them.’
And then there’s this bombshell of higher consciousness: ‘Girls like to go shopping with their friends and talk terminally about nothing.’
Douglas’s publicist replied to our questions about these statements with, ‘Access has reviewed the questions posed, which have been taken out of context from the Access Materials. Gary is also presently out of the country and due to his schedule, is unavailable at this time.’ It’s a disingenuous defense, because even viewed in the ‘context’ of their respective manuals, the meanings don’t change. It’s just that in the manuals, they’re surrounded by long, rambling, gobbledygook phrases that try to shroud their inanity. They expose the fundamental flaw in Access pointed out on Accessschism: It’s inherently contradictory. It doesn’t hold up under even the slightest scrutiny. It tells Accessories to cast away all judgment and not have ‘fixed’ points of view. Nothing is right or wrong. They’re all just ‘interesting’ points of view. In one manual, the word ‘but’ is singled out as a word to avoid because it qualifies and negates everything preceding it. So you can’t have exceptions for murder or rape.
The only current Accessory who was willing to talk on the record has been with Access for only about four months.
After 22 years in Houston, Sara Blumenfeld moved to Austin to be part of the city’s ‘metaphysical, spiritual community.’ She’d been interested in ‘personal growth’ teachings for years, but recently was seeking something more. She says she heard Heer discussing Access on a radio talk show one day and ‘I could feel the openness of it, the possibility of it.’ She quickly became a bars facilitator, and says she’s run bars on about 100 people so far and has ‘witnessed just major changes in people.’ Blumenfeld tells the Press, ‘My understanding of Access is that it’s all about following the energy and asking questions, rather than coming to any kind of point of view or fixed answer…They’re presenting different ways that you can look at things, other than the way most people have been looking at them. Just so that you open up your brain to the possibility that there’s another way to do something or think about something. Because we all get so locked in to certain answers — even…if they’re answers that we think are great answers, right — and then we stop looking for any other possibilities.’
When asked about some of the more puzzling statements, such as that children as young as six ‘allow’ themselves to be molested to spare someone else from being molested, she’s at least willing to discuss possible contexts — one being that, as infinite beings, we always have choice. We just may not understand or agree with those choices.
‘For instance, my husband had cancer,’ she says of her late spouse’s choice of how to leave the world. ‘Well, I could judge that as wrong, but that’s what he chose and so…the concept of everything-in-our-life-is-a-choice upsets a lot of people.’ To make things easier, she offers this analogy: ‘If I had said that someone ate peas when they didn’t want to, to prevent someone else from having to eat peas who didn’t want to even more, then you would be okay with that, probably. It’s the same kind of a concept, but to such a greater degree that it makes you uncomfortable, and maybe you can’t grasp that, and that’s okay.’ Still, fixed points of view can be difficult for even Douglas to give up. In a 2004 class, Douglas fessed up to having two of them, but said that he can drop them at any time. One is that if someone raped one of his daughters, that person would pay. The other is, he won’t eat at chain restaurants. ‘Their food is not to my standards,’ he said. _____________________ On July 24, Ricky Williams tweeted his gratitude to Access. ‘Thank you to Gary [Douglas], @RickysKids raised over 50,000 dollars thanks to the generosity of Gary, Dain and Access Consciousness.’ He was referring to a component of his nonprofit Ricky Williams Foundation called Ricky’s Kids, which ‘is perfecting a new and alternative place of growth for children in the Austin area.’ This is achieved through ‘a free after school program for low income students, who under normal circumstances would not have the financial means for after school care.’ According to foundation representative Peggy King, some of the Foundation’s donors backed off when Williams retired from the NFL, and Access stepped in with a one-time $50,000 donation. The Austin Chronicle explored this relationship in a story last August: ‘Williams says he’s become an [A]ccessory of the Access movement, and the mission of his foundation has been transformed into an outlet for delivering the controversial teachings of Access Consciousness to the underprivileged children who attend his camps.’ According to the article, the Foundation visited two Austin Independent School District schools ‘over the last year, having approached the school principals directly for permission…AISD says there are no further visits scheduled, as no formal request has been submitted.’
It’s an important step toward Douglas’s goal of reaching even more kids. Currently, kids can attend Access classes for free or at a reduced rate. Douglas believes Access’s tools can help kids excel at school; the kids who use Access methods are called ‘Xmen.’
Here’s 16-year-old Xman Aaron Caddy’s testimonial on the Access Web site: ‘Just being Access, basically, has helped me a lot. I mean, I don’t study very much. The only thing that really helps is manipulating the teacher. That’s the main one. If you can do that well, you can get an A in every class. That’s what helps more than anything else.’
This is in keeping with the goals of the Access True Knowledge Foundation to establish Access Schools — ‘after-school programs or schools that educate kids in a more expansive and dynamic way,’ according to the Foundation’s Web site.
Foundation directors include Douglas, Heer and Houston oil heiress Curry Glassell, who’s also served on the boards of the Alley Theatre, The Glassell School of Art and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. According to her Web site, she’s been facilitating Access classes for ten years. With Douglas’s help, according to her site, ‘She began to ask questions that changed all of her points of view about money, wealth and abundance. She learned the true meaning of personal wealth and shares these tools in classes around the world.’ No shrinking violet, Glassell has adorned her site with photos illustrating her importance: There’s her standing beside President Barack Obama, their arms around each other; there’s her and Houston Mayor Annise Parker cheering at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. For someone as outspoken about Access as she is, Glassell did not want to be interviewed for the story. The phone number on her Access profile went to a voice mail instructing people not to leave voice mail. Instead, her message refers people to her assistant, who never returned our calls. The only time we actually got through to Glassell was probably because she forgot to check her caller ID. ‘Actually, I can’t hear you at all, I’m so sorry, we’re breaking up,’ she told us before the line went dead. (Strangely, while Douglas says humanoids have the ability to talk to molecules and regrow body parts, they’re still hostage to poor cell-phone reception.) Although we quickly called back and left a message on her don’t-leave-a-voice mail voice mail, we never heard back.
To Glassell and other Accessories, humans who ask too many questions are probably just ‘evil little fucks’ or ‘demon bitches from hell,’ not worth their time anyway. To an Accessory, that categorization is not a judgment, it’s awareness. It’s not a fixed point of view, but an ‘interesting’ one. And that’s what Douglas says Access is all about. Total consciousness. As the Access Foundation manual says, everything else is just a story, and you shouldn’t listen to it, tell it or buy it.
So here’s what you should take away from this: ‘The story is just a story. It is not a reality. It is not a truth. It doesn’t mean anything.’
I have found that every single person is marked and carries the top of the head attachment, and that even a freshly minted practitioner can pass it on to another, without any knowledge of what they are doing.
My hunch is that many can feel it. It feels like your skull got opened up to the sky… but what you feel is that your energy body has a leak, and that leak is directly connecting you to the core of this cult, that lives on your energy. The connection is bi-directional: they pump away your energy, and pump into you whatever they want to… I didn’t allow the attachment to stay on me long enough to know. Like right now… I have to remove the attachment my research put on me: accidentally connected to the people on the pictures… grrrr.
If you want me to remove your attachements, for a small fee I can.

I think I need an attachment checked but have a couple of questions first . . .
– the amount that I pay to have it checked, is this also to remove it or will there be another charge or session required to remove it?
– can I e transfer rather than use a credit card?
attachment removal cost extra. and I don’t know what e transfer is, but I only accept credit cards and paypal.
first you make sure you have an attachment by asking someone who has to means to know it, like me. And if the answer is yes, they can also remove it/them. here is the link https://yourvibration.thrivecart.com/attachment-check/
How do you remove the attachment on your head?