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I wrote this article five years ago, but today I remembered it and here you go: I’ll republish it.
What happened? Two things. I now get asked for a health measurements muscletesting where the result is frightening. And the other thing is: I am taking Hyaluronic Acid capsules, and was pondering why Source said that it is good for me… It won’t make my face smoother… but I now have no heartburn, and I am noticing that walking is easier on my knees… So it is, in this regard a ‘shock absorber’ for my knees.
So that is how come I looked up this article and this activator I’ll talk about in this article…
And surprisingly, it connects really well to my Flexibility/changeability activator too… I like when things connect through and through.
OK, here starts the original article:
It’s 10 o’clock, and I just reached the predictable state of “why did I do it?”
At 11 o’clock I have a webinar scheduled to meet and greet, and test the Emotional Shock Absorber energy.
I don’t want to talk about the energy, I want to talk about, instead, the phenomenon of the mind projecting into the future and thus stopping you or making you rush, depending on the memory or your personality.
- I don’t date because I have a long string of memories where I didn’t have fun. I am sure I had fun dates, but my mind keeps those from me.
I remember telling everyone that I never had fun, and yet lots of people know me as a fun and funny person, always laughing. That is not how I know myself.
I procrastinated for two years before I started to do my daily walks again.
I have been reluctant to clean my house, do the laundry, even to do the dishes. I am reluctant to pick up the phone, go to bed, give up cream in my tea…
My mind is calibrated to remember and project the misery… and no amount of positive experience has changed that.
So what can I do?
To tame that devil what you do is this: You throw your hat over the fence, so you have to climb over and fetch it.
This is exactly what I did with today’s webinar… I wrote a blog post promising it, then I scheduled the webinar, and now here I am… not wanting to do it… but my word is my bond, the webinar is scheduled, people registered into it, so I will do it.
I am sure it will be horrible… I am SURE I won’t have fun, and I am also sure that everyone will love it.
The mind is a tricky thing and unless YOU run your affairs, the mind will always take you the wrong way.
I remember 30 or so years ago I participated in More Time Workshop, and I created a vision of owning a publishing empire. A friend asked: What will you write about? I said: I have no idea. I have nothing to say. and I didn’t.
But I said I would do it… so I accepted jobs, assignments that forced me to say something.
First I asked to be sent on an assignment (for another guy’s magazine) to write a dining review. Then I went to a calendar photo shoot and surprisingly I had something to say after the shoot. Go figure… lol. I didn’t think I had anything to say, but when I was in the corner… I found something to say. I threw my hat over the wall… like those boys in the story.
This is how the mind works. Today I know better. There is hardly any topic I have nothing to say about. lol
The biggest mistake people make is going to research before they use their head and think. I did that twice… Research actually robbed me of having any thoughts of my own, of having anything to say… so both were a disaster.
So now I don’t… I sit down, I write, and if there is a detail I am not sure about, I look it up specifically.
I have trained myself to be the person who can. I have learned to be the person who’ll handle whatever comes up… in the moment.
So I don’t plan…
My plan for today’s webinar is to ask for suggestions about how to test the energy.
After all, the energy is to soften the blow of the effect of Dark Side Emotional transmission… but there is no guarantee that anyone, including me, will feel anything… in the excitement of the call.
So how will I do? I have no idea. Whatever will come up, I’ll just handle it.
Will I screw up? Hey, everything is possible. If I screw up, I’ll do it again.
Want to get this tiny energy that can save you hours, day, months at a time?