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Unexpectedly, I am finding myself doing health coaching on the Reclaim program.
Although that wasn’t my original intention, it turns out that if someone chooses to get well, get enough energy to live life well, to relate well, to find and live a purposeful life, then health coaching is their path, and my job is to accommodate it.
It’s a whole different coaching experience than my $300 per session health coaching: here I get daily feedback for weeks or months… invaluable.
Now, Reclaim does not include energy healing. It does include refreshing the pulling of the dominant belief’s therefore, and the anchor-to-doom, after all that is the basis to be accepted to this program: having all your attachments, inner or outer, pulled.
Now, a little sideways…
How did I manage to get reasonably well after 60 years of not being ever well?
I needed to change what I eat, how I eat, what I eat together, etc. I also needed to get the things, like the mites, that caused my stomach and gut be unhealthy killed or at least manage… It took me to do countless experiments. A covenant with my Consciousness, the part of me that can watch and be awake, alert, aware, even when I am busy doing other things, or when I sleep.
It’s taken a few years, but the results are quite amazing: I am virtually pain free. I have all the signs of good digestion. This was never possible. Not possible, as far as medical doctors, or even naturopath doctors are concerned.
Official medicine, with all the stuff they know, could never have taken me here. The problem is: they know without looking or looking again… i.e. no respect to reality.
The secret has been my agreements I made with Consciousness. And HEEDING the previously agreed upon signals.
The strongest signal Consciousness uses with me, the signal I can’t ignore, is feeling hot. I am completely and totally intolerant to heat. Another is itching… ugh.
Now, here comes the question: can this system, {making agreements and keeping them, step by step} be transplanted to a coaching program?
So, this morning, I asked Source a question that may alter the future, maybe even dramatically.
I asked if I can connect to people’s Consciousness, directly, and make agreements with them.
The answer was yes. Then I connected to this particular student’s Consciousness… finding it an unhappy place.
Consciousness is happiest when you listen to it, heed its guidance… then it is happy.
I started a dialog… I wanted to find an agreed upon sign that Consciousness would use to start communication with the student.
After a lengthy search we found one that might just work: a sudden numbing of the face… I don’t think it can be ignored. As I said above, mine is a hot flash… intolerable and impossible for me to ignore.
It should signal that the student needs a re-orientation…
I can’t wait for this to become a full blown experiment… This student eats such a nutrient poor diet, that she is barely alive, and her emotions jerk her around.
It would be a great victory if I could create, remotely, this connection between her and her consciousness.
I bet you have a question. I can hear you squirming to ask: Why I am not leaving it to her to connect to HER consciousness and make these agreements herself?
The answer will disappoint you, but you need to know:
Unless you can connect to Source and stay connected for at least 15 minutes at a time, you’ll work in your imagination, with the mind, and will totally miss your Consciousness.
So, at this point, I have to do it for you.
The rest is really between you and your Consciousness…
Once she gets better and start having more energy, we can get to the important questions of living a life worth living, with purpose, and meaning.
8 years later
PS: I wrote this article eight years ago. And to my absolute horror, I never actually did the work I talk about here.
So this morning I tested it again.
I attempted to connect to one of my clients’ Consciousness.
What I found is the lower self and its grief. A lot of unshed tears. Grief turned into hate.
By the way, that grief turned into hate is the ‘entitled therefore’ I have talked about in a previous article. ‘I was abused therefore I have the right to abuse you.‘ or ‘your wronged me, and I am entitled to wrong you‘
Here for this Grief dude it says: ‘I wasn’t paid any attention, I was not loved the way I want to be loved. I wasn’t appreciated. Therefore I now have the RIGHT to hate things… get angry, or complain.‘
But grief needs to be expressed. Not to other people… just expressed.
The signal his Consciousness came up with was the numbing feeling of his nose.
Would he know what to do? I don’t know.
Let me look at another person… Someone who is more likely to hear me.
OK. I managed to get his Consciousness to talk to me.
His entire being is dominated with hurry and fear. Hurry that he will never amount to much, that he will never be worth a damn.
He doesn’t know that it is hurry that actually does it. So his Consciousness agreed to signal that he needs to stop that hurrying attitude when his face, his cheeks feel numb. Will he notice? His Consciousness says: yes.
OK, let me go to the client with the bitchy attitude next.
Her Consciousness… it took me many minutes to contact it… has been sidelined for 50 years.
So her Consciousness looked if there could be anything that would pull her out of her egomind, her insistent self, insisting that nothing and no one can tell it what to do, who to be…
It seems that her Consciousness suggests that her head would nod back and forth, gently, as in saying ‘yes’.
Will it work? Will she notice? We shall see.
As you see, humans are quite cut off from their Consciousness.
That is why I say there is only the possibility of sentience, not the actuality.
And that is why Consciousness would need to invent a language, a physical, a sensation language, a structural language to communicate.
At this point what we are experimenting with is knocking some people conscious.
The first ‘dude’ needs to take time to grieve. The second dude needs to stop hurrying. And the woman needs to get out of her usual and default attitude where she allows nothing to be above her.
And allow something other than herself, her lower self, to direct her life, for a few moments at least, so she learns that she can maybe even enjoy that.
Yeah, this is an experiment. Will these three clients be willing to ‘play’?
I don’t know.
I know only one thing: when I first allowed my Consciousness to take over, even for just moments, my life started to change for the better.
I am still tight as a drum, trying to hold it together, but my ‘ship’ has turned gently around in the tight bay, and it is out on the open ocean.
But anchored…
So I am going to make another agreement with Consciousness: to pull up the anchor and set off to where I can do new things, things that I have never done. Things I don’t think I can do.
So I ask Consciousness what signal it thinks would make me pay attention and choose to start doing what I think I can’t do.
‘Dry mouth’, says Consciousness. Really?
So when I experience dry mouth I will do a step or two or three in the direction of doing what I don’t think I can do, to move my ship out of dead stop.
If you have been, yourself, anchored for a while, maybe you want me to talk to your Consciousness and see if some signal could pull your anchor and let you start moving.

I would say that the mad, restricted, afraid, is related to my father, he is/was wreckless when it comes to money, somewhat of a loose cannon.
also domineering/controlling/tyranical Aries.
I am sure it relates with the greed, gimme gimme gimme because if i don’t get it he’ll waste it or there wont be enough.
It doesn’t take a lot for me to get mad inside, in his direction, if it’s something that threatens my well being, my life, my freedom, i’ll be fuming.
You have the capacity of bilocation active, unused. How I know it is that you are looking at this from your own shoes.
Your job is to step into his shoes and find compassion… Tought? You betcha!
This is tough work.
I want to use my life to become a human being, activating and using as many capacities as possible, and hopefully being able to influence others to use theirs when i am capable of noticing/guiding them.
So the way i see it i would want to agree with consciousness that consciousness would nudge/re-direct me to the areas where i could use/activate the capacities i am not yet using/ nudge me to be aware of when i am failing to use those capacities, for example when i am doing the opposite.
Would this be acceptable?
sorry, I could feel the greed as I read it.
You will need to first work on some of the already activated capacities that were never used, because they go counter to greed, etc.
Also, as I said to another comment… getting complete with the past is a pre-requisite to do the soul’s work. You are still mad at someone? YOu are still restricted by someone? afraid of someone? that is the first job.
I answered the wrong question. I have no idea what you want to use your life for
In the previous comments we discussed whether there was an agreement that could be made with my consciousness that would get me to where i want to go, you said only for reclaim students and when you are clear..
I take it that you meant when you are clear on the appropriate agreement for each person..
I was asking if you were clear on an appropriate agreement for me that could be agreed with my consciousness, to re-direct me or to nudge me to not be lazy, something along those lines.
I hope this is clearer.
Thank you.
Wonderful, would you do this for me please?
I just had random short bouts of laughter directly from my throat, it seems relevant..
I am still excited by this, are you anyway clear on this with regards to me?
Thank you.
I am sorry, I have no idea what you want me to do for you.
I am clear on this
unless I know what agreement will take you where you want to go, I can’t do it… so at this point this is only available for people in the Reclaim correspondence coaching, and only at the point where I am clear…
I want results and i’m willing to be cajoled by consciousness, how can i get this for me?
Thank you.
yes and no. Because Consciousness won’t leave you alone and continue being lazy…
Nowadays I am awakened by Consciousness at least twice a night, sometimes three times… So good bye lazy…
But if you want results, and you are willing, it works in spades.
I find this exciting because of the unknown possible agreements that could be made on our behalf, that would make it easier to progress.
Essentially lazy.
I need to disappoint you. This article was musing, I haven’t done it just yet. I know I can do it, but haven’t done it. The person needs to be awake and aware enough for this to work…
My consciousness was trying to talk to me for decades before I was awake enough to get the message.
The client I have my eyes on has a real struggle with what to eat and how to eat… as soon as I am clear about the mistakes she makes, I’ll make the agreement. And I’ll probably write about it in this blog.
Is there any reason you are excited, for yourself?
Sophie, I am extremely curious as to what your clients experience has been so far, after you made the agreement?