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There are two big categories of humans from the aspect of personal growth.
- sheep, victim, the effect… not in action, hoping, praying, visualizing, etc.
- the climber
Climber can be someone who climbs the Tree of Life… and can be the type of person I want to talk about in this article. The politician. The ruthless user. The win-lose type of person. The either/or person who cannot even imagine, tolerate, or stomach the you AND me model of thinking.
Why do you want to know them? Because you need to know evil intimately to fight evil. Both outside and inside.You can’t know good unless you know evil. You can’t know light unless you know darkness. The reality of things can only be seen in the contrast…
Now, let me answer the question many of my visitors have: the type that fancy themselves a giver, a generous person, highly spiritual, blah blah blah… the type that sends me emails about me not being loving, compassionate, etc. enough: You are a climber. You are a taker. You are a politician. Hate me as much as you want.
Inside human there is no third category. Until you completely change your spots you are still a leopard… Halfway is not a category.
If you have struggled your way higher on the evolutionary tree (rare) then you are a human BEING… one of the seven. The eighth died recently.
OK, back to the CLIMBER
The climber is an opportunist, climbs on the backs of others towards his desired position over other humans.
I used to be a climber: I compared myself with others, I felt envy, anger, frustration, vengeance, I wanted to win, I complimented, etc. in order to climb.
About 40% of humanity are climbers, the rest are the first category, passive non-climbers. I have none among my students or clients.
I know climbers better than I know the first category, because they are up to something. Now, they are not often willing to actually work on what it takes to achieve what they want, they spend more time cutting other people, scheming, gossiping, putting other people down, resisting, trying to win every situation, and such.
They are, simply put, politicians.
They are more interested in being above others than being above themselves…
They use whatever means necessary to do that. They are the ones who are holier than thou. They are the ones who preach compassion, love, caring… those, on the human level, are political moves, slogans, bombastic and empty.
They despise the first category, they look down on others, they fancy themselves better.
Now, let’s see how each category can cause their own growth:
Category one: the goal is to move out of complacency, move out from the stands, and move onto the playing field. Slowly or fast: it doesn’t matter. As long as you are moving.
Category two: the goal is to develop the capacity to look at yourself from a third party perspective, so your actions will be inclusive of others, so you won’t feel so good about trashing others, crushing others, winning at all cost.
I’ll write more detailed articles, but I want this article to be an introduction with every detail at least indicated, so you see what it will take.
What energetic support can I provide?
- Regardless which category you belong to: you may have energetic attachments, and you have the dominant belief’s therefore, and your anchor to doom… If you can afford it, ask me to remove them. Once you have done that, you are eligible to my famous coaching program.
- The Avatar State Audios: when you play the avatar state audios (regardless of the title of the audio activator) you’ll start to experience your pretense, whatever that may be.When you see your pretense, you wake up. That is the main purpose of these activators.
- The Effortless Abundance Activator: this activator attempts to activate all the good dormant DNA. Even if it only succeeds with one, life dramatically alters, because now you have a starting point, a fixed point from where you can alter your world (paraphrasing Archimedes and Galilei).
- The Unconditional Love Activator… oftentimes the inner discrepancy between your two selves is the culprit in you being stuck.
But what about the Energized Water, you ask? The Energized Water will cause your coherence… but only action causes growth. And what about the Big Bundle? Almost the same as the Energized Water, or the Energizer energy: restores coherence…
And here is a short video on the history of the earth dominated by the climbers… Amazing
Suggestion: set the video to play slower… It is near intolerable when it plays at the speed it is set by its creators.
PS: here is a way to be neither a victim nor a climber: Kiva. It helps others but it’s a loan. So you are not a do-gooder, you are a catalyst… a role much higher, full of respect.
I have been using Kiva lending, donating to online magazines and online schools, the Internet Archive, Wikipedia, etc. as a way to cause circuitry to move the stagnant energy around me and my business. It works fast and it works like a charm.
My one-time teacher, the Rav Berg, had a curious expression: spiritual greed. Being greedy for spiritual energy, being greedy for spiritual growth.
I hate greed in all its forms. I hate greedy eating. I hate greedy sex. I hate running for something that you want. I hate greedy anger… I consider these violence.
My personal history had enough predators with all kinds of greed… and I was always the prey, the snack, so I have a muscle memory of hate and aversion.
When you are greedy, you are not in control. You are out of control. I get hungry, desirous, and I willfully slow down my movements, wait, take back control.
There are many ways to retain or gain control. One of them is to use principles, your own, or borrowed, to style your self after.
Two of my main ones are: I’ll never do anything for money that I wouldn’t do for free.
And the other is not really a principle, it is a purpose I invented for myself by inverting, standing on its head the biggest complaint in my life.
This will be the topic of my Wednesday Talk to me webinar. We’ll do an impromptu workshop and do the best we can to create something that could transform your life, take you from the stands to the playing field. Or take you out of the greedy predatory path you are on, and into a mode where you grow yourself, instead of climb on others.
I’ll welcome both types at the webinar. You need to have a working microphone to participate. You’ll have to speak…