On a lighter note…

I want you to look at funny… and tell me if the laugh you got is sympathetic, self-recognition, funny because it’s unexpected, unusual, etc. or derisive… Please… The deeper you see the faster you’ll raise your vibration. Guaranteed.

baby oil

yeah, your cat loves you


full night sleep

housekeeping tip

scientists discovered that

all the places


upside down truth


America vs Russia

can I help you?


blocked number?

bad hunter

be careful who you trust

the bathtub test

keep sleeping

start cooking


Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

4 thoughts on “On a lighter note…”

  1. Wow, they are soooo good, although my best one is ‘Vegetarian…” made me laugh aloud -wholeheartedly.

  2. Omgosh! I loved these, especially the unknown number! I have a small business so I get them ( unknown number calls) all the time. These are hilarious! Thanks for a hearty Friday laugh!

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