Warning: the pictures in this article are illustrations for how you serve the Dark Side, how you make Evil grow in the world…
If you wanted to see, clearly, what are the tools that cause humanity to go backwards, please go and read Brave New World, again, but this time with this distinction in mind:
When you don’t wish to see parts of reality because it’s ugly, you become not only unconscious, but you take away your Consciousness’ ability to inform you about what is right and what is wrong.
If you find yourself being undisciplined… this is the reason.
Unless you have the gumption to look at ugly square in the face, see it for what it is, you are serving the Powers That Be… that wants you to be sheep.
So, how does it work?
Well, in a real world, you can’t take sides blindly.
Anything that is ignored, i.e. willfully not regarded as something worth looking at, has the power over you.
Your desire to deal with only the positive, to change anything that you deem negative, comes from this lopsided view of life, and it makes what you are trying to ignore actually take over. Have the upper hand. Be the boss. Control you as if you were a puppet on a string.
- When you try to console anyone who is sad or angry: you are serving the Dark Side.
- When you try to explain away, justify bad stuff… you serve the Dark Side.
But moreover: your job, as a human the carrier of the human soul is to evolve. Evolve in the direction of desire to receive for the sake of sharing.
But can you do that if you are in the grips of the grim master of ‘positive thinking’ or avoiding negativity?
No, you can’t.
You are going to cover the errors of your ways, thus spreading Darkness, Evil, and thus serve the Dark Side.
Your ‘positive’ actions come from trying to make yourself and the world LOOK different than the way it is. Instead of dealing with what is, you color it different and then you react to it. Instead of changing yourself, you try to change what is… where you have no power.
Will this article snap you out of it? I doubt it.
But once you know you are doing that you can’t avoid knowing it.
Of course, this will sound to most of you as negativity, lol, and you’ll let me know it in no uncertain terms.
But, if you ever wanted to raise your vibration, if you ever wanted to become an Expanding Human Being, your number one job is to look at reality the way reality is, with no filters.
I admit, reality is not pretty. And a large chunk of my day is spent with coming to terms with ugly… no exaggeration. A good chunk of my day.
But hiding from the ugly side of reality, denying it, lying about it, trying to cover it up, trying to change it won’t do you any good: it is a lot better to just deal with it.
For me dealing means: allow it. Accept it. Not condoning. Not abdicating. Nor fighting. Not ruminating over it. Accept it. It is the way it is. It is the way humans are. It is how the politicians are. This is how Putin, Trump, whoever is. Or you, my dear reader. This is how you are.
Anything you don’t accept has now gained power over you… And you are now a puppet on a string for that thing.
When you accept ugly to be ugly, evil to be evil, then you allow Consciousness to guide you. To put your energies where it can make a difference. To become a better person yourself, and allow the world to be how the world is.
When you want the world to be positive, what you are saying is that you are a weakling. That you have no separation from the world. That you have no say in the matter of YOUR life.
This is what I normally mean by sissy… a weakling, a squeamish nothing… unwittingly increasing EVIL in the world.
If that is you… it is time to make a 180 degree turn, and become a real human… eyes open, heart open, strong and proud.
Will it be instant? No. But if you don’t start now, you’ll never get there.
PS: Believe it or not, this positive thinking mental illness is a Dark Side attachment. I can pull it. But for that to make a difference you need to start facing reality, the good, the bad, and the ugly, without as much as blinking.
That attitude will put you in your power, where you can trust yourself. Where you can tell yourself apart from others. Where you are not just a garbage can of the world, trying to keep yourself clean while you are full of garbage.

I’m not sure if this is relevant to the above article but the ‘light and dark’ reflected in nature is shown in a stunning new docufilm that’s just featured on Discovery Channel: ‘The Lions Of Sabi Sand: Brothers In Blood’. A 2hr film about the lives of a coalition of 6 male lions….Beautiful, Magnificent, Noble, Shocking, Savage….so bloody violent! and deeply moving. The dark-beauty had me in tears and affected me for days.
I had two students in mind while I was describing the behavior: you and Amy. I am glad you recognized yourself.
I know it’s going to be tough. Even I notice, especially with movies, that I want to run away from ugly, violent, profoundly vicious… Then I see what I am doing, and spend time with seeing what I see… and little by little I can spend a little bit more time with it.
The latest such experience was with a New Zealand mini series… there were plenty of ugly there… Go figure. An exquisitely beautiful country with especially ugly people: culturally. It is not individuals, it is the “culture”, the societal DNA that is ugly. Predator on one hand, self-righteousness on the other. Very hard for me to be with… but as long as I run from it, I am guilty of what I “accuse” you with…
One of the reason Hitler could do what he did is because no one had the gumption to look at things square in the face and call a spade a spade. People were looking beyond, sideways, away… and Evil was succeeding.
I’m definitely guilty of avoiding negativity and this article is very eye-opening. I didn’t realize I was helping the Dark Side. I want to stop doing that. I think a good practice will be to start catching when I turn away from “bad” things and, instead of running away from them, practice seeing them as they are and being there with them as they are. No resisting, no judgment. But that’s a lot easier said than done. I feel like running away even as I write this.