I wrote this article five years ago. But it goes well with my next… so I am republishing it… so they can be read together.
Last night I finished watching the British series, ‘The Paradise’ about the first department store in London.
I learned something I probably would not have been able to learn anywhere else.
The series is mainly about two characters, the owner of the store who created it. He came from nothing, and is a true entrepreneur.
The other character is a small-town girl, who works for him, and discovers herself as an entrepreneur. Discovers is the key word.
An entrepreneur is someone who has a strong inner drive to do more, be more, grow himself or herself, and the enterprise.
There are a lot of people who want to be like that, but unless it’s an inner drive, it’s an outer drive.
Being driven by greed, or want, or wanting to own, escaping being told what to do, wanting to be respected, whatever. All outside drivers.
A real entrepreneur is driven by something inside… and the statement ‘I can’t do no other‘ fits them: work is self-expression for them, growth is self-expression for them, and it’s a state of being not a doing.
Lots of people ask me about being, or beingness, hoping that they can get there either through their minds (explanation) or through doing.
But it works the opposite way. Your actions, your thoughts come from your being, not the other way around.
In Landmark Education, people are taught to invent beings, (they call them possibilities) and like a layer of makeup, it tends to peel off… revealing the real being underneath…
The happiest successful people are the ones who find their core being and nurture it.
The core, of course, is below the pretense layers, of which there are many. The learned layers. The layers of “it would be good”. The layers of “it sounds good”. The layers of “it worked for X.”
All those layers are lies, they are not you, and if you want to be successful AND happy, you need get rid of them. Really. They are what stand between you and you being fully you.
It’s getting naked. Not nude, naked.
You can’t see yourself from all those layers… and when you accidentally look, all you see is ugly. But the real you is not ugly. It’s innocent.
Now, you WILL be different from Dick, Joe, and Harry, because you are you. You NEED to be you.
It is possible to find someone, a person, a mentor, whose beingness resonates with your innermost being, and then you can use that person to make your core being grow into a tree.
In the British series I mentioned in the beginning, the young woman chose the owner of The Paradise to model after. Sahe said ‘I want to be him.’ Not LIKE him, him… There is a difference.
When you say: I want to be like him, you copy what you like and ignore the rest. But when you say: I want to be him, you model everything.
She can use that saying to inform her being. To learn how to be successful. Learn how to tame, how to sell all that which she is, as a potential and fully live to it. And in her case, surpass the model.
I have had mentors like that… and I’ve surpassed them.
Doing comes from being. Had she/I modeled after the doing, that would have been a disaster.
If you are not creative, if you are not inventive, it is futile to model yourself after a creative or inventive person. Your actions will be empty, because they will come from your mind, from what you are SUPPOSED to do, instead of your being.
I have a few students who know what I am talking about. Their actions comes from “whereof one cannot speak” which is the domain of being.
And I have a few students who are talented, but are trying to fashion themselves after the “demands” of society, and are utterly miserable, their lives are empty, and they are a failure. Not because if their lived their real being they would be not successful. No. Because they strive to be someone they are not.
The adage, know thyself, is useful here: but you MUST peel off the layers. It take time, and it takes patience. But when you arrive to who you are, life will become blissful.
Mine is blissful, and so can be yours.
In the What’s the Truth About you workshop we’ll attempt to find all the ugly layers of your being that hide your true beautiful Self.
Those layers have been hiding your Self since you were three years old… but the Self is there. I promise. And with some work, telling the truth, you can finally get access to it… Only you need to renounce your ugly layers.
That is the hard part. But unless and until you can see that it’s the price you pay for happiness, you won’t even consider renouncing them.
It’s May 1. My head is buzzing with May 1st songs from my old country. We would march on Heroes Square… wave flags, wave to the leaders of the country, eat cotton candy… it would be great.
So to celebrate that memory, I am offering a 30% off coupon if you buy the workshop in the next 4 days. Use coupon code SELF30
It expires on Tuesday, May 5 at midnight and the price goes back to normal.
In my experience, because of the layered nature of these fake selves, it is beneficial to do this process several times…
OK, here is the link to buy