Original publication date: March 11, 2012. Today all day I am reminded of this time…
The 39th Bach Flower Remedy: the Yew: Desire to receive for the self alone
One of the benefits, for me, to do the Connection Calls is being with all of you, and feeling how wretched, how miserable you feel. Not pleasant for me, but very useful.
I have been feeling some energies, some feelings that are not covered by the 38 original Bach Flower Remedies.
At the same time, while writing the Soul Correction articles, or teaching the core group classes, I can see that there is resistance there that doesn’t respond to the Heaven on Earth energy bundle.
In a conversation earlier today, I found one of the missing remedies: I’ve been guided to it for quite some time, but the guidance has become more concentrated in the past two days.
The yew, a new energy, started to pop up everywhere.
There is a beautiful yew (the yew is a tree) guarding the front door of the house I live in. I’ve been nurturing it for 8 years… that’s how long I have been here.
There was a huge yew in the garden of the house where I grew up.
I always wondered if those beautiful, inviting little ringlets of fire are edible. I remember eating one or two as a child… but not being sure, I didn’t have the courage to eat more.
The birds don’t eat it. Not even one. Maybe if we had a peacock… right? lol. 1
Of course I didn’t know the tree was called yew, I didn’t know anything about it. I thought it was really a pine… some version of a pine… evergreen, with pin-like leaves… very non-scientific, but beat me if you are much better at botany… lol.
Anyway, I was looking for the plant that could counter the sharp, curved, bow-like pain people have been bringing to the calls: arching from one shoulder to the other.
Resistance, and a kind of “humor me…” “f… you” “let’s see if you can make me…”
If I needed to give you an example, it is the attitude you bring to shopping and sales help in a clothing store.
You need help but you don’t want to be sold. You need help but you don’t want the sales person to make a commission on your purchase.
Pure and unadulterated desire to receive for the self alone. No win-win. You win and you want all the others to lose. One winner: you. Many losers.
What you are saying in your heart: “It is not OK with me if you benefit from selling me something. It would be best if you starved to death while I am using and benefiting from the fruits of YOUR labor, the sweat of your brow.”
And, undeniably, there are new and old “students” who bring that kind of attitude to my calls, to their partner calls, to life.
As always, when I am poised to distinguish something new, the occurrences of what precipitates (brings about) the discovery, are everywhere… Here are some examples from the last 3 days:
- The person who buys something from me, then the moment they get it, they demand a refund.
- The person who will suck my brain dry, and then goes and uses it without my permission, or without the benefit of acknowledging me as source.
- The person who won’t come to a connection call but wants access to the programs that require you to be connected…
- Or they come to the call but won’t connect. They revel in being disruptive to a whole big group of people’s connection… I can feel their glee. And when I throw them off the call, they call me intolerant, impatient, and other names.
So there you have it: the yew, the highly poisonous yew with the little beautiful fruit that looks soooo seductively sweet, so juicy, and so innocent, that whispers to you: “I am not hurting anyone… I just want what is my due… ” “I am right, everyone can see that!” “You can try, but won’t make me…” “Don’t sell to me! You are a money hungry, power hungry blah blah blah…” “I hoped you were going to be a loving mother to me… Now I hate you!”
All the while you are poisoning yourself.
YOU are eating the poison you meant for somebody else!
The yew energy is infused into the Heaven on Earth, both the remedy and the HOE audio.
Of course I am not using the plant in the remedy, only the energy. Source has already duplicated it, and I have been taking it since this morning. I can feel the bow and then I can feel it dissipate.
Desire to receive for the self alone is universal… everyone has it. Some more than others. The more wretched you feel the more you have… and the more you will benefit from the new Heaven on Earth.
Get your Heaven on Earth in in a bottle or use the audio to make your own, forever… or MAKE YOUR OWN Heaven on Earth Remedy!
Infuse it in your water, tea, coffee, soup. Every drop of water you drink can have the Heaven on Earth remedy. 100’s of satisfied users. Have results immediately.

Learn more
How to use your Heaven Earth remedy?
Sophie, on today’s call you mentioned that those of us with tense necks and shoulders and always (falsely) being “nice” to others, have this energy (sorry, not really sure how to phrase this).
Well, that pretty much describes me. And I’d like to elaborate a bit. I am known to be nice and helpful to practically everyone. It’s not something I do consciously, I don’t choose to be nice. It’s more that I’m compelled to do so. I find it hard not to be nice. Here and there I have been able to get enough distance to observe myself and I’ve noticed an inkling of a motivation to manipulate. Just haven’t understood how or why or what for, yet.
What I do know is that all this pleasing drains me and leaves me with little time for my own projects.
I had previously ignored it because I don’t relate to the behaviour examples you give in this arcticle and I don’t feel any resistance to anything we do on the calls or anything you say or write. Or maybe I’m just being nice?
Yes, I am confused (but not entirely lost 🙂 ) and happy to know my new dose of the remedy comes with this energy! Yay!
All the best,
yes. the nastiest way Yew shows itself as being nice. If you look at the yew fruit, or even the shiny green of the yew’s leaves: so attractive, so beautiful, and sooo poisonous.
The Yew is the one remedy Dr. Bach could not see, but without the Yew the whole setup, the whole set of energies was limping… and wasn’t complete.
congratulations on taking responsibility for your type of Yew: that is the first step.
I appreciate your courage (or niceness?) lol
Much love,
I am a Yew person
ok, thank you sophie. i guess i did get a bit carried away and was excited about the ‘yew’. a lot of the time i relate to people as one of dr. bach flower remedies… that’s how my teacher used to do it.
I’d like to think a little before you comment, try to understand the article, so it is a contribution. The last two comments were a little hasty. Nothing wrong, but try to add value, or ask questions so I can answer them…
? am subscribed to your site since last year,,, why? is there something wrong? I look forward to your writings every weekend. do you prefer that i don’t make comments?
Bernie, no disrespect meant, but how did you get to my site?
gosh, i never knew that tree was called a ‘yew’. my aunt whom i adored many years ago had one growing in her little front garden, and i used to marvel at both its shape and its berries, i was fascinated with it, but i don’t think i ever tried to eat one, thank god LOL and yes, i can’t recall it ever having butterflies or bees or birds in it. me thinks a ‘very push away’ tree. the rest of the garden had plenty of snails and caterpillars, and birds and crawlies,,, the tree was right outside their bedroom window, and they had a sad life unfortunately, and, this is true, but my uncle was a very hunched over and ‘lopsided’ person,, he even had a crooked grin,, but he was still lovely to us… thanks sophie for this article,, will check out the ‘yew’ now that i know what it is.
I think Monsanto is so full of itself, it can’t be bothered with what people say.
One of the reasons I have chosen to be grass root and laying low, even to sound a little hokey, is: this way I can just do the work. Don’t you fret: but instead of talking about Monsanto, talk about what each person can do.
One of my favorite quotes is from Thoreau: “Don’t look backwards unless you want to go that way!”
Don’t let Monsanto get a hold of this information, they may combine it with Agent Orange to insure the longevity of their already poisonous crops!
Yeah, I was chuckling yesterday, that maybe the key to longevity is to be so poisonous that no insect, no animal would want to bite into you… because the yew is also famous for its longevity.
One of the deadliest trees on the planet, and they’re using it for chemotherapy, and making over a billion a year on it! Imagine that….
There is some mistake here, Sophie. As far as I know from books, websites, the Heaven on Earth booklet (the red one in the sidebar) and your own articles, Dr. Edward Bach invented 38 flower remedies (and the 39th is Rescue Remedy, a mix made of 5 of these 38).
The Heaven on Earth energy bundle is an energy duplication of the above mentionned 38, which the world has gotten thanks to your work with Source.
NONE of these remedies/energies is gotten from YEW. This one is NEW and it is Sophie’s No. 1 Energy.
Am I wrong?
I prefer to give credit where credit is due… Dr Bach never invented Bach energy, only Bach Flower Remedies… this is an energy… but it is a Bach Energy, works exactly he taught us… so it is his.
Thank you for the vote of credit… I prefer to give it to him
intolerant is healthy and normal, still getting the meaning of this one, i will read it again
intolerant is not healthy