I’ll be 67 next week, so being well, getting better is a frequent thought. Working on myself is an activity I don’t find pleasure in… but luckily, as an empath, my hands on healing modality is healing by proxy, so when I work on a client I work on myself as well.
One of the things I seem to need regularly is liver flushing. Why? I don’t know, I don’t care, I only car that it gets done. But, and it is strange to me too, all the energies get stronger when there are recipients, so cleansing my own liver takes a lot more effort, than cleansing someone else’s and get my own done in the process.
So I strive to have at least one steady client at any one time, even if it is not a paid client.
I like circuitry… honoring energy’s nature to not be stored or blocked, so I do donate my time, my healing, my money all the time, with just that, circuitry, in mind.
I just published two articles on my healing blog… I think they may interest you: both are case studies of clients with serious debilitating conditions.
Go, learn and enjoy: https://healing.by-sophie.com
It may be relevant for you, for a friend or family member… so don’t miss out.