Vibrational Reviews: Barbara Marx Hubbard, native american wisdom, Dr. David Hawkins, Dr. Sun Myung Moon
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Soul correction: 17 Great Escape
personal vibration: 400;
her theories, her teachings’s truth value: 10%;
Does she connect to Source? no.;
Is her teaching Tree of Life or Tree of Knowledge? 91% Tree of Knowledge.
Is her teaching actionable and take you to where she says you should go? no.
Is there anything useful in what she teaches? yes.
Teaching that humanity needs to change something fundamental, that humanity needs to become inner-directed is useful, although not actionable
Dr. David Hawkins:
soul correction: Soul Mate 28
personal vibration 200; his methodology truth value: 7%
His personality is all 28: all pretense.
Dr. Sun Myung Moon
personal vibration: 200.
Mrs Moon: 210; Is he the messiah? no;
truth value of his teaching: 4%; ; The “moonies”

Elena, I am an innovator, but that doesn't mean that I base any of “my” methodology on his vibrational scale of consciousness. Besides, you can invent a scale, get famous for it, and it's wrong. The only things I actually accept as valid from Dr. David Hawkins' methodology are
you can muscletest vibration and truth value
it's a good way to show the different vibrations, in a logarithmic scale. I did a course with Quantum Thought Shifting Guru, Pam Ragland a few years ago (1977) and to prove that what she did worked, she showed our before and after vibration, with tens of zeros… I (and others in the class) were impressed… but those numbers were meaningless: the distinction she called vibration is not an actual cycle per second number, it is a relative number, much like percentage, between not at all there, and totally there… the there being the highest consciousness available to a human.
I tend to see evidence that the number 200 correlates quite nicely to being a dividing line between all lower self/some higher self.
nothing else seems to be what he says (or the other copycat authors) and even he had a source regarding to a scale, the widely hated L. Ron Hubbard. Actually L. Ron Hubbard's scale, who I don't like myself, is a better scale, but is harder to use, because it is not logartithmic, and ends around 400.
How about this for a long answer? lol
Sophie (PS: the email with the link to the New Healing Modality report is on the way)
How come Dr. Hawkins is rated so low while your whole methodology is based upon his vibrational scale of consciousness?