Some insights on health, and why things are the way they are, and why are people different in their needs…
Yesterday I spent three hours to listen to Dr. Joel Wallach. 1
I think I have spent, to date, about a hundred hours listening to him. Why so much? He talks too fast, and he isn’t saying the things to be understood, but to impress… In that he is a typical doctor: big ego… holding his cards close to his chest.
But… But knowing where to look, knowing what sort of things to expect, to always expect wrong eating, nutritional deficiency, misguided knowledge, has been my tool, in addition to being able to muscletest, while I am connected to Source.
When I muscletest while connected to Source, I am asking Source. Not the body of the client, not myself, no. Source. Neutral third party… lol. And when I ask Source, the secret, MY secret is to ask intelligent questions. And that intelligence comes from Joel Wallach… 2 I think I have spent, to date, about a hundred hours listening to him. Why so much? He talks too fast, and he isn’t saying the things to be understood but to impress… He sounds like a salesman… In that he is a typical doctor: holding his cards close to his chest.
But… But knowing where to look, knowing what sort of things to expect, to always expect wrong eating, nutritional deficiency, misguided knowledge, has been my tool, in addition to being able to muscletest, while I am connected to Source.
When I muscletest while connected to Source, I am asking Source. Not the body of the client, not myself, no. Source. Neutral third party… lol. And when I ask Source, the secret, MY secret is to ask intelligent questions. And that intelligence comes from Joel Wallach… and the listening to his stuff, for hundred hours. Intelligence takes time.
Now, truth time: Dr. Wallach’s truth value (accuracy) is 30%. That is high and that is low. It is low because as a doctor, he is arrogant. My accuracy in my “reading” is 50%. It is higher, but it is still low. It is low because I may ask the wrong question. And it is low often because I try to get my muscletesting too fast… because I am still selling my time for too cheap… I’ll either raise my prices, or make peace for making a low “wage”. I haven’t decided yet.
With regards to the intelligence of my questions: I am learning as fast as I can… but not faster. The average book has a truth value between 1% and 7%. So from every new book I may learn one thing… one thing out of 250 pages. That one thing won’t even increase my accuracy by 1%. So this is how it is.
In my family my father and I were blood type B. I say were, because my father is dead. I am still here, still blood type B.
Still not 100% well. 70%, according to muscletest. I am starting to see the issues, what is between 70 and 100, clearer than before. Still not quite intelligent… I must admit.
- 1. heartburn
- 2. weakened bones
- 3. occasional disturbed sleep
I have a hunch that heartburn will be the hardest symptom to correct, because its causes are so wide-ranging.
So I am dealing with one cause at a time.
Weak stomach acid: difficulty to digest proteins.
Most Jews are blood type B, I think. And most Jews have a difficulty digesting proteins.
In Jewish restaurants they serve pickles and or harifim… pickled hot-hot peppers.
These all start to prepare the stomach for what’s coming. These add some acid, and the hot peppers trigger digestive juices, so the digestion will happen easier.
Many generations’ wisdom.
The other part comes from Ayurveda: don’t drink anything with your food, and don’t drink for a while after you finish.
They don’t say: if you are a blood type B. They don’t know about that. Instead they categorize you as someone who has strong digestive fire, or not.
Heartburn is a sign of not strong enough digestive fire.
And I have been snubbing that… and I have been paying the price.
So today I am more aware and more willing to be aware than any times before.
It’s 10 am, and no heartburn yet.
I’ve had my scrambled eggs breakfast and three cups of coffee before that. And I had a few picked hot peppers with the juice. Invigorating.
I have resisted to have a cup of coffee right after the eggs, as I normally do. I muscletested, and it said: 30 minutes wait after the eggs.
So it’s now 30 minutes, and I’ll test if this was true. I hope… or I’ll have heartburn for the rest of the day.
I will do this experiment: have picked hot peppers before a meal, and nothing to drink for 30 minutes.
I will also refrain taking factory made vitamins… I’ll take my home made capsules, but not factory made. And I’ll take my Dr. Schulze superfood.
Because the other possible culprit that causes heartburn is the magnesium stearate and similar additives that act, in my system, as irritant in my esophagus, causing acid reflux, which is another name for heartburn.
OK… it is several hours later, and I have a small, bearable heartburn… which means that either I drank coffee too soon, or I need more experiments.
And last, let me address a recurring “issue”.
When someone pays me to check their health and hydration, occasionally I get an answer: But I feel fine.
To which my answer is:
if you have never been really well, then you think that being fine is actually good.
I thought getting headaches is normal. I thought the getting tired was normal. I thought that being thirsty all the time was normal. I thought that staying awake for hours after going to bed was normal. I thought my eyes getting weaker was normal.
It’s not, but I didn’t know.
I am still not 100%, and I may never be 100%.
But I want to be 100% of what I can possibly be, given my age and the permanent damage I have possibly incurred… But
- I haven’t had a headache in three years.
- I haven’t had a fever blister in three years.
- I haven’t had a pimple in three years.
- I haven’t had constipation in three years.
- I tolerate heat, and I tolerate cold
- I haven’t had a cold for at least three years.
- My eyes are the same as they were when I was 9 when I first got glasses.
- I am now slim… knock on wood, lol.
- I have no stretch marks, no wrinkles on my body, but my face shows that I am almost 70.
- My hair, my teeth are crappy…
- I have heartburn
- And if I forget to take my Vitamin Bs, I sleep poorly. I don’t absorb my nutrients well… After 65 years of eating gluten on a gluten intolerant body is not going to cure itself in a year or two.
I am still looking to fill the gap between 70 and hundred percent.
You are satisfied for your health to be under 10%.
Does this make sense to you?
It makes sense to me if you are satisfied living on the level of coasting you are living.
I spoke with a student the other day. I wanted to know what he does with his time… 16 or so hours a day.
If his life is any indication about how people live, I understand you being “fine” with having a health level of 10%. You have no activities that requires you to be sharp, agile, intelligent, and astute.
Because you can do that kind of life…
But a life that is worth living needs you to be “finer” than you are. Cells hydrated, body and brain firing on all cylinders.
The interesting view, that unless you are sick, you are well, is something that doesn’t make sense to me.
You are like the farmer who says: as long as the crop grows well with only three nutrients, I won’t give it more. That people/animals eat it and get no nutrients… I don’t care. I only care about my money.
They worry only about fighting disease or pests, and Monsanto is growing.
You? Ditto. And the medical pharmaceutical monopoly, set in law since 1917? Or was it 1914?
The attitude of the medical monopoly is that you have to get sick and stay sick for them to make money from you. So they even invent diseases and conditions for you. Much like Monsanto… create diseases so you need them.
And that is you… ignorant, unwilling or unable to take charge of your own life.
You are fine until you are sick. Stupid? So were all those people who dropped dead. Or got tangled up as decades long money wells for their doctors.
I wouldn’t like to work knowing that the money will go to a doctor.
Why do you?
Transcript – Dead Doctors Dont Lie
by Dr. Joel Wallach (Partial transcript of the original talk from 1991 or 1992)
1. Ulcers, caused by stress?
2. Cancer
3. Arthritis
4. Alzheimer’s Disease
5. Kidney Stones
6. Aortic Aneurysms
7. Varicose veins
8. Stroke
9. Cardio Myopathy
10. Cravings
11. Liver or Age Spots
12. Hyperactive children/Low blood sugar/Diabetes
13. Baldness and
14. Deafness
15. Osteoporosis (partial)
16. Hormones
17. Smell/Taste loss
18. Longevity
19. Osteoporosis
20. Gingivitis/Receding Gums
21. Arthritis
22. Hypertension/high blood pressure
23. Insomnia
24. Kidney stones/bone spurs/heel spurs/calcium deposits
25. Muscle Cramps/twitches
26. PMS
27. Low Back Pain
28. DiabetesContinue reading in a pdf… my server can’t handle 20 thousand words in an article…transcript-dead-doctors-dont-lie