Case Study #8: Radical Undoing and other breathing programs

Originally posted 2011-06-29 15:03:23.

Controlled breathing changes your physiology. It can help calm you down, clear your mind, and change the brain wave frequency both during and shortly after the breathing exercise.

Controlled breathing changes your physiology. It can help calm you down, clear your mind, and change the brain wave frequency both during and shortly after the breathing exercise.

It is like flossing: it doesn’t effect you permanently, and it does not effect the unconscious. It is a great practice, and I recommend it to anyone.

Few have the discipline to keep it up though.

Radical Undoing…

Coming up next: Case Study #9: Holosync

before you continue… some breathing actually makes you more coherent… here is a video to demonstrate it…


the breathing is in the second part of the video.

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar