Become all you can become with Sophie He that won't be counselled, can't be helped Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:37:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 all you can become with Sophie 32 32 yes He that won't be counselled, can't be helped Become all you can become with Sophie true Become all you can become with Sophie podcast He that won't be counselled, can't be helped Become all you can become with Sophie dd49d3b4-74d3-5b20-8d1b-244cd1858885 Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:12:07 +0000 0 <p>Originally posted 2011-06-25 13:04:23. I first participated in what is now called Landmark Education back in 1985, the last weekend of August, in Haifa Israel.I lived in an immigration hostel, I worked as an architect and town planner in Jerusalem and I was miserable.In quick succession two Russian immigrants killed themselves: I knew and liked … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs"</span></a></p> <p>The post <a href="">Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs</a> first appeared on <a href="">Become all you can become with Sophie</a>.</p> Originally posted 2011-06-25 13:04:23.

Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs

Werner Erhard, founder of est and the original source of Landmark EducationI first participated in what is now called Landmark Education back in 1985, the last weekend of August, in Haifa Israel.

I lived in an immigration hostel, I worked as an architect and town planner in Jerusalem and I was miserable.

In quick succession two Russian immigrants killed themselves: I knew and liked them both. One of them was so determined that she manage to hang herself from the window bars, even though the window sill was only about 20 inches… Knee high.

I was going to be next. Except that someone invited me to something on a Wednesday evening.

As soon as the presenter started to speak I knew what it was. I recognized it.
Two years earlier I went to one of those, signed up, but a New Yorker friend of mine told me:

You are stupid. I will do it for you for much less. I’ll yell at you, won’t let you go to the bathroom, for much less.’ OK, I said and I withdrew.

But he didn’t mean it, and I didn’t catch what the company’s name was, and I didn’t know how to sign up again.

So, here I was, on the precipice of that same thing, the savior, the thing that was going to save me. I signed up for a class that started next day, in Haifa, where I knew no one and made sure I didn’t tell anyone what I was going to do.

The course was called Communication Workshop, and it was in Hebrew. It took me till the morning of the third day to understand a whole sentence… lol. But, as you’ll see, understanding is not why you are there.

In the afternoon there was an exercise.

Simple enough: list the names of all the people with whom your relationship is not the best.

I made a list that started with my mother. Then the leader said: eliminate the first three and work on number 4. #4 was my father. I was disappointed.

The next step was to find the one sentence, that if you said it to them, it would open up a whole new era of relationship.

My partner for the exercise was this beautiful Yemeni Jew, Mordechai. That made the exercise all the more difficult, but hey, screw it, I am going to do it.

So I started to tell my father, who never looked like this good looking guy, all the things he did to me when I was a child. Beatings, molestation, juicy stuff. My partner was grooving. Then he asked: Is that it?

I looked at him, and said: No. Something is pushing up my belly, wanting to come out, like a belch.

Then I heard myself say: You never married me.

You never married me!

That sentence came from who knows where… I laughed, I cried… That was that course for me.

When I went back to Jerusalem the next day, people were different.

They weren’t turning away from me, they weren’t leaving the room when I entered. Many asked: What did you do? I said that ‘I just came back from a course.’ By the end of the workday four people signed up.

They said that if a course could do ‘this’ for me, then they wanted to do it too.

I am sharing this, because this points to what’s effective, what’s magnificent in Landmark Education.

Their ‘technology’ is to tease out stuff from the unconscious, what you didn’t know that you didn’t know.

I spent 33 years in acute misery, but why, what was the cause, in spite of all the expensive therapy, I’d had no clue.

Once I saw that I made a decision as a 5 year old that my father was my lover and therefore he should marry me, and he didn’t, I could see that I was the cause of my misery, not other people, not circumstances, no, it was me doing it to myself.

Now, that’s what is great about Landmark Education. That it opens your eyes to a lot of the undertow or undercurrent of life, the invisible dynamics that run the show.

The bad part is that today it is more intellectual. It gets under your skin less and less… even though the seeing a new reality comes from the confrontation.

It is a lot more intellectual than it was in 1985. And intellectual means: it does not touch the unconscious parts of you, it does not change what’s imprinted there, or not often.

Which means that it is a lot of mental processing to be well and effective, if all you’ve got is Landmark Education’s technology.

They say that using the Landmark Education distinctions is ‘the level of knowing’. Where you want to get to is ‘the level of being used by‘ the distinctions. But in the limited circles where I see Landmark Education graduates, I see none of them being on that level.

Landmark Education’s programs check out at 495 on the map of consciousness, and the leaders vary. Local seminar leaders, according to my measures, are between 100 and 200 on that consciousness scale, higher when they are leading.

Some high level leaders are around 500. I won’t mention names here.

500 is significant, because it is higher than the programs themselves. And that ‘puny’ 5 point difference signifies a very important step, going from reason (all left brain) to the dominion of soul, all of it, right brain, intuition, divine.


Update 3/2/2015:

Landmark Education’s programs are now only 300 on the vibrational scale. Their highest vibration leader, Nancy Zapolsky, measures at 300, at some point in the past her vibration was 500.

The vibration, on average, of a leading Landmark Education Forum Leader is 200. A leading Landmark Education Seminar Leader is around 170. The average vibration of a Landmark Education graduate is 155.

Next coming up: Case Study #5: The Kabbalah Centre

The post Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-06-25 13:04:23. I first participated in what is now called Landmark Education back in 1985, the last weekend of August, in Haifa Israel.I lived in an immigration hostel, I worked as an architect and town planner in Jerusalem and ... Originally posted 2011-06-25 13:04:23. I first participated in what is now called Landmark Education back in 1985, the last weekend of August, in Haifa Israel.I lived in an immigration hostel, I worked as an architect and town planner in Jerusalem and I was miserable.In quick succession two Russian immigrants killed themselves: I knew and liked … Continue reading "Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs" Become all you can become with Sophie full false 5:16
Defending Your Life Movie Illustrating Raising Your Vibration Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:12:06 +0000 0 <p>Originally posted 2011-06-25 09:03:24. Defending Your LifeThis is a review of the movie, Defending Your Life, from the point of view of raising your vibration.How does higher vibration look to you if it is your own higher vibration? How would you know? What would the world look like?These are the questions I attempt to answer … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Defending Your Life Movie Illustrating Raising Your Vibration"</span></a></p> <p>The post <a href="">Defending Your Life Movie Illustrating Raising Your Vibration</a> first appeared on <a href="">Become all you can become with Sophie</a>.</p> Originally posted 2011-06-25 09:03:24.

Defending Your Life and higher vibrationDefending Your Life

This is a review of the movie, Defending Your Life, from the point of view of raising your vibration.

How does higher vibration look to you if it is your own higher vibration? How would you know? What would the world look like?

These are the questions I attempt to answer in this article.

In my conversation with Nancy I said “little brains” and I would like to say where it came from… in some way say, that I didn’t mean what it implies, I was quoting from a movie.

The movie, Defending Your Life from 1991, is a movie by Albert Brooks, starring himself and Meryl Streep. It’s a comedy, and it’s wonderful.

The synopsis of Defending Your Life is interesting: Our hero, Albert Brooks, quite a knucklehead, dies of a driving mistake.

He finds himself alive on a bus with other people, who, it turns out, also died that same day.

Their destination is Judgment City. It’s a modern city, much like any other American city… but we’ll find out, it is not on Earth.

He is checked into a hotel, and told to get ready for his trial.

I won’t blow the whole story, I hope you’ll want to watch it, it’s fun, and it points out some stuff I am interested in conveying.

In particular, Albert Brooks has a few conversations with his defense lawyer who helps him to defend his life. For what? If you pass, you won’t have to return to the endless Earth, where you can try again… What? Be courageous. Live a full life, live full out.

The defense lawyer reads Brooks’ life story from a datasheet… no English, no letters, just zeros and ones. He reads it with ease, just like computers are comfortable with doing everything by crunching numbers.

Brooks is amazed. The lawyer says that people in Judgment City use more of their brains than… Earth people. They were once Earth people themselves, but they evolved, and now they use more of their brain’s capacity.

He says: I use 48% of my brain. Oh, OK, says Brooks. The lawyer asks: how much of your brain do you think you use? Brooks ponders and answers: 47%?

The lawyer laughs in amusement. No, he said, 3%…

Then he explains that what uses the rest of it, or what blocks us from using it all, is fear.

The trial is to find out if you hit the mark in having conquered your fears…

OK, the story continues, but this is what I wanted to share.

I wanted to share that when your vibration rises, because you are getting clearer and clearer that the Creator loves you unconditionally, that you are deserving, worthy, loved and lovable, powerful, and beautiful, talented and all that… you don’t even know, much of the time, that you should be afraid.

Meryl’s character proves it: she looks brave, but she is just being. You need to have fear to need courage to act. In the absence of fear, no act requires courage.

Imagine living your life as a computer game: everything and everyone else is in the machine, and you move the levers and dials. Now, look: if a lion comes your way: are you afraid? No. You aim and hit it or miss it, but you don’t waste your precious time and energy to be afraid.

One of the capacities that is dormant in your circuits is “impervious”.

Imagine all the things that have driven you batty all your life, people gossiping, attacking you, disobeying, annoying, insulting you, humiliating you… suddenly happening only on the screen… and you are thoroughly untouched. Would your response be different that they are now?

This may be just scratching the surface, but it is a deep scratch showing a lot of what’s hidden from your “normal” view.

You may sound more intelligent, and it may be true: you may have access to more processing power.

You may sound wise: your vantage point is slightly to the side and slightly elevated: so you see more, and you don’t get caught up in the personal aspects of most anything.

You may have access to divine knowledge, because you have more time and more peace of mind to confer to the divine about stuff that matters.

You may lose some of your drive, because you have nothing to prove, no recognition to seek, no accolades to chase, no prizes to win. Nothing to prove. You are free to pursue what is worth giving your life to: whatever area that may be: Mother, educator, inventor, healer, traveler, you add your calling to this list.

As you see, higher vibration doesn’t change the outer appearance of the person.

What you see, in the Defending Your Life, it gives them access to love, to bravery, to adventure, to a higher purposed life.

Watch Defending Your Life on youtube…

The post Defending Your Life Movie Illustrating Raising Your Vibration first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-06-25 09:03:24. Defending Your LifeThis is a review of the movie, Defending Your Life, from the point of view of raising your vibration.How does higher vibration look to you if it is your own higher vibration? Originally posted 2011-06-25 09:03:24. Defending Your LifeThis is a review of the movie, Defending Your Life, from the point of view of raising your vibration.How does higher vibration look to you if it is your own higher vibration? How would you know? What would the world look like?These are the questions I attempt to answer … Continue reading "Defending Your Life Movie Illustrating Raising Your Vibration" Become all you can become with Sophie full true
What, when, why, and how of what happened Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:10:59 +0000 0 <p>In this short article I’ll regale what has really happened to me and my body, that I have been struggling to stay alive for so long.I have had an infected water connection… don’t know more than that… I assume I have had it for years… maybe more than a decade.The organism creates neurotoxins and thus … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "What, when, why, and how of what happened"</span></a></p> <p>The post <a href="">What, when, why, and how of what happened</a> first appeared on <a href="">Become all you can become with Sophie</a>.</p> What, when, why, and how of what happened

In this short article I’ll regale what has really happened to me and my body, that I have been struggling to stay alive for so long.

I have had an infected water connection… don’t know more than that… I assume I have had it for years… maybe more than a decade.

The organism creates neurotoxins and thus I have been taking that for years.

My health has declined for the past more than 10 years… I would have never connected it to the water without what happened since my last birthday.

Previous to my birthday I had drank 5-6 cups of tea daily, which, in hindsight, were and excellent way to flush out much of the toxins… But then I suddenly stopped. Around my birthday I didn’t have an appetite. To improve my health I decided to go on a water fast. No food, just the deadly neurotoxins.

I broke the fast after eight days, but by then my health was on a slippery slope.

A period of a lot of experimentation and guessing came… Source either didn’t know what was going on, or I was asking the wrong questions. All in all, I had to use my human brain to save my life.

The mechanism this microorganism uses to spread its genes is to make the hapless victim drown in its own juices, explode and thus find new victims. The lungs fill with ‘juices’… then the legs swell .

The ‘water’ level by yesterday was up to my neck… and it was really an emergency situation.

Nothing has worked to arrest the rise of the water. That is when Source said: you have an energy that looks hopeful.

I hadn’t used that energy for ten years… never had really looked how it worked, so I discarded it.

I spent some time yesterday studying it. It works on a quasi sonic principle: whatever doesn’t belong gets shaken apart and washed away. The shaking doesn’t break bonds that are supposed to be, but growths, infections, crusts are blasted off and then, hopefully washed away.

It’s hard to take it longer than a few minutes… I’ve just 20 minutes of it. Difficult treatment to forestall death.

Since I started to use it, the water level descended a whole inch.

In just a few hours.

The ‘real’ challenge has been not obeying the instructions of the neurotoxins.

The instructions to be afraid of imminent death… and not even stand up have been irresistible. When I don’t obey, the fear and the pain are so strong, it takes a long time to catch my breath… so it is now a race between the energies and the neurotoxins.

Also a few weeks ago I was hellbent to end my life… and the neurotoxins didn’t agree…

I wouldn’t be surprised if this bug were underneath all the COPD and heart failures, the fourth leading cause of death in the USA.

So, if I manage to recover and live: what am I going to do about my water?

Just a few minutes of exposing the water to the original big bundle solves that problem.

I just took a snooze leaning over my keyboard… this is how I’ve been sleeping for weeks now.

Source says I am now winning this war, not just the battle.

The key to that has been consciously and forcefully staying connected to Source… it has been really difficult under the pressure of fear of imminent death…

The post What, when, why, and how of what happened first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

In this short article I’ll regale what has really happened to me and my body, that I have been struggling to stay alive for so long.I have had an infected water connection… don’t know more than that… I assume I have had it for years… maybe more than a ... In this short article I’ll regale what has really happened to me and my body, that I have been struggling to stay alive for so long.I have had an infected water connection… don’t know more than that… I assume I have had it for years… maybe more than a decade.The organism creates neurotoxins and thus … Continue reading "What, when, why, and how of what happened" Become all you can become with Sophie full false 3:02
The feedback that made me look again at myself Tue, 02 Jan 2024 19:23:37 +0000 0 <p>Hi Sophie,Thank you for writing this (yesterday’s) article. I too have wanted a magic and quick way to get to the conclusion or result of something. But with using the sight capacity and also looking at my past projects or successes, the quick “shortcut” way almost never works, or doesn’t lead to a sustained result.Lately … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "The feedback that made me look again at myself"</span></a></p> <p>The post <a href="">The feedback that made me look again at myself</a> first appeared on <a href="">Become all you can become with Sophie</a>.</p> The feedback that made me look again at myself

Hi Sophie,

Thank you for writing this (yesterday’s) article. I too have wanted a magic and quick way to get to the conclusion or result of something. But with using the sight capacity and also looking at my past projects or successes, the quick “shortcut” way almost never works, or doesn’t lead to a sustained result.

Lately I also had a bit of time to reflect when I wasn’t feeling well on a couple of days. I had been reviewing some of the past communications that we had before, such as the guidance that you provided in the food lists, since 2017. I realized that several times where I did not follow the guidance, I thought I knew better or took what you said personally, or thought it meant I was “wrong” (though I can tell now that you were just saying ‘A is A’). For example, when you said I had inflammation, I automatically went to “inflammation is bad” and “it is wrong for me to have inflammation”. While I didn’t doubt that what you said was correct, I struggled to accept it, as it didn’t match what I wanted to believe, or my view of reality.

Anyway this ties into your latest article where you talked about people doing what they say they will do, and quickly. Getting well for me has been a process too. It’s the small actions that I take every day that over time lead to progress. This includes eating only foods on my food list, noticing my attitudes, slowing down instead of rushing, listening to the big bundle during the night, and using the energy healing audio. There have been some periods recently where I made a kind of experiment to (temporarily) do the opposite of what would improve my health, and not surprisingly, I did not feel happy and energetic. I felt worse and I couldn’t maintain focus and be productive. So I have made a commitment to myself to go back to the strait and narrow, to go back to what was working, as my purpose is to achieve and sustain health, even if there are parts to it that I don’t understand. I get reminders of the debilitating back pain and stiffness if I accidentally eat something with leaves, and from that I get sufficient motivation to stay on track. I definitely don’t want to live a life where I feel that pain nearly every day as I did in early 2022. The vast majority (if not all!) of the actions that I can take to move me in the right direction with regards to my health are within my control, and I am very grateful for that.

I hope that you can make it through this difficult time Sophie. I get that every day is a challenge for you, and it’s very difficult and painful and there is a lot of uncertainty. Thank you for continuing to look for the pieces of the invisible through all of this and I wish the very best for you.

The post The feedback that made me look again at myself first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Hi Sophie,Thank you for writing this (yesterday’s) article. I too have wanted a magic and quick way to get to the conclusion or result of something. But with using the sight capacity and also looking at my past projects or successes, Hi Sophie,Thank you for writing this (yesterday’s) article. I too have wanted a magic and quick way to get to the conclusion or result of something. But with using the sight capacity and also looking at my past projects or successes, the quick “shortcut” way almost never works, or doesn’t lead to a sustained result.Lately … Continue reading "The feedback that made me look again at myself" Become all you can become with Sophie full false 2:29
We need to cut our coat according to our cloth Mon, 01 Jan 2024 14:37:38 +0000 0 <p>is your integrity so low? Why, when you say ‘I’ll do that‘ it is almost 100% certain that you won’t? Boggles the mind doesn’t it?It boggles the mind even though it is natural.This is just one unnatural thing, to always expect do what you said ‘I’ll do‘ fast, preferably instantly and with lovely attitude.But that … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "We need to cut our coat according to our cloth"</span></a></p> <p>The post <a href="">We need to cut our coat according to our cloth</a> first appeared on <a href="">Become all you can become with Sophie</a>.</p> We need to cut our coat according to our cloth

is your integrity so low? Why, when you say ‘I’ll do that‘ it is almost 100% certain that you won’t? Boggles the mind doesn’t it?

It boggles the mind even though it is natural.

This is just one unnatural thing, to always expect do what you said ‘I’ll do‘ fast, preferably instantly and with lovely attitude.

But that is not how humans are built. Blame the builder… not yourself.

In the design of humans (DNA) everything is designed to be the result of a process… feeling it out first.

One of the results of this deadly illness I am going through is that everything slows down, and I can see exactly how it proceeds.

Let’s take this morning… I woke up in my chair around 3 am. I was tired but not sleepy. I needed to go to the bathroom.

It took me 45 minutes to get from ‘I need to go to the bathroom‘ to actually stand up and go.

That same exact move took 3 hours a few days ago, so it is getting more ‘instant’ as I am working on it.

The body and the brain does a billion calculations before it is actually willing to move.

I don’t know what the calculations are about, but I can tell with some certainty: one of them is the question: ‘what is the chance that this move will kill me?

In my case, congestive heart failure, it makes more sense, but trust me, everyone’s brain asks that question, every single time you ask your body for an action.

I have also noticed that the ‘rules’ of causing action are different from what ‘others’ teach and what most people think they are.

Most people think that what gets one to a movement is some big push… forceful.

This is what manifests in a lot of people’s lives as failed or abandoned projects, hemorrhoids, sprained muscles, destroyed relationships, and bloody results.

A result of a deadly concoction of impatience, entitlement, and misunderstanding of how life, how reality works.

Yeah? How does reality work?

Reality works on gentle pulses best. Nudges. Like water… water is soft but can erode the hardest of rocks…

Sages have attempted to teach humanity to learn the nature of reality: that reality is like water. That it works best if you also act like water. That it is the best for you, if like water, you take on the shape of of the vessel life is coming at you with.

Of course, other than marshal arts none learned it… because understanding it, even getting to get it, will never take you to mastery, where you can’t be no other.

In the amazing Neal Stephenson book, The Diamond Age, this engineer creates this Artificial Intelligence masterpiece, the interactive Primer that teaches the holder of The Primer to live life like water.

Nell is the first ‘trainee’, and then the ‘ant army’, quarter million Chinese girls… The book shows why ‘normal’ humanity lives like savages, no rhyme, no reason, no finesse, no glory, no grandeur in their lives. It takes a tremendous amount of training to cause an uncouth rock, a diamond in the rough to become a brilliant gem.


PS:cut your coat according to your cloth is a PROVERB

  1. undertake only what you have the money or ability to do and no more.

The post We need to cut our coat according to our cloth first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

is your integrity so low? Why, when you say ‘I’ll do that‘ it is almost 100% certain that you won’t? Boggles the mind doesn’t it?It boggles the mind even though it is natural.This is just one unnatural thing, is your integrity so low? Why, when you say ‘I’ll do that‘ it is almost 100% certain that you won’t? Boggles the mind doesn’t it?It boggles the mind even though it is natural.This is just one unnatural thing, to always expect do what you said ‘I’ll do‘ fast, preferably instantly and with lovely attitude.But that … Continue reading "We need to cut our coat according to our cloth" Become all you can become with Sophie full false 2:55
What is the rarest activity? and the most frequent? Sun, 31 Dec 2023 12:03:41 +0000 0 <p>Your original false solution for everything is going to nudge you till you die.My original false solution is hope. Actions based on hope. Hope that things will be OK, or better.Or that I am ready now… that I’ll survive.I could not see this until I got myself into the situation where my survival is not … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "What is the rarest activity? and the most frequent?"</span></a></p> <p>The post <a href="">What is the rarest activity? and the most frequent?</a> first appeared on <a href="">Become all you can become with Sophie</a>.</p> What is the rarest activity? and the most frequent?

Your original false solution for everything is going to nudge you till you die.

My original false solution is hope. Actions based on hope. Hope that things will be OK, or better.

Or that I am ready now… that I’ll survive.

I could not see this until I got myself into the situation where my survival is not handled yet, of maybe even can’t be handled no matter what I do.

The fact that I could drag myself from my sleeping chair to the kitchen to have a cup of tea doesn’t mean that there is any future for me, and that I now should order whatever the next fancy is.

It’s hard.

It’s been hard, but more importantly quite ineffective to disengage hope. It’s not just that it’s been my go-to place for comfort for 76 years, more that it is a hidden power, the human condition in action.

No one has gotten out of the human condition alive. And we are all in this soup together.

Not many people will get the opportunity to clearly see what they have given their lives to… the false solution. I would consider myself lucky if it were even just a little less painful… I don’t. It’s horrible.

But I have a lot of time at hand, given that I can’t do hardly anything with my time… other than stay aware, stay alert, and distinguish.

I imagine being a disembodied brain kept alive in water… only the pain is the difference… that I still have a body that can hurt.

Anyway, I have done the work of distinguishing for quite a few of you in my head… and I am ready to share, as soon as the body agrees. Not just yet. I have postponed the workshop that was scheduled for Saturday, with the hope that next Saturday I can actually physically do it.

It would be so much more predictable if I could lose the body…

What I have seen this past night is this: Only action makes a difference, if what you want is an alteration of your course.

Most people never do anything that does… or maybe they do, but not long enough.

The action needs to be relevant, strong enough to change something, and long enough to matter.

And, of course, whatever you think you are doing in your head is not action. Not even in the ballpark of action.

I have been having calls with one of my students daily for a few weeks, I really don’t know for how long.

Having calls sound like action, right? But so far none of these calls have produced an single action… not from the student, not from me.

On the other hand my nephew who asked me to be strong and hang in there, has produced and action from me of not giving up, not reacting, no jumping into conclusion, for I don’t know five days now?

Not doing something is also an action… an action that either alters your course of keep you on the old one.

Action is the rarest thing in the human condition. Talking is the most frequent.



PS: If you want to read beautiful writing of people who chose to act, go here

The post What is the rarest activity? and the most frequent? first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Your original false solution for everything is going to nudge you till you die.My original false solution is hope. Actions based on hope. Hope that things will be OK, or better.Or that I am ready now… that I’ll survive. Your original false solution for everything is going to nudge you till you die.My original false solution is hope. Actions based on hope. Hope that things will be OK, or better.Or that I am ready now… that I’ll survive.I could not see this until I got myself into the situation where my survival is not … Continue reading "What is the rarest activity? and the most frequent?" Become all you can become with Sophie full false 2:41
It is like being waterboarded… again and again and again. Fri, 29 Dec 2023 17:36:56 +0000 0 <p>It is like being waterboarded… again and again and again.Waterboarding is, of course, a torture technique designed to break an enemy captured.Horrible. Even if you survive you have PTSD, nightmares.And much of this ordeal with my health was like waterboarding… whenever I set my head on a pillow on the bed.Whether it will last of … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "It is like being waterboarded… again and again and again."</span></a></p> <p>The post <a href="">It is like being waterboarded… again and again and again.</a> first appeared on <a href="">Become all you can become with Sophie</a>.</p> It is like being waterboarded… again and again and again.

Waterboarding is, of course, a torture technique designed to break an enemy captured.

Horrible. Even if you survive you have PTSD, nightmares.

And much of this ordeal with my health was like waterboarding… whenever I set my head on a pillow on the bed.

Whether it will last of not is still a question: I don’t have the courage to test it tonight. I’ll do the sitting upright, leaning against something catching minutes of bliss that way. That way at least I am only tortured by tiredness, not by the fear of drowning.

Yesterday while I was looking for a way to end it all, I wanted to post on Facebook: if you can’t sleep, you can’t live… or something like that.

I hadn’t known that. I used to always be able to sleep. Maybe not as well as I wanted to. Maybe not as long as I wanted to, But I could sleep.

Now I can’t. Hopefully I can learn to sleep again.

Sleep again in bed.

So tonight I was testing out some of my own energy audios to see how well they will stand up to the panic this sense of suffocating death creates.

I tried a few. Some, interestingly, conveyed the anxiety I had when I recorded them.

But one has performed amazingly. Of course it is no proof yet, but as soon as I removed the audio, the panicked breath returned… As soon as I removed the ear bud.

the audio is called heaven on earth silent short.

—I wrote the above a few days ago…

Yesterday I had a breakthrough insight.

I was, or better said, the body was trying to heave. But my stomach was empty, not even water in it.

It was dramatic. it was heroic. but most importantly, I could see through the spaces between what was happening that my body was strong. And it wanted to live.

That allowed me to change my mind. I had thought before that my body was ready to go and I was holding it back.

Between you and me I had never fully committed to life. After all I had overheard my parents talk about me, when I was an infant, saying that I wasn’t supposed to be alive.

It is true that I had a bacterial invasion on my body. It is true that it made me cough. It is true that I felt like I was drowning. It is also true that the Bit Bundle could have solved the whole issue… but the coughing was so intense, I gave up on it.

It is true that every breath feels like the last one. And hurts. Mightily.

But counterpoint to that: the body wants to live.

The post It is like being waterboarded… again and again and again. first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

It is like being waterboarded… again and again and again.Waterboarding is, of course, a torture technique designed to break an enemy captured.Horrible. Even if you survive you have PTSD, nightmares.And much of this ordeal with my health was like waterb... It is like being waterboarded… again and again and again.Waterboarding is, of course, a torture technique designed to break an enemy captured.Horrible. Even if you survive you have PTSD, nightmares.And much of this ordeal with my health was like waterboarding… whenever I set my head on a pillow on the bed.Whether it will last of … Continue reading "It is like being waterboarded… again and again and again." Become all you can become with Sophie full false 2:27
Finding your blind spot… so you can start self-correcting Wed, 27 Dec 2023 18:37:04 +0000 0 <p>I have read at least one article about each possibly missing virtue saying that it is the root of all failure.Some I may have even written myself.But now that I am working closely and intensely with one student, and listen in to what others have to say, I must reconsider.When in spite of some teaching, … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Finding your blind spot… so you can start self-correcting"</span></a></p> <p>The post <a href="">Finding your blind spot… so you can start self-correcting</a> first appeared on <a href="">Become all you can become with Sophie</a>.</p> Finding your blind spot… so you can start self-correcting

I have read at least one article about each possibly missing virtue saying that it is the root of all failure.

Some I may have even written myself.

But now that I am working closely and intensely with one student, and listen in to what others have to say, I must reconsider.

When in spite of some teaching, when in spite of a new way to look at one’s life, a person still comes up with the same garden variety ineffective behavior, than there must be something there that literally prevents them from from self-correcting.

To actually self-correct one must be willing to tell the truth:

that one has caused the mistake, the error, the misery, the trouble… whatever was the case.

Instead humans assign cause, assign blame to something that is not them.

For example: I was hurt. I assigned stupidity to be the cause, not me. And even if today I sound very transformed, secretly I keep up the charade that it was stupidity that caused me to get hurt.

Why? Because, I think, I reserve the right to make the same mistake again… maybe as part of my Free Will.

The difference between you and me (maybe there are only some degree of differences…) is that maybe you cannot yet see that indeed you were causing it and then have been lying about it.

So, in my experience the two sticky points are: 1. being able to SEE that nothing ever happens to you, and you are causing everything that you experience. 2. Choosing, at least some of the time, to do/be different than you have been.

One of the frequent ways people don’t change, don’t grow… is when they have a coach, a teacher, a trainer.

There is this 2000 year old little poem that says: ‘Go to the people. Live with them. Learn from them. Love them.

Start with what they know. Build with what they have.
But with the best leaders, when the work is done, the task accomplished, the people will say ‘We have done this ourselves.’

And that, ‘we have done this ourselves‘ is a lie.

the-iron-rule-of-nature-is-you-get-what-you-reward-for-if-you-want-ants-to-come-you-put-sugar-on-the-floorSo some of my clients, when they get into their heads that they are ready, start doing it themselves… and the result… nothing good gets done.

We are a species that does best when we, like the Sequoia trees, connect to each other under the surface.

So the lone rangers is type 1. Type 2. The other kind: they cling and get nothing done…

I am going to use myself as an example, because you can’t really know anyone but yourself.

When I am willing to take complete responsibility that I do things to damage my business, my health, my life, then I can take a few steps that don’t…

I can set ‘I am stupid’ to the side, and do the right thing.

And when stupid takes center stage… I just do a version of what I did when I was three and a half… and kill life.

The secret for me is to catch the trigger: ‘I don’t wanna

I guess this is some version of some liberty ‘fetish’ that maybe we all have.

And then I manage to return to the Sequoia state, and do what I need to do. I do know how… Do you?

In the Sequoia state you don’t have the right to destroy the grove by flinging you Free Will, and your right to kill yourself.

As you can see, this is a journey. It starts with seeing, for the first time, what is your particular way of avoiding seeing reality.

We will do that work in the Saturday 1 pm workshop…

And then there will be a ton of followup… because knowing is the booby prize.

Let’s find you Achilles heel.

The post Finding your blind spot… so you can start self-correcting first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

I have read at least one article about each possibly missing virtue saying that it is the root of all failure.Some I may have even written myself.But now that I am working closely and intensely with one student, I have read at least one article about each possibly missing virtue saying that it is the root of all failure.Some I may have even written myself.But now that I am working closely and intensely with one student, and listen in to what others have to say, I must reconsider.When in spite of some teaching, … Continue reading "Finding your blind spot… so you can start self-correcting" Become all you can become with Sophie full false 3:21
Let’s see what you missed and give it to you… Tue, 26 Dec 2023 18:44:17 +0000 0 <p>The face, the faces, and the space in between…When we talk about being present. When we talk about self-awareness. Awareness… We talk about more than just a bubble of reality with no relevance, no relationship to other things, spaces, or people.No matter who I try to talk, they always end up more aware of one … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Let’s see what you missed and give it to you…"</span></a></p> <p>The post <a href="">Let’s see what you missed and give it to you…</a> first appeared on <a href="">Become all you can become with Sophie</a>.</p> Let’s see what you missed and give it to you…

The face, the faces, and the space in between…

When we talk about being present. When we talk about self-awareness. Awareness… We talk about more than just a bubble of reality with no relevance, no relationship to other things, spaces, or people.

No matter who I try to talk, they always end up more aware of one aspect, but not of the whole. The ‘in relation’ is missing, and it doesn’t seem to be missing for them, while in essence that is the most important aspect of living.

We live in relationship to everything… and the secret of humanity’ existence, is that for thousands of years this wasn’t an issue, it was how things were seen, rightly.

Only in the approximately past 80 years that humans managed to shift their view as if there were NO relationships between things, between them and other humans, between them and the environment.

In fact all of those relationships show up to today’s human as the things that cramp their style. Mostly other people…

A few years ago a Hungarian engineer wrote a book in which he revealed that it is actually a human need essential for life to meet the expectations of others, their expectations of you.

For most people that was the first time this whole idea surfaced. what? That it should be important to me to meet other people’s expectations of me?

But in essence, people refuse.

Refuse to consider it important, especially if their original hurtful incident was painful because the little person, the 3-year old, was so wrapped up in their own three-foot world that they literally were oblivious of other people and what they could even expect of them.

No punishment changed the fact that the little person didn’t know. Wasn’t conscious. Wasn’t aware that there is more to life than their own concern.

I have already shared about the little girl who won a foot race. When her father said: you could have run faster, he refused to hear it, because in her three-foot world there was no faster, there was only winning, there was only being the best. And there is no argument that there is nothing better than the best.

Here are a few more examples I promised:

I’ll start with the example of the little boy who was so wrapped up on what he wanted, that he completely missed what other people wanted, what other people assumed, what other people actually did. The parents.

So at a street corner, on the way back from grocery shopping, he didn’t notice that the parents continue going straight while the McDonald’s was to the left. He didn’t say anything. Didn’t yell, didn’t have his wishes known, he assumed that because he wants it it will happen.

When he realized his parents were out of sight even, he started to cry.

His mother when she noticed that he wasn’t faithfully following them like a good little doggie, ran back to collect him. His father spanked him. He doesn’t understand what happened to this very day.

The funniest thing is that he decided to write his philosophy thesis discussing the Hungarian engineer work on ‘needing to meet other people’s expectation’, while he doesn’t still have the foggiest of notion what that is really about. How to know, how to set what other people expect of you. Not a hint or inkling. Still clueless.

For people like him, who are held back in life, because this essential part is missing, and it is missing that it is missing, I’ll have a workshop on December 30th. that is a Saturday, and the time will be 1 pm New York time.

Hopefully I’ll be well enough to do it.

If you can’t make it, I’ll do more of these… eventually, because it is so fundamentally important for a life you can love and live powerfully.

The workshop is in essence one-on-one-coaching in front of others. And although it is relatively easy to see the issue, correcting it is wickedly difficult and requires a custom designed practice. So at some point you may want to have a private one-on-one session with me.

Here is your link to sign up if you are ready.

Sign up to the Faces and Spaces workshop
Close your year with a big promise.

The post Let’s see what you missed and give it to you… first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

The face, the faces, and the space in between…When we talk about being present. When we talk about self-awareness. Awareness… We talk about more than just a bubble of reality with no relevance, no relationship to other things, spaces, or people. The face, the faces, and the space in between…When we talk about being present. When we talk about self-awareness. Awareness… We talk about more than just a bubble of reality with no relevance, no relationship to other things, spaces, or people.No matter who I try to talk, they always end up more aware of one … Continue reading "Let’s see what you missed and give it to you…" Become all you can become with Sophie full false 3:43
If you, they don’t get it. A movie demonstrating paradigms Tue, 26 Dec 2023 11:43:28 +0000 2 <p>I have been talking, talking, and I don’t think I am being gotten.I make people raise their hands on calls when they got what I said, and I can feel that they are lying, some of them, when they raise their hands.Why? Because getting something is not the same as memorizing it.So here is am, … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "If you, they don’t get it. A movie demonstrating paradigms"</span></a></p> <p>The post <a href="">If you, they don’t get it. A movie demonstrating paradigms</a> first appeared on <a href="">Become all you can become with Sophie</a>.</p> If you, they don’t get it. A movie demonstrating paradigms

I have been talking, talking, and I don’t think I am being gotten.

I make people raise their hands on calls when they got what I said, and I can feel that they are lying, some of them, when they raise their hands.

Why? Because getting something is not the same as memorizing it.

So here is am, 720 articles and 50 weeks worth of webinars later. And as usual, I am playing freecell. Suddenly images from a movie I saw a few months ago start coming up in my mind. Bubbling up.

almost famous movie The movie is “Almost famous” and all the scenes star the actress of Fargo fame: Frances McDormand.

She is one of my favorite actresses. Why? Because her capacity to not give a hoot at how ridiculous she looks or sounds is so endearing, so empowering to me, I get courage and power for myself to look ridiculous and not care.

In this movie she goes beyond. And this is what this article is about.

I am not going to tell you the movie: I want you to watch it. But I’ll tell one piece: through her character, exasperating as it is, I have a clearer picture, suddenly, or where the people that are not getting it are.

Some of those people are my students. One of them has been with me since 2007, another one since mid-last year.

It drives me crazy that they are not getting it. My ego is bristled, after all I have been working so hard! (Can you hear the waaa-waaa-waaah behind that statement? If you really listen, you may be able to hear the “No matter how hard I try, I can’t…. baaay baaay baaah! lol)

If you are on the path, if you have experienced harmony, awareness, meditation (really), energy healing, the Heaven on Earth, The Energizer, etc. etc. etc. and people in your environment are not getting it, please do yourself a favor and watch that movie.

Frances McDormand in Almost famous It’s on Netflix (DVD only). Why? through the role of the clueless taken to the extreme, Frances McDormand gives us comic relief, when someone is looking at our life, our purpose, our experiences, and doesn’t get it.

Oh, the title of this post. The person that doesn’t get it is in a different paradigm. Everything is visible to them, just differently than to you. They are looking at it from a different paradigm.

Please have compassion: paradigm jumping is a great idea, but doesn’t happen as easily as jumping. For example the paradigm of awareness isn’t the same looking from the mind as looking from consciousness…

From the mind: it’s a concept. From consciousness it is peace, grace, joy: heaven on earth.

The post If you, they don’t get it. A movie demonstrating paradigms first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

I have been talking, talking, and I don’t think I am being gotten.I make people raise their hands on calls when they got what I said, and I can feel that they are lying, some of them, when they raise their hands.Why? I have been talking, talking, and I don’t think I am being gotten.I make people raise their hands on calls when they got what I said, and I can feel that they are lying, some of them, when they raise their hands.Why? Because getting something is not the same as memorizing it.So here is am, … Continue reading "If you, they don’t get it. A movie demonstrating paradigms" Become all you can become with Sophie full false 2:33