Become all you can become with Sophie He that won't be counselled, can't be helped Mon, 03 Mar 2025 20:54:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 all you can become with Sophie 32 32 yes He that won't be counselled, can't be helped Become all you can become with Sophie true Become all you can become with Sophie podcast He that won't be counselled, can't be helped Become all you can become with Sophie Doing The Dishes, Kaizen, Boundaries, more Wed, 03 Jan 2024 23:07:47 +0000 posted 2008-12-04 11:30:07. As difficult as dirty dishes can be, they’re even worse when you let them sit for a while. And the longer they sit, the harder they are to clean.This is life. Something that is potentially easy to clean up right after it happens – an unkind word to your father, a … Continue reading "Doing The Dishes, Kaizen, Boundaries, more"

The post Doing The Dishes, Kaizen, Boundaries, more first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2008-12-04 11:30:07.

Doing The Dishes, Kaizen, Boundaries, more

As difficult as dirty dishes can be, they’re even worse when you let them sit for a while. And the longer they sit, the harder they are to clean.

This is life. Something that is potentially easy to clean up right after it happens – an unkind word to your father, a lie to your best friend, an insensitivity to your girlfriend – can become a difficult mess if you don’t deal with it now.

Do the dishes today.

I have been thinking about Kaizen a lot. Kaizen can be the saving grace for a lot of people, because Kaizen is a way of life, a non-threatening way, but it is an awake way, and most of us are not awake, get jolted out of our sleepwalking by big things only. I am awake, and Kaizen is for me.

So I decided to use Kaizen to ease back into exercising. Since I stopped exercising, my face aged 10-20 years. That is a lot. I used to have no wrinkles, now I have folds, and wrinkles inside the folds… not pretty.

I have no special occasion to be pretty at, I just think that looking into the mirror should be a joyous occasion, not an occasion to berate myself.

So I am now doing 15 seconds of the exercise I used to do. I am happy. It is starting to show on my face. Hm.

Another Kaizen thing: in airplane bathrooms there is a sign that says something like this: would you be so kind as to use your paper towel to clean the sink before you throw it away?

Very Kaizen. Imagine going to the bathroom and someone’s soapy dirty washwater is still in the sink. (The airplane sink stopper needs to be manually lifted, otherwise it stops the water from emptying…) I would never wash my hand again on an airplane. But with that little Kaizen note, most 99% of the passengers follow the instructions, and everyone washes their hand. (I think that sign also reminds people to wash their hands, which many people don’t see a reason for… ).

And the third Kaizen example I read about in a Kaizen book, and it is about Toyota. The factory. They learned Kaizen from Americans… who would have thought… from Americans.

At Toyota, manufacturing cars happens on the assembly line. Nothing new there. In a normal assembly line everyone is concerned only about their part of the assembly, and the occasional errors are noticed and corrected, or not noticed and not corrected at the quality control station.

Toyota’s then CEO installed a rope switch above every workstation along the assembly line, where workers were asked to pull the rope every time they noticed an error in the work on the half-assembled car in front of them. The pull stopped the assembly line, they corrected the error, and pulled again to re-start…

It was a heretic idea, going counter with mass production. American auto manufacturers, that relied on quality control, had thousands of cars recalled, paid billions in restitution for tiny errors that weren’t corrected right after they happened.

Toyota went on to become the most reliable car. 250K cars are still sold and they run the highways: it is commonplace, while even an ‘error-free’ American car would be proud to run till 200K.

Which leads me to the ‘boundaries’ part.

It is still my cat that is on my mind. Or my previous failed relationship. Or my previous failed New Year resolution. Where, in all circumstances, I ignored, put up with, tolerated, shut a blind eye to a small aberration, a small violation of my boundaries, a little mistake, a little skipping… and they all became the core of a snow ball and destroyed an otherwise hopeful relationship, or my health, or my results.

Do the dishes soon after they get dirty. And stay awake. I have learned my lesson.

The post Doing The Dishes, Kaizen, Boundaries, more first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Side Effects: Trivedi, Gopal, Source Energy by the Tangerine Method: if the energy is strong, there will be side effects Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:31 +0000 posted 2011-12-20 22:14:11. Side Effects: Mr.T, Gopal, Source Energy by the Tangerine Method: if the energy is strong, there will be side effectsI was on a call with Gopal and Gopal blasted me… I don’t know how other people got it, but it whacked me. Thank you Gopal.The areas it hit were ego and … Continue reading "Side Effects: Trivedi, Gopal, Source Energy by the Tangerine Method: if the energy is strong, there will be side effects"

The post Side Effects: Trivedi, Gopal, Source Energy by the Tangerine Method: if the energy is strong, there will be side effects first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-20 22:14:11.

typhoon devastation both in the Philippines and in your ego Side Effects: Mr.T, Gopal, Source Energy by the Tangerine Method: if the energy is strong, there will be side effects

I was on a call with Gopal and Gopal blasted me… I don’t know how other people got it, but it whacked me. Thank you Gopal.

The areas it hit were ego and my stomach area…

I have been behaving as if the fragments of the destroyed ego-blocks needed to express themselves, for a moment, and then puff… burn out. Quite entertaining, if you know what’s happening.

Suddenly, after months of none of this, I experienced impatience, intolerance, anger, hate, spitefulness, extreme agitation… stuff like that. All for a moment or two at a time. Luckily they were like little flashes, not full blown emotional upheaval.

But it was very interesting to contemplate what I used to be, unaware of it, obviously. It’s a miracle that I had friends at all. Lol.

Then we continued going deeper on the Healing Meditation tonight (Tuesday nights at 9) and the people on the call will have side effects: it is not possible to do major work, transfiguration, and not have side-effects.

The bigger the side-effect the more results you will get from the energy.

It’s time to celebrate your side-effects.

The post Side Effects: Trivedi, Gopal, Source Energy by the Tangerine Method: if the energy is strong, there will be side effects first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:30 +0000 posted 2011-12-20 18:29:06.  I have been wondering what makes someone pick a certain guru, what capacity, what characteristics… This is the transcript of an audio of a conversation I had with Nancy, my brainstorming buddy… Listening to it is like going on a scenic helicopter ride… EnjoyI just had one of the most intriguing … Continue reading "Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru"

The post Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-20 18:29:06.

Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru

I have been wondering what makes someone pick a certain guru, what capacity, what characteristics… This is the transcript of an audio of a conversation I had with Nancy, my brainstorming buddy… Listening to it is like going on a scenic helicopter ride… Enjoy

I just had one of the most intriguing conversations with my friend, Nancy.

One of the things I love about Nancy is that she always delivers the results I need, even when she is off.

Yesterday she suggested that I put up my articles on youtube… and I had a troubling question about that.

What is it that people are attracted to when they follow a guru?

That is what this article is about.

I have edited the transcript to easier to read, edited out the hm’s but left curse words in. I hope it will make more sense…

Sophie: … There is this place where one looks to determine for themselves how high somebody’s vibration is.

And you expect that grace and ease is going to show up, not just an actuality, real grace and ease*, but as a reflection on how you hold yourself, how you look, what you do. When there is a reflection, the gurus are going to have sparkling eyes and smooth skin and all that.

(*Grace and ease can’t be seen. Grace and ease is someone just doing what they are supposed to do, and have no resistance about it. You think it is easy, and pay no attention to it. If you want others to say about you that you do things with grace and ease, you need to do it, like in theaters, by adding big outward signs of it…)

But it’s not true for the person, regardless of their frequency, who has a passion burning in them for what they are doing. For them the vibration is a tool. So once it’s a tool, it works differently. If I were just a human being having my vibration this high and I would just have to do my work, my life, I would look like a billion dollars with my current vibration, right?

Nancy: Say it again, if you what? This went way over my head…

Sophie: If I were someone with a vibration were really high, and all I would have to do in my life is to do my work, whatever my work may be, and my work would have nothing to do with raising somebody else’s vibration, then. I would just commune with God for the sake of communing, connect for the sake of connecting, connect for my own sake, like what’s up buddy, talking to Source casually like that, right?

Nancy: Yes. for the sake of “hi!”.

Sophie: Yes. I would say something like: “I’d like to know you better, can we have lunch some day. I love you, you’re so great. I love my life.”

But that’s not the case with me or with the two people that I’m watching closely, Tr. and Sai Maa…

Nancy: Tr., what is that?

Sophie: It’s a guy’s name.

Nancy: Oh okay. Sorry, I just didn’t know what it was.

Sophie: Tr. is a guy’s name who I’m watching. Tr., Sai Maa and myself – I’m watching the three of us, okay?

Nancy: Okay, that’s very cool, yes.

Sophie: Because I glean some stuff from there. Tr. looks like he is going to croak any day now, okay? he looks like he doesn’t sleep. He looks tired and sometimes his voice has no color, you know? And I can tell you, from my own experience, that he’s working his ass off, but not working in a space of low vibration.

No, no, no. He’s working to generate more energy which means he is going to have to dig deep the recesses of his being where there is darkness or in his case I think he kind of communes with dark energies too because – but I’m not sure, I’m not sure what he does.

I have been observing him for about a month now and even signed up to his program because I find this intriguing.

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, the common expectation, of a normal human being, of somebody who is in the position to be a leader is off, it’s mistaken, you know. I spoke with Gina yesterday and she was like, “Whoa,” and I said, “I love you,” and he…

Nancy: My Tina who went to heaven?

Sophie: No, no. Gina. No, I don’t talk to dead people.

Nancy: Oh, okay.

Sophie: Gina.

Nancy: Gina, I know who you mean, yes.

Sophie: So I said, “I love you,” for whatever reason and I was mainly present to what degree I loved her. And she said, “I also love who you have become.” Now, you hear the difference, right?

Nancy: Yes, big difference.

Sophie: But she didn’t hear the difference. She didn’t say, “I love you.” She said, She is the person who was is into doing, so she acknowledged the same thing in me, like my accomplishment. You get that?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: And then I answered, “I love you warts and all, because I can, because my vibration is high, because you can only really love unconditionally when you are above 525.”

And then she didn’t answer. And it’s stayed with me.

So now I am really really looking at the public perception and I was even observing – where am I looking to feel somebody’s level of vibration? Where am I looking?

I find people with incredibly sparkly eyes. They look incredibly healthy. And their vibration is under 200. They are meditation teachers, they are ‘raising your vibration’ teachers, so obviously it doesn’t work, right? It doesn’t work to raise the vibration but it raises something.

Nancy: Yes, it raises something.

Sophie: Okay. When you do fire-breathing or you do any kind of breathing, that really increases some aliveness, right?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: And you may even have more energy but your vibration didn’t go higher. But people cannot see high vibration. They can only see sparkling eyes, they can only see grace and ease, they can only see promise, they can only see that Sai Maa sits in the front and laughs for 20 minutes and they get that that person is closer to heaven than they are, okay.

Nancy: Right.

Sophie: But on the negative side, you kind of – and I don’t say you personally but I’m saying people at a low vibration will look at somebody at the higher vibration and say, “Yes, their vibration is higher,” and what they mean is three that their number is three higher than theirs, that’s all they can see. And you can say, “Well, they weren’t looking.” Now, were you projecting? Yes, that’s all you can do. That’s how the human machine works. You project capacities and the capacities that you project are not much higher than yours because you can’t even see those, those are in a different bubble.

Anyway, that’s exactly what I’m talking about so you gave me an illustration. You got that?

Nancy: Yes, except for this: two people in the conversation here and I feel like I was more in inquiry and suggesting even that I knock it off with the metaphors because it causes us to get out of the stream… and I have a habit of adding metaphors to what you say.

Sophie: There’s nothing wrong with adding metaphors as long as you know that your metaphors are a reflection of YOUR narrow cone of vision.

Nancy: So, I am considering knocking it off with the metaphors.

Sophie: No, no, no, no. No, don’t knock off the metaphors, just know that your metaphors are not clear.

Nancy: Oh, I feel like I’m an asshole because you’re saying something…

Sophie: No, no, no, no. There is nothing asshole-ish about metaphors.

Nancy: Okay, all right. Yet they are kick somebody brilliant who I’m…

Sophie: No, no, I’m not brilliant. So that’s what you don’t understand. I’m a normal person who has a higher vantage point because that’s pretty much what you get with high vibration, a wider cone of vision. Can you get the difference?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: You are driving in the street and you get the street level and somebody from a helicopter looks at the same thing. They’re not better than you, they’re only human being, right?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: They’re not better than you because they’re on the helicopter, they’re just in a different vantage point. And from there they can see that you are driving into a street where they are cutting the trees and therefore the street is blocked and they tell you ahead of time, By the way, that’s what’s happening in Syracuse. You can’t drive. It’s like you’re turning back galore and the guys there are so freaking self righteous that one of them was yelling at me and stood so close to my car that I could only go backwards. I couldn’t turn around and I said, “You’re an asshole. I can’t even turn around.”

Nancy: Right. Oh my God.

Sophie: So, if you can’t get: a lot of what’s going on in the world is from standing too close to it, okay?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: Which means that thing fills your whole cone of vision, it’s not just part of it which means you can’t see where it even ends. Then you can say a metaphor that doesn’t mean just that, it means more than that which makes it muddy. Why is it muddy? Because it is ambivalent. As you say it, it doesn’t mean one thing. But here’s the good thing that happens from it and that it’s why it’s so greaty to talk to you because if you can’t contribute one way, you will contribute another way. because I, before this conversation, I couldn’t see that the difference is the vantage point.

Nancy: You couldn’t see what?

Sophie: I couldn’t see where one’s higher vibration may manifest in that your vantage point is different.

Nancy: Okay, good.

Sophie: Because you can see that if your vantage point – if you view your life from the helicopter then you are going to be much less upset, right? Can you see that?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: Okay, tell me.

Nancy: Yes. Actually, I have physically had that experience and I showed some houses by helicopter in Syracuse and we went all around with the helicopter. I have my opinion on Syracuse and oh my God, I think you’re up 500 feet, I’m not sure but, oh my God, it’s beautiful. It’s absolutely undulating and green and gorgeous.

Sophie: Yes and when you’re in the street level, you can’t see that.

Nancy: No, no. Your feet are dirty and it’s dusty and you see all these other stuff. But my God, from up there it’s amazing. Amazing. So yes, yes, yes.

Sophie: Okay, so can you forgive me for that?

Nancy: Yes, of course.

Sophie: No, no, I can imagine experiencing at least twinges of anger, jealousy, resentment…

Nancy: From me?

Sophie: From anyone. No, I mean if I had someone in my environment say this to me and I wouldn’t be able to be there, I would have to buy a helicopter ride. I wouldn’t live there and every pebble – let me give you another example because something really great came to me. Just before I left Hungary, I don’t remember why, but I bought a tiny Italian car. It’s like a car that has the size of engine like a motorcycle.

Nancy: Uh-huh. You did?

Sophie: Yes, I did buy one and that’s what I went to Vienna with. And it has these tiny wheels, smaller than normal wheels, much like these little cars that Toyota makes. And it felt every freaking pebble and I felt it on my ass. Do you understand?

Nancy: Uh-huh.

Sophie: So, I felt so ground bound and so thrown off by every pebble. You know, my experience of life wasn’t that it was a smooth ride. Every rain rains on me, every pebble gets in my way and I could feel them. Again, it’s like ugh. Now, I drive today a Century.

Nancy: A green car?

Sophie: A green Century and that is a full sized car, right?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: They call that full sized car. It has full sized wheels and I feel no pebbles,. So that is another way to say the same thing.

Like for instance, last night just before I went to bed I wanted to make something easier for my brother and I fuc-ked up royally.

I added about five hours of work to his schedule. And I went back and it wouldn’t fix it. It wasn’t willing to do the reverse, the software. “Okay, got it.” So, I sent an instant message to my brother as I apologized. ‘I screwed up something for you and I’m sorry for causing more work for you.’

I went to sleep and I mused that a few months ago that would have been a major issue.

Nancy: Yes. That’s wonderful.

Sophie: And I would have even told him, “Don’t do that part, I’ll do that.” He does this and I do that and I would have fixed it myself. To not have to say, “I screwed up.” And I apologized. He is my employee, you understand?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: I mean, not just my brother but my employee and you don’t say to an employee when the Pebbles are active and irritating as I apologized because it doesn’t help. You’re looking bigger.

Okay, returning to the original thing – like one of the assignments that I have given myself is there’s this girl who refuses to eat and then she needs to be taken to the psych ward and she’s there for two weeks and then she eats and then maybe she eats after that for a little while but then she stops eating again. She’s afraid to put stuff in her mouth, in her body.

Nancy: She what now?

Sophie: Afraid to put stuff in her body or something like that, that’s what she told me. I am looking what download I could give her that would make it safe for her to eat. And I have a secret for you.

Nancy: Yes?

Sophie: God doesn’t know it.

Nancy: Wow, that is a big secret. It’s really amazing.

Sophie: Because God doesn’t deal with disease. God only lives with wellness, that’s why I need to command and download. That isn’t – do you understand?

Nancy: Oh, I do. That’s a big secret. That’s very cool.

Sophie: So, I have to do good an awful lot of work before I can say, “Okay, give me this download.” And when you look at me from the outside and you expect me to look good because I now – I mean, I have very troubled sleep because I am doing this work and I’m imagining myself in her place and it’s like I am doing the work, right?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: I look like shit.

Nancy: You and Trivoli or whatever his name is, Trivoli

Sophie: Tr.

Nancy: Tr.?

Sophie: Tri-ve-di.

Nancy: Tr.

Sophie: Yes, he’s quite a remarkable man actually.

Nancy: Where is he in the world?

Sophie: He lives I think if understand correctly, in Illinois. He came about a year ago from India and his declared purpose – because there’s a declared and undeclared, right?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: His declared purpose is to prove to the scientific establishment that you can do things that don’t meet the eye and it does an actual physical change. So, one of the things that he does is that he heals crops.

Nancy: He heals what?

Sophie: Crops.

Nancy: Crops?

Sophie: Crops, plants.

Nancy: Oh crops, yes.

Sophie: Yes and he’s successful at that.

Nancy: He must be a good listener.

Sophie: I am not sure where he does that from, I am not sure. That’s why I signed up to his program. I can’t hear him listening.

Nancy: Oh, wow. What do you do in his program?

Sophie: I receive.

Nancy: Okay.

Sophie: He calls them blessings and they are energy submissions. I only got a sample and he said it was three minutes but it was really one, 60 seconds. It knocked me to the ground.

Nancy: Really?

Sophie: Holy fuc-king shit.

Nancy: Wow, holy fuc-king shit.

Sophie: And I was detoxing for two days after that.

Nancy: Oh, wow.

Sophie: So, I think that he actually doesn’t listen. Say, I imagine myself a plant and I can see that I have blockages. “Blockages” was a full expression of plant. I have a bug here, I have some lack of minerals there, this is too acidic, that’s too alkaline. I have blockages. So, he does this transmission and I suddenly find myself being able to metabolize, even though it’s too acidic or too alkaline and the bug doesn’t bother me. Now, I did a muscletest and it doesn’t raise the vibration. It does something very similar as I come to see to breathing. the breathing that energizes.

Nancy: Wow, that’s amazing that you can see that and that is amazing that that’s how that is.

Sophie: Because I muscletested people who I know that did that programs and their vibrations didn’t rise, okay?

Nancy: Is this Tr.’s program?

Sophie: What is it?

Nancy: Is that Tr.’s program?

Sophie: It’s a monthly – the first Sunday of every month, okay.

Nancy: Oh, okay.

Sophie: That’s the one I’m in. He’s going to have a weekend in Illinois and it’s $450 if you participate on the computer but I don’t know if I want spend $450 on that, given that I don’t see that I want to give up everything else for the whole weekend and sit on my chair to wait for – what I really – I don’t want his discourses. I don’t want it at all. I’m not interested in that because he doesn’t know what he’s doing. I’m telling you, he doesn’t.

Nancy: I hear you.

Sophie: He doesn’t.

Nancy: Is he connected to Sai Maa because you said…?

Sophie: No.

Nancy: Okay.

Sophie: No, but there are a lot of the people – I heard about it from Steve. Yes. And I also know another person who has gotten – he calls them blessings, okay?

Nancy: Okay, yes.

Sophie: People talk about him like Dr. Tr. because he, in his heart, causes healings.

Nancy: Yes. Oh, Dr. Tr., okay.

Sophie: Steve got a one-on-one session from him.

Nancy: Oh, I wonder how he did that.

Sophie: He actually saw him personally in upstate New York because I think the guy was visiting.

Nancy: Oh, okay. He got knocked like you did?

Sophie: Not that one but the one that I wasn’t on, another Sunday one. He actually detoxed for more than a week. He felt really bad – queezeyy stomach, headache, dizzy, blurry eyes, he got it real strong.

Nancy: Should I give you one of my symptoms that I wanted to – one of my effects that I wanted to share with you?

Sophie: Sure.

Nancy: I should get my pants, just a minute.

Sophie: That’s what you’re telling you want to share?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: That you said your pants?

Nancy: Speaking of detox, yes.

Sophie: Yes. I do have diarrhea that looks like detox too.

Nancy: You don’t think it’s detox?

Sophie: No, no, no, I just told you that I have that too. I haven’t had it to the degree that I couldn’t hold it back.

Nancy: Oh, I couldn’t hold it back.

Sophie: But I’ll tell you something, you remember MMS? Oh, you don’t know about that because that’s the time we weren’t talking. There is a substance that this guy discovered when he was in the jungles of South America.

He was a gold prospector. The place that they were prospecting – he was the only white man and he had these local Indian helpers and it was two days from – any place inhabited and they came down with malaria – the workers – and they were going to die. He looked in his bag to see what he had for them and he has water purifying tablets. He gave it to them and after two hours or so, he came back to the hut and they were playing cards. When he came back to the USA, he did a lot of research what happened and he came up with this whole technology called MMS – Miracle Mineral Supplement.

Nancy: Oh, okay. MMS, yes.

Sophie: And it is actually the same substance as the water purifier, the same substance when they wash hospital walls with and it is a very intelligent substance. Very interesting, it only kills bad bugs. It leaves the good bugs alone, leaves healthy tissues alone and only kills bad insects. It’s very interesting, how does it know? But there must be a vibrational something, okay?

Nancy: Somehow it knows.

Sophie: Yes. He developed this whole dosage and everything and he cured hundreds of thousands of people from malaria in Africa and the South America. Then he founded a church because he was going to be sued. He can’t even live in the U.S. anymore.

Nancy: Oh my God.

Sophie: And he certifies people in this healing and that they are all ministers or whatever they are called – ordinary people and they kind of minister to people, and it works. I mean I brought back a few people from death’s door.

Nancy: You did with MMS?

Sophie: Yes.

Nancy: What did they have to do with diarrhea though?

Sophie: Okay, I’m going to tell you. I’m going to tell you because that’s how it began. You take the drops and it starts to eat the bad bacteria in your intestines and you are going to have, after a few days, uncontrollable pitch black…

Nancy: Oh really?

Sophie: …pitch black stool, first stool and then uncontrollable diarrhea. The woman that I go back from that store she shit her bed, every single night, but she survived. What happened to her is she has silicon breasts and they leak. They caused her to almost be dead and the doctors said they can’t save her. She could see in her stool, the silicon came out from her system, because the substance is intelligent. I don’t know why it’s intelligent, I haven’t been able to decipher it but it seems to have an idea about the design of life.

Nancy: Oh, a divine blueprint idea.

Sophie: There is a divine blueprint, definitely.

Nancy: Yes, there is.

Sophie: I am very clear about that. A normal human being would say it’s quite rigid, right?

Nancy: A normal human being – yes, a regular, yes.

Sophie: What do you want from a blueprint? To give you alternatives? No. I mean, as an architect, I can tell you there are no alternatives when you do a blueprint. It’s the blueprint.

Nancy: Right.

Sophie: This is what you do. And if you deviate from it then you brought it on yourself. Just like it happened in Israel that I designed this house for two individuals and they took a break from or leave from their job to actually build it. They changed the blueprint on the job that they were ground-bound so they couldn’t see that the partitions are going to be in the middle of a window. So they called me and they said, “The partitions are in the middle of a window on the building.” I said, “Go back to the blueprint. Do you hear? Go back to the blueprint. I’m not going to change the blueprint for your lifestyle. Your lifestyle is off, not the blueprint.” Did you get that?

Nancy: Yes, definitely. I wanted to add, I’m meaning to tell you on your description of who you are, you have architect and I wanted to ask you and you just answered my question, was it Hungarian architect or is Israeli architect? I suggest that you that you put Israeli architect.

Sophie: I am not an Israeli architect.

Nancy: You’re not?

Sophie: I got my degree in Hungary.

Nancy: Oh, okay. All right.

Sophie: And Hungarian architecture school is the best, B-E-S-T in the world.

Nancy: Is it, really? Wow.

Sophie: The only school that they accept a degree without any additional studies or credits in the whole world.

Nancy: Wow. And that’s where you went.

Sophie: Yes. Out of the 96 people in our class, only three didn’t come out with chronic disease.

Nancy: Oh my God.

Sophie: When they calculated how many hours of study you need a week if you have average intelligence and capabilities to get an average score, they came out with 96 hours a week.

Nancy: Oh wow. But you practiced in Israel?

Sophie: I did practice in Israel. I don’t see the significance. I was an architect in three countries. That is more interesting because most people are afraid to move to the next town, right?

Nancy: Yes. It would be cool to say Hungary, Israel, American architect.

Sophie: I am at this point really curious what kind of worldly accomplishments can I be rude?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: Are you sure?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: Little people aren’t for me?

Nancy: Yes. It just shows that you’re a global woman. You’re really,

Nancy: I love it that you’re a Hungarian architect and you practiced in Israel and in the United States. I know you and I love that about you.

Sophie: You love architect as an archetype so to say.

Nancy: Yes, but I also think that a person who comes from a high discipline and then shares Godly spirituality then it shows a lot about a person than somebody – it just demonstrates, says a lot about you.

Sophie: It just wants to know that this question is important for me to consider.

Nancy: Oh, thank you.

Sophie: Because if you want to make a difference with people but they can’t relate to you as somebody valuable, they’re not ….

Nancy: Thank you for hammering that out because it was very – I was getting hammered by myself as I was speaking this so thanks. It’s exactly why I’m saying it.

Sophie: It’s really the vantage point that’s speaking and also people’s own opinion about themselves. Obviously, if you think of yourself as highly accomplished etc., you’re going to be less keen on finding out what you have to say for yourself, right?

Sophie: I think, I’m not sure, I don’t know if you ever paid attention but I was never interested in that.

Nancy: I did pay attention. I know you’re not.

Sophie: One of the things that I make from that mean which could only be because I’m a Hungarian, right?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: I made a jump, like a mental jump, and it may be wrong, so it’s not that – then I’m looking for my helicopter. It’s that I am unaware is that I decided that people who are highly accomplished more consider another’s human qualities than their accomplishment qualities, but that may be completely off. I don’t even know how to test that. How would you test that if that’s accurate?

Nancy: You just say it and muscletest yourself, right?

Sophie: People who are highly accomplished are more interested in human qualities in another than their credentials. It’s a yes.

Nancy: Good. Muscletest this – people who are highly accomplished are discerning or see something about discernment and – I have trouble putting this in words – or discerning about – what is the word you used?

Sophie: Are highly discerning about what?

Nancy: I think they’re discerning about who they would…

Sophie: Associate?

Nancy: Associate without a spiritual basis.

Sophie: Okay, what do you mean?

Nancy: Who they would connect with.

Sophie: Okay, say the direction. There’s a concern there. What’s the concern?

Nancy: The concern is that the person is going to be like a schwack, like some schwack psychic gypsy thing or something. So you kind of want to look at the person’s background.

Sophie: So, what you are saying is that a highly accomplished person looks at people’s background, not who they are.

Nancy: No, they look at both.

Sophie: That’s a no. So no, the answer is no, they don’t. Because a highly accomplished person – okay, there are all kinds of highly accomplished people, right?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: But a highly accomplished person who is hooked up is going to go to their belly instead of the background because if I went for the background there are a lot of people I would not associate with. And if you really look, I am not trusting at all of the so called accomplishment. They don’t do it for me.

Sophie: This is a very useful conversation because it actually is going deep into that inquiry that I need to be able to get a clarity because when I am designing my conversations with a potential, not physical conversation but on paper or in video – that’s why I haven’t done the video because I need to know what the people are thinking and who are going to watch it. You see, if I…

Nancy: I think I can tell you that.

Sophie: I’m not sure that it is going to be something I can follow but go ahead. Tell me everything that you know and then I am going to have to develop my own that I am not really following anyone’s instructions because that’s not my nature.

Nancy: Right. If you put it on YouTube video, it will have a tag for words. I think there’s a huge thirst for investigating modality if you’ll invest in them.

Sophie: Yes. But that’s not what I’m worried about.

Nancy: you’re not worried about that but that’s I believe what sells and I think someone would put the word “Sai Maa” and then they go, “Oh, YouTube video.”

Sophie: Yes, but that’s not the inquiry.

Nancy: Okay.

Sophie: That’s very useful what you’re saying but that’s not the inquiry. The inquiry is who they want me to look. You say how do you – what are they looking at? What are they looking at to decide if I’m full of shit…

Nancy: No.

Sophie: No, no. Don’t say no because I haven’t finished the sentence.

Nancy: Sorry.

Sophie: the no doesn’t answer it.

Nancy: Yes, okay.

Sophie: Are they looking for me being full of shit or are they going – okay, I have one piece that just came to me this second. I don’t know if you remember when I was in Colorado and had this discussion with Bill Harris, the founder of Holosync.

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: I didn’t go anywhere without my Holosync. I couldn’t sleep without my Holosync and after the discussion I chucked my program. I never used it again. I am an insomniac and I needed it, but no. Why? Because in the discussion about water – it was about water – he demonstrated narrow mindedness, stuck to earth stupidity and hostility, hostility for any other opinion than his. And I said, “I don’t want to be like you.” Even though doing Holosync wouldn’t make me like him, I couldn’t risk it.

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: I looked at this girl yesterday, black chick, rosy cheeks, rosy cheeks, sparkling eyes, beautiful smile, beautiful teeth, vibration under 200. Then somebody could say, “I don’t want to be black but I want to have sparkling eyes.” If they can’t put up with that the chick is black, they’re going to be attracted to her. Then you look at Sai Maa and she is like beaming, smile and all that and behaves like a coquettish 16 year old at 50 something and covered in silk and behaves like she doesn’t have a care in the world. So people say, “I want to be like her.” I can tell you it’s not a fun place. I have gotten into her, it’s not a fun place, okay?

Nancy: Mm-hmm.

Sophie: I also look at women… with men, people behave different. They don’t necessarily say, “I want to be like you,” or they may say, “I want to have what you have.” I want to have what you have.” Uh-huh. Like Sai Baba, 1 ‘I want to make gold out of crap.’ This is where the difference of being a woman and a man comes in really strong. Nobody says, “I want to have what you have,” to Sai Maa. They say, “I want to be like you.” Do you see that?

Nancy: Mm-hmm.

Sophie: Now, asking the question from there, who do I need to be on a YouTube video that they say, “I want to be like you,” is the question. Do you hear that it’s a different question?

Nancy: Yes, it’s a different question. You want to get your being. It’s what you’re being.

Sophie: And my being is a little edgy. Now, the question is why do people flock to Marianne Williamson? Because her vibration is under 200. Is she beautiful?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: Aha.

Nancy: And skinny.

Sophie: And so is Debbie Ford. Do you know any fat chick who people flock to?

Nancy: Amma.

Sophie: Who?

Nancy: Amma.

Sophie: Who is Amma?

Nancy: The hugging guru.

Sophie: They are flocking to her?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: What do you mean flocking?

Nancy: She has a following, people. just like Sai Maa.

Sophie: What does she do? Is she selling anything?

Nancy: No, she doesn’t sell anything. She hugs people.

Sophie: So, it’s all pretense. Got it. People want to be pretentious like her, like the Christian love. Amma, A-M-A?

Nancy: A-M-M-A, the hugging guru.

Sophie: And what is she teaching? Hugging saint, she’s a saint, not a guru.

Nancy: Oh okay, saint.

Sophie: Hugging saint. Is she American?

Nancy: No, she’s Indian.

Sophie: She’s another f-ing Indian?

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: “My sole mission is to love and serve one and all.” Okay, she appeals to the people who think life is self sacrifice.

Nancy: She does? Because of no money?

Sophie: No, because she epitomizes that selfless labor.

Nancy: Did you do John of God?

Sophie: Who is John of God?

Nancy: Oh.

Sophie: Jon, J-O-N?

Nancy: I believe it’s J-O-H-N, the man of God. He’s a man. John of God lives in Brazil. John of God is very popular. He’s been on Oprah and Ellen has been to him twice, healer.

Sophie: Fourth plane. Without opening I felt fourth plane.

Nancy: Fourth plane?

Sophie: Yes.

Nancy: Fixed things in people, fixed things in their eye and puts his hand in them and take things out of their body.

Sophie: No, not fourth plane.

Nancy: Oh, what is it?

Sophie: Fifth.

Nancy: Fifth? Oh.

Sophie: Okay, I stay away from these people.

Nancy: Yes. Are you telling me that’s an eerie thing that you do?

Sophie: I am staying away from these people. It’s like leprosy to me. One of the reasons for that is – you have to go, I know.

Nancy: Yes.

Sophie: It’s that I am protective of my energies.

Nancy: Okay.

Sophie: Okay. Thank you for calling.

Nancy: Thank you, bye.

The post Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Vibrational Review: Dawn James: Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life: A Practical Guide for Attaining Better Health, Vitality and Inner Peace Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:29 +0000 posted 2011-12-20 15:32:48. Dawn James: vibrational frequency: 170 (Updated on 3/11/2013), book/information: 290, doesn’t connect to Source.Dawn James’ story is that she had a near death experience, and she came back armed with spiritual knowledge available only on the other side. Muscletest shows that this is a story, a fabrication.People who do have a … Continue reading "Vibrational Review: Dawn James: Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life: A Practical Guide for Attaining Better Health, Vitality and Inner Peace"

The post Vibrational Review: Dawn James: Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life: A Practical Guide for Attaining Better Health, Vitality and Inner Peace first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-20 15:32:48.

dawn james raise your vibration Dawn James: vibrational frequency: 170 (Updated on 3/11/2013), book/information: 290, doesn’t connect to Source.

Dawn James’ story is that she had a near death experience, and she came back armed with spiritual knowledge available only on the other side. Muscletest shows that this is a story, a fabrication.

People who do have a near death experience are said to experience the Original Design and come back and maintain that knowledge, experience, and attitude as a result.

Muscletest says that it’s a story. David Hawkins has also perpetuated that story, but it does happen, often, that we don’t know what worked and what didn’t…

David Hawkins’ vibration was/is 650. My guess is that in his almost frozen story he chose life because he could, for a moment, get out of his own shoes into his fathers’ and see the grief he, the father would experience, had his son died.

This choice is a great setup for a life of higher vibration: talk to as many people as you can: they would only care about themselves and that they want or don’t want to live, as far as dying is concerned. Not mentioning the fact the David Hawkins’ vibration was 530 at the time of the incident, which means he was in the top 10 highest vibration people on the planet… and then he managed to raise his vibration to 650.

So it wasn’t the so-called near-death experience that did it.

So how can a person, Dawn James write a book that gets four people raving about it? A book whose vibration is higher than the author’s? I don’t know.

The book has a lot of practical information, nothing too spiritual (I guess, I don’t want to read it.) Practical is good: most people are so impractical that any practical information will come really useful to them.

I have tested the reviewers’ vibration and here are the numbers: 260, 250, 260, 185. The lowest vibration person gave the lowest star rating… Wow, this deserves further research.

It seems that the higher your vibration the more value you get from what you read… which actually makes sense.

I’ll do some conference with Source to get some answers. Stay tuned…

dawn james raise your vibration Do you LIKE the color PURPLE? ~ Raise Your Vibration, Transform

Do you LIKE the color PURPLE? Posted by Raise Your Vibration on 6:30 AM Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life be available in eBook format on December 24th at Here are some healing

Wow, I like when I get new questions… questions are what cause unfolding of answers from the 99% holographic universe. Dawn James… doesn’t raise vibration, could not raise her own, but wrote a good book. Go figure.

If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, meditation, chanting, etc. Anything under 500… won’t raise your vibration, most will lower it. Under 500 everything is Tree of Knowledge: disconnected from Source and the Original Design.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

The post Vibrational Review: Dawn James: Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life: A Practical Guide for Attaining Better Health, Vitality and Inner Peace first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Feedback from Stela… on the book and more Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:28 +0000 posted 2011-12-19 17:13:10. Dear Sophie,I enjoyed your book, The Grand Experiment. I had previously read some of your articles on the website. Any subject you treat offers new and interesting insights. It is like you discover every time the last skin to peel off in order to get to the true seed of the … Continue reading "Feedback from Stela… on the book and more"

The post Feedback from Stela… on the book and more first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-19 17:13:10.

Feedback from Stela… on the book and more

Dear Sophie,
I enjoyed your book, The Grand Experiment. I had previously read some of your articles on the website. Any subject you treat offers new and interesting insights. It is like you discover every time the last skin to peel off in order to get to the true seed of the fruit.

I found your website by searching the Internet and I am really happy and grateful to the Source for that. I was immediately attracted by your noble mission and your pure altruism.


your feedback is a sharp and pertinent description of humanity’s dark side; how one’s first reaction to another human being’s success or joy comes from ego (mind) not from spirit (heart). We are the creators and the victims of this competitive society. We are the creators and the victims of this narrow angled point of view. We see others separated from us not only in body, but also in spirit.

I have had a crazy thought for some time: if everyone would open his eyes to the image of the Solar System every morning, then the insignificant size of the Earth will bring the feeling of getting closer to each other and replace the feeling of being divided into groups, religions, parties, nations, countries…


I think the article was written too soon after you sent the request by email. I’ve been characterized many times by my American family of being impatient. Maybe this feature is common among people with an European education in Communist countries. When I came here I was surprised to find out that the last remark of Scarlett O’Hara, “After all, tomorrow is another day!” is a kind of national philosophy.

With warmest wishes,

Stela P

Hey Stela, that is a beautiful review. Thank you.

Your last remark about being impatient: very interesting. I think I am.

On the Monday/Thursday Daily Connection training I have a question for people: what are you unwilling to put up with any more?

And the response is ??????????????????. Being unwilling? using words like put up with? etc. is not in the current vocabulary of people. They create urgency! They put you on the spot!

Urgency? Unless it’s an emergency, the ego says: let me sleepwalk some more… lol.

Thank you so much. Wow.

Thank you,

The post Feedback from Stela… on the book and more first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

My first interview on this topic on Awesome FM… wanna hear it? Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:27 +0000 posted 2011-12-18 18:09:28. I was interviewed by my friend Laser show artist and entrepreneur Tim Bennett of Argon Management last week. I just listened to the interview and I think it’s good, he puts me on the spot a few times and makes me talk about things I didn’t think of talking about… it … Continue reading "My first interview on this topic on Awesome FM… wanna hear it?"

The post My first interview on this topic on Awesome FM… wanna hear it? first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-18 18:09:28.

I was interviewed by my friend Laser show artist and entrepreneur Tim Bennett of Argon Management last week. I just listened to the interview and I think it’s good, he puts me on the spot a few times and makes me talk about things I didn’t think of talking about… it is definitely worth a listen.

Go to Tim’s site to listen

Tim lives in Manila, in the Philippines. In addition to doing laser shows, he has an animation company, and a training company for aspiring entrepreneurs in the Philippines.

He is one of the most likable people I know… you’ll love him, and hopefully you’ll love me.

Go, listen. Go to Tim’s site to listen

The post My first interview on this topic on Awesome FM… wanna hear it? first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

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Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:26 +0000 posted 2011-12-17 15:22:33. Hi Sofie,I was not able to make it to the Saturday evening Connect To Source webinar at 6 pm last week either. I will get up early on this Saturday to be in on the 6:00 am webinar. I feel I really need some direction and I do understand it is … Continue reading "Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader"

The post Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-17 15:22:33.

Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader

when we connect to Source, you are like diamonds in my crown: I know if you are there!Hi Sofie,

I was not able to make it to the Saturday evening Connect To Source webinar at 6 pm last week either. I will get up early on this Saturday to be in on the 6:00 am webinar. I feel I really need some direction and I do understand it is part of the program. I have been reading the books, reports, and articles on your website, They are very enlightening.

I have been listening to the Unconditional Love Activator tape. Today is my 4th day and I usually listen at least 2 times a day. Today, I am so depressed and have been crying all day at everything. I do not understand. Is this depressions and crying related to your recording? I am not normally this deeply depressed about anything. Most of the depressions does seem to revolve around a problem or issue I personally have. That is why I thought they might be related.

I would like to know if this is a common occurrence when you start listening to the Unconditional Love Activator? If yes, then I won’t worry and hopefully it will get better the more and longer I continue to listen. I do know that I have many issues with loving myself. I am hoping they are being worked on.

I look forward to being on the Connect To Source webinar of Saturday morning and completing the process.

Thank you in advance. I really appreciate your gift.


Hi Cindy, congratulations.

The ‘stuff’ that you are experiencing is grief, suppressed. Not just yours personally, but centuries old. Grief over lost time, grief over all the hopes and wanting to be loved and not getting what you needed. Grief over not loving yourself. Grief over how life could have been, had you gotten the love you so badly needed.

When I got my own Unconditional Love Activator, at the beginning of the summer, if I remember correctly, I cried for weeks, and it was a healing cry.

So, please, allow the sadness to come up. If you really look, it is old hopelessness, not present. It is not new sadness, it’s old, and it is supposed to come out. You can’t start building something new on shaky and crumbly foundation. So celebrate.

After Maria had those elated experience, she also went into this releasing- old-grief-phase… Please forgive me for not telling you upfront: it is just hard to ‘sell a medicine’ talking about the pain that you must re-experience.

Your cells releases toxins suppressed. Your soul’s grieving for all those years. It is a detoxification. Please drink a lot of pure water, and get enough sleep. It will blow through faster and with much less discomfort.

You are going to be a shiny new you… I am very very excited.

I do recommend that you come to the ‘Check your connection’ Saturday meditation, because it is best to learn how to connect in a group. You’ll be sure, and you’ll feel the support of the group. And if you can experience the energy, the group amplifies the experience.

my crown of beautiful people connecting to Source I was teaching Andrea 1-on-1, because she can’t come to the group… but I am sure she will come to the class as soon as she can. The energy is stronger when ‘2 or more people gather in my name’ than when you are doing it alone. And especially when you have me on the line where I can tell you, in real time, if you are connected by simply feeling you in my tangerine spot ‘crown’ lol.

I am grateful to you. xoxo. Welcome to the thousand years of peace.

Thank you,

PS: Cindy did come to this morning’s Connect To Source webinar. If you would like to come, register here Connect to Source

The post Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of Privacy Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:25 +0000 posted 2011-12-17 14:33:41.  From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of PrivacyDear Sophie,Thanks for following up with the book sale. However, I am very much confused with your statement ‘When I went to visit their bodies empathically to get clues, I found a mix of resentment and envy.’ Not sure what you are doing here. … Continue reading "From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of Privacy"

The post From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of Privacy first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-17 14:33:41.

From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of Privacy

From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of Privacy

Dear Sophie,

Thanks for following up with the book sale. However, I am very much confused with your statement ‘When I went to visit their bodies empathically to get clues, I found a mix of resentment and envy.’

Not sure what you are doing here. This is making me think now in different direction that you are capable of invading someone’s body without their knowledge!!! Correct me if I am wrong.

Love & Regards

Hi Bharati, great question.

From my language it does sound that what I do is intentional and invasive.

The truth is that it’s neither.

There are all kinds of ‘healers’.

Most of them see stuff. They need to go to your body and look either from the inside or the outside, and look what’s there.

Whether their intent is to heal or to interfere, isn’t important at this juncture. They need to initiate the ‘going there’ or entering.

And empath is different. I don’t have a choice. I don’t have control.

At any moment in time there are many people that invade my space, that live out their lives in my body, disturbing my peace, my concentration, my sense of self, my clarity of thinking, my transformation.

If it sounds like a complaint: it is.

All my life I knew the hidden agendas of people, the real intention, the deceit, the tricks, I didn’t know how. I always wished they told me something other than what I felt they were about, it was mostly so ugly.

It was driving me crazy, going from happy to sad to anxious to depressed to elated to literally giddy without any apparent reason.

Until about a year ago I thought of suicide about a hundred times a day, also for no apparent reason.

When I was asked about what I wanted I had conflicting ideas. I didn’t know who I was, what I wanted, what’s good for me.

As an unaware Empath, Other people’s feelings were running my life

Unless I was really busy, I wasn’t well. Unless I slept less than 5 hours a day, I wasn’t well.

Then someone told me that I was a clair-sensar. He made up the word: he meant empath. I investigated, and I found more and more proof that I could tell other people’s sensations better than they could. Their emotions, their frustrations. It was useful in coaching, but I was still miserable.

Until about six months ago, it never occurred to me that what I was going through, what I called the roller coaster, being jerked around, wasn’t my feelings: it was other people’s feelings felt like my own.

I started to pay attention and if a feeling had no reason, I muscletested if it was mine. If it wasn’t, I started to look whose it might be. I always found the people I was closest to, the people with whom I energetically connected.

Once I knew the feeling wasn’t mine, I was ok. It stopped feeling like an urgent warning to do something.

I found out that I feel their feelings 100 times stronger than they themselves feel them.

The art for me is to be able to tell who is me and who is not.

Feelings are a guidance system, there for a reason. I want to travel my own path, and I want you to travel your own.

Many coaches coach from their own feelings, and send you down the wrong rabbit hole, where there is nothing in it for you.

Matryoshka and an empath: what do they have in common? Now, to the question you asked: I am always connected with you: you are one of my students. I don’t need to go out of my way to ask about your feeling, I just have to single it out from the 30-40 people’s that live in me, like a nested doll… Matryoshka, babushka and all. 2

If I asked how you feel about me, this question, about my book, did I violate your privacy? Maybe.

But you came to me to learn from me, because as an empath I can access an aspect of the truth only an empath could, and did…

I may not be pretty. I may not be nice. I may not be smart. I may not be all you ever wanted. But you wanted me to be an empath, because only an empath could get access to this method of connecting. And without that humanity didn’t have a chance.

Also, if I weren’t an empath, I would not be able to witness what the Light is doing in your body in a Healing Meditation.

Matryoshka and an empath: what do they have in common? Remember: anything not witnessed did not happen.

At this juncture, your and my other students’ capacity to truly witness is just above zero on a scale of zero to 100.

And if you can’t witness your healing then you won’t keep it up, you won’t learn to witness, and you will stay the same.

There is nothing sadder than a human being that stays the same.

You decide. If you consider me being able to feel your feeling a violation, then please disconnect, and I’ll do my best to ignore the feelings I get from you. So I don’t violate your privacy.

I also won’t be able to help you directly. You need an empath for that.

The post From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of Privacy first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

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How Evil Grows on Planet Earth, or my kindle book Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:24 +0000 posted 2011-12-16 15:55:21. How Evil Grows on Planet Earth: a Feedback on my request to buy my amazon kindle bookIn this article I teach you something about yourself that you probably didn’t notice, haven’t known, a way you unwittingly and unintentionally grow Evil and the Dark Side, that you so valiantly fight in other … Continue reading "How Evil Grows on Planet Earth, or my kindle book"

The post How Evil Grows on Planet Earth, or my kindle book first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-16 15:55:21.

How Evil Grows on Planet Earth, or my kindle book

fence posts, all the same length, none stands out How Evil Grows on Planet Earth: a Feedback on my request to buy my amazon kindle book

In this article I teach you something about yourself that you probably didn’t notice, haven’t known, a way you unwittingly and unintentionally grow Evil and the Dark Side, that you so valiantly fight in other ways…

You can’t catch what you don’t see.

Now you will. Now you can catch it.

I have told this story many times, but I will tell you again. Good stories can be told many times.

Some 2,000 years ago lived a famous rabbi in the Land of Israel, Akiva Ben Joseph, aka Rabbi Akiva ca.17–ca.137 CE.

He was 40 years old when he married a woman who saw in him more than he saw in himself. She encouraged him to spend all his time studying the Law of the Lord, because in that age that was the highest thing one could aspire for.

He left to study and he was good. He came back after ten years. She encouraged him to go for another ten years. He became a very famous rabbi, probably the most famous of all.

Akiva taught thousands of students

on one occasion, twenty-four thousand students of his died in a plague. His five main, last remaining students were Judah bar Ilai, Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Eleazar ben Shammua, Jose ben Halafta and Shimon bar Yochai (the author of The Zohar, the book of Splendour).

When all those students spare the few died, he did a lot of soul-searching. He felt that he missed something that all those students died.

What he found is simple: he had based his teaching on knowing the word of God but missed teaching the spirit of God: Love your neighbor as yourself. His students were very knowledgeable, they were charitable, they did good. But with their fellow students they were competitive.

They had a scarcity mindset: there is only so much success to go around. The idea of a limited pie of wealth, success, wellness, prosperity, fame, etc. If you get more, someone has to get less.

The thinking goes like this: if they succeed then I will be less successful.

In the area of money it would be: if I give them I will have less. If the make more, there is less left for me.

In Kabbalistic terms this is called “desire to receive for the self alone” and it flies in the face of the unlimited nature of the Universe, and it’s an insult to the Creator.

So how does that same exact thing look in today’s day and age?

We live in a do-good society. People pride themselves in helping the less fortunate, the sick, the lazy, the dumb, and the entitled.

They give of their time, their used stuff (if there is a tax write-off, especially), maybe even money. They create projects for them. They collect stuff for them. They create websites for do-gooders… It’s the in-thing.

They set themselves up to give “down.” Maybe, occasionally, they give up, like drive a famous guru, or something like that. On condition, of course, that they get close to greatness… like in case of a guru.

If you look deeper, it is all about the giver, how they look, how they feel about themselves. They don’t really care… they only care about themselves.

Giving horizontally? To give to people that if you helped them, the other could achieve real greatness? God forbid.

Whether you know it or not, you are harboring a scarcity mentality. You are afraid to let another grow beyond you.

row of fence posts... none stands out I heard a behavior-defining saying from a famous Hungarian standup comic when I was around 30: life is like being a fence post: If you stand out they will hammer you into the ground to be level with all the others.

I just understood it completely today.

I looked at the report from Amazon on who bought the kindle book in answer to my request to support me, for 99 cents.

A total of 13 copies sold.

Two copies sold to two of my students: both are the most extraordinarily committed people anyone ever wanted to teach.

11 copies sold to people who don’t know me other than from visiting my site.

None of my friends, none of my other students, none of my fellow-students (I am a student too, lol) bought it to support me.

When I went to visit their bodies empathically to get clues, I found a mix of resentment and envy.

Exactly the same feelings and attitude that allowed Rabbi Akiva’s students to perish in the plague.

Any feeling or thought of competing, comparison, envy, the desire to tear someone down, lowers your vibration.

Desire to receive for the self alone is what we call evil. The Dark Side is exclusively made up of that, desire to receive for the self alone. Wanting what belongs to another or denying another the emotional support in order to keep them small, down and out, cut them to size.

I don’t care whether you buy my book or not. Ultimately it is just a collection of articles you can read on this very blog. Even the pictures are the same. I get 35 cents before taxes, so even if I sold one to every reader of this blog I would not pay one month’s worth of rent from all the money I get.

But I do care whether the people who read my blog, learn from me, or call us friends, are only there to keep me down, to build the Dark Side, to work against the Light.

I care about that.

Please start watching your feelings, watching your attitudes, and start catching yourself killing life, and supporting death.

When you get disgusted with yourself enough, maybe you’ll be ready to join the light.

PS: I have to admit, I’ve taken it personally that the amount of support didn’t match the amount of value I think I have been giving.

But, of course,

  1. value is only in the eye of the recipient
  2. perception of value is proportionate to the amount of effort one was ask to obtain something: here: none… therefore no value
  3. by making my articles available for no cost I am also adding to the Dark Side because I encourage the moochers and the looters, possibly yourself to continue mooching and looting
  4. the fact that I write these articles to get clear and not for you isn’t an excuse. It’s time to go back to the drawing board and force YOU to put out if you want my stuff… hm. What do you think?

PPS: you can still get my book on amazon. if you don’t have a kindle, send me your receipt and I’ll send you a pdf. here is the link to amazon: my amazon book for 99 cents: The Grand Experiment. I will be grateful and you’ll be able to feel better about yourself.

The real accomplishment is to catch yourself… you can’t catch what you don’t see.

The post How Evil Grows on Planet Earth, or my kindle book first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

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A little giggle is good for your soul… A lot is even better Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:23 +0000 posted 2011-12-15 16:33:08. Cuddling, giggling… both are good for your soul.

The post A little giggle is good for your soul… A lot is even better first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-15 16:33:08.

cuddling, giggling, both raise your vibration

Cuddling, giggling… both are good for your soul.

The post A little giggle is good for your soul… A lot is even better first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.
