It is darkest before the dawn… Hopefully – UPDATED

It is darkest before the dawn… Hopefully – UPDATED

feb_26_8760_dawnI have been attacked by what we could call “The Dark Side” for 10 days now. This time “They” are going for the kill.

What I mean by that is this: until this time they were attacking my pelvis, my spine, my intestines, my hip, but this time they managed to zero in on my heart.

It started with a quiver. With a rhythmic arrhythmia. A wobbling, A quiver… I can’t find a better word. Quiver, in my heart… eerie.

I knew it was an attack.
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Love: the lies. The birth of unendurable misery

Love: the lies. The birth of unendurable misery

wanting loveLove: the lies, the misdirection, the inaccuracies, and the birth of unendurable misery

You are taught to love. You are preached to love. They say love has a high vibration. They say love will transform you.

But what is love? Love is a state of total acceptance of what is. Not condoning what is, not succumbing to it, just accepting it for what it is. And that love is the keyhole through which you attain happiness.

When you read about love, you always mean ‘people’. Love has nothing to do with people, and has nothing to do with the warm fuzzy feeling of safety that you crave so badly.
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How do you change your life once and for all?

two-wolvesSummary: most of us want changes but we are all going the wrong way about it. This article goes to the heart of the matter. It will fly in the face of everything you know about making changes.

Quoting From Scientology: “To stop any creation it can be established that one once knew one was creating it, finding that thought and making it known again, or one can simply create newly and consciously what one is already creating unconsciously. In either case the creation stops. The wrong way is to start a new creation to counter against the old creation; when one does this he gets confusion and chaos.”

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Takeover of the planet through taking over your mind

Takeover of the planet through taking over your mind

gibberThe general public, including writers, can’t fathom anything less crude for mind-control than the affirmations in the Brave New World, or the microchip in Interface. A little bit more subtle is the method in Snow Crash, but not much.

The general public, including writers, cannot perceive, cannot conceive, cannot believe in the idea that mind-control is much more subtle, and it is going on all the time.

Or maybe how it is done in reality would not sell books? That is possible too.

Who is controlling your mind and to what end? What do they want that they are doing it… and they have been doing it for about seven thousand years… maybe even more.
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Healing Crisis, Healing Events… Suppressing is toxic

Healing Crisis, Healing Events… Suppressing is toxic

HealingCrisis1We suppress our emotions. Many of us don’t even breathe: we can’t because our chest isn’t willing to move any more, because we have put so much toxins into our muscles.

Suppressing is toxic.

In western medicine, a lot of our focus in on suppressing the symptoms we experience. However, that act is actually more detrimental and causes a build up of illnesses at a later stage in life. Continue reading “Healing Crisis, Healing Events… Suppressing is toxic”

Who You Are, What You Are? What is your Essence?

Who You Are, What You Are? What is your Essence?

your attitudeAttitude… what is it? What is the difference between your feelings, your emotions, and your attitude?

Who you are is your essence. It is not a reaction to some circumstance, like it’s late in the day. Your essence doesn’t change because you are tired.

Your who is created. Your who responds well to verbal command, just like you responded well when someone said: your name is Joseph, or whatever they said. You said: “OK, I am Joseph.” And then it never changed, It may have been shortened to Joe, but it didn’t change that you were Joe. The who. But that who was just a label.
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Are you my ideal customer? How did you find my site?

Are you my ideal customer? How did you find my site?

confrontingSummary: Now that I have lost my main source of income, I am back to the planning stage. I am back to finding out how to reach people who want what I have to offer: Energy remedies for peace of mind, freedom, power, and are willing to work for it at the same time, instead of waiting for a miracle or a pill or a magic bullet.

I am not often confronted. Being confronted always means that something or someone has breached the separation between your hidden self and your fake self.

You hide the stuff that you don’t think will work in the world, that will not buy you the image or goodies you want, the affection, appreciation, the job, the friends, the money.
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I won’t do anything for money I wouldn’t do for free

work-for-moneyI promised to you to report whether the method I recommended worked or not.

The method: tell the story in a way that you completely own what belongs to you, your actions, your reactions, your attitude, your thoughts, your emotions, your expectations, your intentions, etc. And keep telling the story until all the blame disappears.

Now, just by retelling the story to you, I managed to disappear the blame. (Of course I have been practicing taking responsibility for what I own, what belongs to me, for decades! You may not get such fast result!) I started to feel energized, happy, bright, and ambitious again. I started to ask questions and get answers.
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Fear. Irrational Fear. How to beat it…

Irrational-FearsWhat is the psychological or ontological (being science or the science of being) underpinnings (basis, foundation) of unreasonable, irrational fear 1 we deal with all the time… it makes no sense, there is no real danger, and yet, just the idea of something floods your chest with burning fear. (From the pit of the stomach in a shape of inverted triangle, the other points being the shoulders.)

If you haven’t, please read my article on taking your power back, I am referring to that article, and without reading it first, it won’t make sense what you read. OK?

Let’s look at fear historically: the irrational fear, where you could not see the “enemy,” probably originates with the destructive volcano eruptions, the floods, the darkness, caused by close-flying celestial objects, comets.
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