Start making decisions right. Decision making methods

Start making decisions right. Decision making methods

worried-man-clipartOne of the weaknesses people seem to have is not knowing how to make decisions. They have no method: it is not taught in school, and I had to learn the hard way, and I am still perfectly unreliable to make the decisions that serve me and my life best.

This series is as much for my benefit as yours: I am going to learn, test, experiment, and write about decision making methods as I happen to them. It is worth reading this blog just for that…

OK. Decision time… Gives you agita, doesn’t it? lol. Let’s make it easier.

Decision Method #1: Cost comparison based decision

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Authority Part 2 – how you are heard

babylipsI received an email from a Path student. It was a link to a performance we discussed at length on the Path call.

The video was to prove that I was wrong, that his performance wasn’t shabby, that he is not the way I described him

My description was based on what he said when he came to the call. Shabby, blah blah blah.

Le me teach you something really important:

Your power, your happiness, your results in your life will depend on your level of responsibility, aka ownership.
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Authority: have you given it away?

you hand over the authorityIn your life you live as if you had no authority over your life.

Authority means: the power to call the shot. The power to make decisions, the power to have them carried out. The power to evaluate, accept or reject.

You have been instructed by family, schools, government, medical establishment, legal establishment, and gurus to hand over your authority to everyone and their brother.

You’ve been an idle mouthpiece to all these authorities. Not a single independent thought, not a single argument.

What do I mean? I mean the practice of looking who is speaking.
Continue reading “Authority: have you given it away?”

The story you tell is your reality. The story you tell the story you live. Don’t like it?Change it

I am still undecided about making my posts public. I will not stop writing, because writing is how I do my processing, and I will never want to stop processing. But whether I will make it available, my most secret, most precious thoughts to everyone off the street, that is a question I am pondering.

I attempted to turn the blog into a members only site, and it failed. Once burned twice shy, I am not sure what I want to do… So while I am processing this, I will still write articles, or republish others’ if it’s appropriate, like this one:

Nine Voices, Nine Movies

Each of us speaks and writes without thinking. This is why so much of what we say is predictable. Do you want to be more interesting? Choose an unusual perspective and verb tense. A movie begins in the mind of the listener every time you speak or write. At whom is your camera aimed?
Continue reading “The story you tell is your reality. The story you tell the story you live. Don’t like it?Change it”

When an area of life isn’t working or isn’t working as well as you’d like it to, there is something that you don’t know

tumblr_kxldz31eZQ1qaukckWhen an area of life isn’t working or isn’t working as well as you’d like it to, there is something that you don’t know.

Obviously, if this is true, then it’s true about every area of life… money, your health, your spirituality, your relationships, becoming a person you can like.

But how do you find out what it is that you don’t know… that if you knew that it would make a difference?

That is the question.

Many of those answers are on my blog but you have been only scanning… which means you are only interested in what you already know. Your life stays the same, and I am wasting my life, wasting my breath.

One of the major things that you don’t know is that you don’t pay attention…
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Life is getting faster. Are you getting faster or hastier?

Life is getting faster. Are you getting faster or hastier?
mistakesMistakes… what causes them?

Today is a day when I am mistake-prone. The source of 99% of all my mistakes have been caused by a phenomenon that I see in everyone I speak with… so I am not alone.

The biggest difference between different people is only the frequency with which the incidents occur, no one is immune to this mistake. Continue reading “Life is getting faster. Are you getting faster or hastier?”

You are weird

PrintWhy would I insult you like this? If it is insulting to you, I apologize. Looking from your mind, I am probably wrong.

But looking from reality, looking from existence, your behavior is weird.

Your actions are inconsistent with what you really want, your actions seem like preprogrammed… no matter what, behave this way.
Continue reading “You are weird”

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die… Unless

when-someone-rubs-you-the-wrong-waySummary: this is a heavy duty psychological excavation of what is secretly running your life… but it is worth reading. but if you like to just nod and do nothing with what you read, don’t read it… it is wasted on you.

I had an interesting and unexpected experience today.

A few years ago I bought a woman’s book to help her becoming an Amazon best seller author. I didn’t read the book. Never opened it past the introduction.

Now that I am trying to sell my thousands of books on Amazon, I ran into it…

I started to read her author’s bio on the site, and I had a huge attack of sorts.

Hate, anger, the desire to kill. Tears sprung into my eyes, my muscles tensed, I gritted my teeth, and my body was shaking. Wow. I haven’t had that in a long time.
Continue reading “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die… Unless”

What is stress? Not what you think…

cause-effect99% of humanity looks at the world, at what’s happening, at everything as an Effect does.

You can be Cause in life and you can be Effect.

You can’t even begin raising your vibration until you become, at least partially, Cause in your life, Cause of everything.
Continue reading “What is stress? Not what you think…”

Truth repeated is a lie. A Half Truth is Still a Whole Lie

Truth repeated is a lie. A Half Truth is Still a Whole Lie

a-half-truth-is-a-whole-lie-8A Half Truth is Still a Whole Lie (Yiddish Proverb)

I don’t do this often. But today of all days I watched two videos, a total of about two hours… both on super consciousness.

The most important takeaway I had is the Yiddish proverb, that a half truth is still a whole lie.

So, what does that really mean? If someone’s vibration, or the truth level of their teaching is, let’s be generous, 250… should you follow that person? Should you make that person your spiritual guide?
Continue reading “Truth repeated is a lie. A Half Truth is Still a Whole Lie”