Baby Steps To Big Big Dreams. Baby steps?

Baby Steps To Big Big Dreams. Baby steps?

Baby steps to big dreamsNote: I adapted this post using a salesy email I got this morning… I liked the questions… not the product… If it sounds a little bit salesy… I apologize. That was not my intention.

It is time to be brutally honest with yourself… just like spring cleaning, Passover cleaning, etc. You need to do a cleaning of your house at least once a year…

  • If life has lost its taste.
  • If life has gone hum-drum.
  • If you stopped really enjoying what is supposed to be enjoyable.
  • If the people in your life lost their beauty.
  • If food is only there to be eaten… but really who cares.
  • If you have become dutiful, duty-bound. If it is an effort.
  • If blessed sleep is valued more than your awake hours.
  • If being with yourself has become something to run away from.

Continue reading “Baby Steps To Big Big Dreams. Baby steps?”

Will The Geniuxole System help you to get smarter? Do you need a better brain?

get-smarter-wiredWhat is the difference between you and someone who makes good decisions, understands the questions and issues, and responds in a way that the response produces the desired result?

That is what smart is, right?
Continue reading “Will The Geniuxole System help you to get smarter? Do you need a better brain?”

Emotional Healing… Emotions and Vibration

Emotional-HealingThis morning I was browsing the internet for sites that deal with the vibration of emotions.

I found a few, and dug deeper on one.

The website I found had a really good, high vibration piece of content, that I even felt worthy to put into a pdf, so it is easier to read on your mobile device. And if I am lucky, I can have the computer read it into an mp3, so you can drive while you listen.

The vibration of the document, which means its truth value is 600.

The person’s vibration is 170.

WTF, right?
Continue reading “Emotional Healing… Emotions and Vibration”

How to know yourself? The sideways glance

KnowThyselfKnowing yourself well is vitally important when you want to interact with reality powerfully.

What’s in the way of you knowing yourself well?

Illusions, delusions, flattery, comparison, arrogance, I could continue this list for a whole page.

So given that so many things are in the way, blocking or distorting your view, how do you get to know yourself? Continue reading “How to know yourself? The sideways glance”

Home… what is it? How do you find it? How do you recognize it?

home is not a shelterIn a previous article I mention that at age 60 I finally found home. It should have struck you as strange, but there was no echo: no comment, no commentary, no reply.

I think that you don’t know what home is… maybe?

I found a quote from Maya Angelou about “home.” It struck a cord with me, because she, just like me, found home within.

Here is the quote. Make sure you let me know if it resonated with you. OK?

I believe that one can never leave home. I believe that one carries the shadows, the dreams, the fears and dragons of home under one’s skin, at the extreme corners of one’s eyes and possibly in the gristle of the earlobe.
Continue reading “Home… what is it? How do you find it? How do you recognize it?”

Money, success, love, hunger, greed desire, want?

Money, success, love, hunger, greed desire, want?

I am becoming clearer and clearer that one of the reasons you may not produce the results in your life, with my teachings, because you don’t understand the words, and you just nod, as if you did. At least that is my experience both on all my calls… so you are probably not an exception.

If looking up the word produces unsatisfying results, then please make sure you ask me in the comments section: I will make sure I explain all the words that don’t make sense. OK?

Here are a few that have come up lately as not understood:
Continue reading “Money, success, love, hunger, greed desire, want?”

What Is The Meaning Of Life? What Is The Meaning Of Your Life?

living a life being thrown aboutPeople need leaders. Need leadership.

“Most people spend their lives walking around with their umbilical cords in their hands, looking for someplace to plug in.”

Life for a human needs to make sense. It needs to have a coherent story to make sense. Life without a coherent story has no meaning, and a life without meaning is unbearable, intolerable.

People (you?) are in a continual search for meaning.

Meaning that changes with what’s happening is maddening, and confusing, and cause you to shrink. Instinctively and predictably. So REAL meaning cannot come from the outside…
Continue reading “What Is The Meaning Of Life? What Is The Meaning Of Your Life?”

The drama of your life: do you have a choice about that? Conscious Uncoupling?

As a conscious empath I don’t only check if an emotion I feel is mine, I also check the source of the emotion.

Sometimes it is a Dark Side transmission, but mostly it’s another person I accidentally connected with.

I have two graduate students live in the downstairs apartment. Two girls.

Every time I go downstairs with a package for the mailman to pick up, or to check my mail, they hear me: the old wooden staircase makes an unholy noise. That’s when they connect, and I have to feel their emotions for a little while.

Both girls have a big issue about boys… it comes with their age.
Continue reading “The drama of your life: do you have a choice about that? Conscious Uncoupling?”

What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?

What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?

EPSON scanner imageMany people ask what Einstein’s saying means: You can’t solve a problem on the same level of consciousness that created it…

This article should clue you in. You see a problem differently on different levels. On the level where you see it “as a problem” is the level of consciousness that created it. Continue reading “What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?”

Conscious Awareness… how much do you do with awareness?

Conscious Awareness… how much do you do with awareness?

Conscious awareness, this is the expression I have learned, so far, from reading the Anastasia books, The Ringing Cedars of Russia series.

It sounds like a puny takeaway, but it is major in its implications.

It has raised MY conscious awareness of what and how I am teaching.

You know, from time to time you can’t see the forest for the trees. I can’t… lol

On my webinar calls, I teach you to step back, I teach you to find your Tangerine Spot, I teach you to lift it with your attention…

Let me stop here, because there is enough to say about those three distinctions that have left students at my mercy.
Continue reading “Conscious Awareness… how much do you do with awareness?”