Become all you can become with Sophie He that won't be counselled, can't be helped Tue, 25 Feb 2025 20:35:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 all you can become with Sophie 32 32 yes He that won't be counselled, can't be helped Become all you can become with Sophie true Become all you can become with Sophie podcast He that won't be counselled, can't be helped Become all you can become with Sophie Doing The Dishes, Kaizen, Boundaries, more Wed, 03 Jan 2024 23:07:47 +0000 posted 2008-12-04 11:30:07. As difficult as dirty dishes can be, they’re even worse when you let them sit for a while. And the longer they sit, the harder they are to clean.This is life. Something that is potentially easy to clean up right after it happens – an unkind word to your father, a … Continue reading "Doing The Dishes, Kaizen, Boundaries, more"

The post Doing The Dishes, Kaizen, Boundaries, more first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2008-12-04 11:30:07.

Doing The Dishes, Kaizen, Boundaries, more

As difficult as dirty dishes can be, they’re even worse when you let them sit for a while. And the longer they sit, the harder they are to clean.

This is life. Something that is potentially easy to clean up right after it happens – an unkind word to your father, a lie to your best friend, an insensitivity to your girlfriend – can become a difficult mess if you don’t deal with it now.

Do the dishes today.

I have been thinking about Kaizen a lot. Kaizen can be the saving grace for a lot of people, because Kaizen is a way of life, a non-threatening way, but it is an awake way, and most of us are not awake, get jolted out of our sleepwalking by big things only. I am awake, and Kaizen is for me.

So I decided to use Kaizen to ease back into exercising. Since I stopped exercising, my face aged 10-20 years. That is a lot. I used to have no wrinkles, now I have folds, and wrinkles inside the folds… not pretty.

I have no special occasion to be pretty at, I just think that looking into the mirror should be a joyous occasion, not an occasion to berate myself.

So I am now doing 15 seconds of the exercise I used to do. I am happy. It is starting to show on my face. Hm.

Another Kaizen thing: in airplane bathrooms there is a sign that says something like this: would you be so kind as to use your paper towel to clean the sink before you throw it away?

Very Kaizen. Imagine going to the bathroom and someone’s soapy dirty washwater is still in the sink. (The airplane sink stopper needs to be manually lifted, otherwise it stops the water from emptying…) I would never wash my hand again on an airplane. But with that little Kaizen note, most 99% of the passengers follow the instructions, and everyone washes their hand. (I think that sign also reminds people to wash their hands, which many people don’t see a reason for… ).

And the third Kaizen example I read about in a Kaizen book, and it is about Toyota. The factory. They learned Kaizen from Americans… who would have thought… from Americans.

At Toyota, manufacturing cars happens on the assembly line. Nothing new there. In a normal assembly line everyone is concerned only about their part of the assembly, and the occasional errors are noticed and corrected, or not noticed and not corrected at the quality control station.

Toyota’s then CEO installed a rope switch above every workstation along the assembly line, where workers were asked to pull the rope every time they noticed an error in the work on the half-assembled car in front of them. The pull stopped the assembly line, they corrected the error, and pulled again to re-start…

It was a heretic idea, going counter with mass production. American auto manufacturers, that relied on quality control, had thousands of cars recalled, paid billions in restitution for tiny errors that weren’t corrected right after they happened.

Toyota went on to become the most reliable car. 250K cars are still sold and they run the highways: it is commonplace, while even an ‘error-free’ American car would be proud to run till 200K.

Which leads me to the ‘boundaries’ part.

It is still my cat that is on my mind. Or my previous failed relationship. Or my previous failed New Year resolution. Where, in all circumstances, I ignored, put up with, tolerated, shut a blind eye to a small aberration, a small violation of my boundaries, a little mistake, a little skipping… and they all became the core of a snow ball and destroyed an otherwise hopeful relationship, or my health, or my results.

Do the dishes soon after they get dirty. And stay awake. I have learned my lesson.

The post Doing The Dishes, Kaizen, Boundaries, more first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Feedback from Stela… on the book and more Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:28 +0000 posted 2011-12-19 17:13:10. Dear Sophie,I enjoyed your book, The Grand Experiment. I had previously read some of your articles on the website. Any subject you treat offers new and interesting insights. It is like you discover every time the last skin to peel off in order to get to the true seed of the … Continue reading "Feedback from Stela… on the book and more"

The post Feedback from Stela… on the book and more first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-19 17:13:10.

Feedback from Stela… on the book and more

Dear Sophie,
I enjoyed your book, The Grand Experiment. I had previously read some of your articles on the website. Any subject you treat offers new and interesting insights. It is like you discover every time the last skin to peel off in order to get to the true seed of the fruit.

I found your website by searching the Internet and I am really happy and grateful to the Source for that. I was immediately attracted by your noble mission and your pure altruism.


your feedback is a sharp and pertinent description of humanity’s dark side; how one’s first reaction to another human being’s success or joy comes from ego (mind) not from spirit (heart). We are the creators and the victims of this competitive society. We are the creators and the victims of this narrow angled point of view. We see others separated from us not only in body, but also in spirit.

I have had a crazy thought for some time: if everyone would open his eyes to the image of the Solar System every morning, then the insignificant size of the Earth will bring the feeling of getting closer to each other and replace the feeling of being divided into groups, religions, parties, nations, countries…


I think the article was written too soon after you sent the request by email. I’ve been characterized many times by my American family of being impatient. Maybe this feature is common among people with an European education in Communist countries. When I came here I was surprised to find out that the last remark of Scarlett O’Hara, “After all, tomorrow is another day!” is a kind of national philosophy.

With warmest wishes,

Stela P

Hey Stela, that is a beautiful review. Thank you.

Your last remark about being impatient: very interesting. I think I am.

On the Monday/Thursday Daily Connection training I have a question for people: what are you unwilling to put up with any more?

And the response is ??????????????????. Being unwilling? using words like put up with? etc. is not in the current vocabulary of people. They create urgency! They put you on the spot!

Urgency? Unless it’s an emergency, the ego says: let me sleepwalk some more… lol.

Thank you so much. Wow.

Thank you,

The post Feedback from Stela… on the book and more first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

My first interview on this topic on Awesome FM… wanna hear it? Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:27 +0000 posted 2011-12-18 18:09:28. I was interviewed by my friend Laser show artist and entrepreneur Tim Bennett of Argon Management last week. I just listened to the interview and I think it’s good, he puts me on the spot a few times and makes me talk about things I didn’t think of talking about… it … Continue reading "My first interview on this topic on Awesome FM… wanna hear it?"

The post My first interview on this topic on Awesome FM… wanna hear it? first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-18 18:09:28.

I was interviewed by my friend Laser show artist and entrepreneur Tim Bennett of Argon Management last week. I just listened to the interview and I think it’s good, he puts me on the spot a few times and makes me talk about things I didn’t think of talking about… it is definitely worth a listen.

Go to Tim’s site to listen

Tim lives in Manila, in the Philippines. In addition to doing laser shows, he has an animation company, and a training company for aspiring entrepreneurs in the Philippines.

He is one of the most likable people I know… you’ll love him, and hopefully you’ll love me.

Go, listen. Go to Tim’s site to listen

The post My first interview on this topic on Awesome FM… wanna hear it? first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

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Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:26 +0000 posted 2011-12-17 15:22:33. Hi Sofie,I was not able to make it to the Saturday evening Connect To Source webinar at 6 pm last week either. I will get up early on this Saturday to be in on the 6:00 am webinar. I feel I really need some direction and I do understand it is … Continue reading "Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader"

The post Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-17 15:22:33.

Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader

when we connect to Source, you are like diamonds in my crown: I know if you are there!Hi Sofie,

I was not able to make it to the Saturday evening Connect To Source webinar at 6 pm last week either. I will get up early on this Saturday to be in on the 6:00 am webinar. I feel I really need some direction and I do understand it is part of the program. I have been reading the books, reports, and articles on your website, They are very enlightening.

I have been listening to the Unconditional Love Activator tape. Today is my 4th day and I usually listen at least 2 times a day. Today, I am so depressed and have been crying all day at everything. I do not understand. Is this depressions and crying related to your recording? I am not normally this deeply depressed about anything. Most of the depressions does seem to revolve around a problem or issue I personally have. That is why I thought they might be related.

I would like to know if this is a common occurrence when you start listening to the Unconditional Love Activator? If yes, then I won’t worry and hopefully it will get better the more and longer I continue to listen. I do know that I have many issues with loving myself. I am hoping they are being worked on.

I look forward to being on the Connect To Source webinar of Saturday morning and completing the process.

Thank you in advance. I really appreciate your gift.


Hi Cindy, congratulations.

The ‘stuff’ that you are experiencing is grief, suppressed. Not just yours personally, but centuries old. Grief over lost time, grief over all the hopes and wanting to be loved and not getting what you needed. Grief over not loving yourself. Grief over how life could have been, had you gotten the love you so badly needed.

When I got my own Unconditional Love Activator, at the beginning of the summer, if I remember correctly, I cried for weeks, and it was a healing cry.

So, please, allow the sadness to come up. If you really look, it is old hopelessness, not present. It is not new sadness, it’s old, and it is supposed to come out. You can’t start building something new on shaky and crumbly foundation. So celebrate.

After Maria had those elated experience, she also went into this releasing- old-grief-phase… Please forgive me for not telling you upfront: it is just hard to ‘sell a medicine’ talking about the pain that you must re-experience.

Your cells releases toxins suppressed. Your soul’s grieving for all those years. It is a detoxification. Please drink a lot of pure water, and get enough sleep. It will blow through faster and with much less discomfort.

You are going to be a shiny new you… I am very very excited.

I do recommend that you come to the ‘Check your connection’ Saturday meditation, because it is best to learn how to connect in a group. You’ll be sure, and you’ll feel the support of the group. And if you can experience the energy, the group amplifies the experience.

my crown of beautiful people connecting to Source I was teaching Andrea 1-on-1, because she can’t come to the group… but I am sure she will come to the class as soon as she can. The energy is stronger when ‘2 or more people gather in my name’ than when you are doing it alone. And especially when you have me on the line where I can tell you, in real time, if you are connected by simply feeling you in my tangerine spot ‘crown’ lol.

I am grateful to you. xoxo. Welcome to the thousand years of peace.

Thank you,

PS: Cindy did come to this morning’s Connect To Source webinar. If you would like to come, register here Connect to Source

The post Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of Privacy Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:25 +0000 posted 2011-12-17 14:33:41.  From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of PrivacyDear Sophie,Thanks for following up with the book sale. However, I am very much confused with your statement ‘When I went to visit their bodies empathically to get clues, I found a mix of resentment and envy.’ Not sure what you are doing here. … Continue reading "From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of Privacy"

The post From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of Privacy first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-17 14:33:41.

From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of Privacy

From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of Privacy

Dear Sophie,

Thanks for following up with the book sale. However, I am very much confused with your statement ‘When I went to visit their bodies empathically to get clues, I found a mix of resentment and envy.’

Not sure what you are doing here. This is making me think now in different direction that you are capable of invading someone’s body without their knowledge!!! Correct me if I am wrong.

Love & Regards

Hi Bharati, great question.

From my language it does sound that what I do is intentional and invasive.

The truth is that it’s neither.

There are all kinds of ‘healers’.

Most of them see stuff. They need to go to your body and look either from the inside or the outside, and look what’s there.

Whether their intent is to heal or to interfere, isn’t important at this juncture. They need to initiate the ‘going there’ or entering.

And empath is different. I don’t have a choice. I don’t have control.

At any moment in time there are many people that invade my space, that live out their lives in my body, disturbing my peace, my concentration, my sense of self, my clarity of thinking, my transformation.

If it sounds like a complaint: it is.

All my life I knew the hidden agendas of people, the real intention, the deceit, the tricks, I didn’t know how. I always wished they told me something other than what I felt they were about, it was mostly so ugly.

It was driving me crazy, going from happy to sad to anxious to depressed to elated to literally giddy without any apparent reason.

Until about a year ago I thought of suicide about a hundred times a day, also for no apparent reason.

When I was asked about what I wanted I had conflicting ideas. I didn’t know who I was, what I wanted, what’s good for me.

As an unaware Empath, Other people’s feelings were running my life

Unless I was really busy, I wasn’t well. Unless I slept less than 5 hours a day, I wasn’t well.

Then someone told me that I was a clair-sensar. He made up the word: he meant empath. I investigated, and I found more and more proof that I could tell other people’s sensations better than they could. Their emotions, their frustrations. It was useful in coaching, but I was still miserable.

Until about six months ago, it never occurred to me that what I was going through, what I called the roller coaster, being jerked around, wasn’t my feelings: it was other people’s feelings felt like my own.

I started to pay attention and if a feeling had no reason, I muscletested if it was mine. If it wasn’t, I started to look whose it might be. I always found the people I was closest to, the people with whom I energetically connected.

Once I knew the feeling wasn’t mine, I was ok. It stopped feeling like an urgent warning to do something.

I found out that I feel their feelings 100 times stronger than they themselves feel them.

The art for me is to be able to tell who is me and who is not.

Feelings are a guidance system, there for a reason. I want to travel my own path, and I want you to travel your own.

Many coaches coach from their own feelings, and send you down the wrong rabbit hole, where there is nothing in it for you.

Matryoshka and an empath: what do they have in common? Now, to the question you asked: I am always connected with you: you are one of my students. I don’t need to go out of my way to ask about your feeling, I just have to single it out from the 30-40 people’s that live in me, like a nested doll… Matryoshka, babushka and all. 1

If I asked how you feel about me, this question, about my book, did I violate your privacy? Maybe.

But you came to me to learn from me, because as an empath I can access an aspect of the truth only an empath could, and did…

I may not be pretty. I may not be nice. I may not be smart. I may not be all you ever wanted. But you wanted me to be an empath, because only an empath could get access to this method of connecting. And without that humanity didn’t have a chance.

Also, if I weren’t an empath, I would not be able to witness what the Light is doing in your body in a Healing Meditation.

Matryoshka and an empath: what do they have in common? Remember: anything not witnessed did not happen.

At this juncture, your and my other students’ capacity to truly witness is just above zero on a scale of zero to 100.

And if you can’t witness your healing then you won’t keep it up, you won’t learn to witness, and you will stay the same.

There is nothing sadder than a human being that stays the same.

You decide. If you consider me being able to feel your feeling a violation, then please disconnect, and I’ll do my best to ignore the feelings I get from you. So I don’t violate your privacy.

I also won’t be able to help you directly. You need an empath for that.

The post From My Correspondence: Empathy and Invasion of Privacy first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

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How Evil Grows on Planet Earth, or my kindle book Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:24 +0000 posted 2011-12-16 15:55:21. How Evil Grows on Planet Earth: a Feedback on my request to buy my amazon kindle bookIn this article I teach you something about yourself that you probably didn’t notice, haven’t known, a way you unwittingly and unintentionally grow Evil and the Dark Side, that you so valiantly fight in other … Continue reading "How Evil Grows on Planet Earth, or my kindle book"

The post How Evil Grows on Planet Earth, or my kindle book first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-16 15:55:21.

How Evil Grows on Planet Earth, or my kindle book

fence posts, all the same length, none stands out How Evil Grows on Planet Earth: a Feedback on my request to buy my amazon kindle book

In this article I teach you something about yourself that you probably didn’t notice, haven’t known, a way you unwittingly and unintentionally grow Evil and the Dark Side, that you so valiantly fight in other ways…

You can’t catch what you don’t see.

Now you will. Now you can catch it.

I have told this story many times, but I will tell you again. Good stories can be told many times.

Some 2,000 years ago lived a famous rabbi in the Land of Israel, Akiva Ben Joseph, aka Rabbi Akiva ca.17–ca.137 CE.

He was 40 years old when he married a woman who saw in him more than he saw in himself. She encouraged him to spend all his time studying the Law of the Lord, because in that age that was the highest thing one could aspire for.

He left to study and he was good. He came back after ten years. She encouraged him to go for another ten years. He became a very famous rabbi, probably the most famous of all.

Akiva taught thousands of students

on one occasion, twenty-four thousand students of his died in a plague. His five main, last remaining students were Judah bar Ilai, Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Eleazar ben Shammua, Jose ben Halafta and Shimon bar Yochai (the author of The Zohar, the book of Splendour).

When all those students spare the few died, he did a lot of soul-searching. He felt that he missed something that all those students died.

What he found is simple: he had based his teaching on knowing the word of God but missed teaching the spirit of God: Love your neighbor as yourself. His students were very knowledgeable, they were charitable, they did good. But with their fellow students they were competitive.

They had a scarcity mindset: there is only so much success to go around. The idea of a limited pie of wealth, success, wellness, prosperity, fame, etc. If you get more, someone has to get less.

The thinking goes like this: if they succeed then I will be less successful.

In the area of money it would be: if I give them I will have less. If the make more, there is less left for me.

In Kabbalistic terms this is called “desire to receive for the self alone” and it flies in the face of the unlimited nature of the Universe, and it’s an insult to the Creator.

So how does that same exact thing look in today’s day and age?

We live in a do-good society. People pride themselves in helping the less fortunate, the sick, the lazy, the dumb, and the entitled.

They give of their time, their used stuff (if there is a tax write-off, especially), maybe even money. They create projects for them. They collect stuff for them. They create websites for do-gooders… It’s the in-thing.

They set themselves up to give “down.” Maybe, occasionally, they give up, like drive a famous guru, or something like that. On condition, of course, that they get close to greatness… like in case of a guru.

If you look deeper, it is all about the giver, how they look, how they feel about themselves. They don’t really care… they only care about themselves.

Giving horizontally? To give to people that if you helped them, the other could achieve real greatness? God forbid.

Whether you know it or not, you are harboring a scarcity mentality. You are afraid to let another grow beyond you.

row of fence posts... none stands out I heard a behavior-defining saying from a famous Hungarian standup comic when I was around 30: life is like being a fence post: If you stand out they will hammer you into the ground to be level with all the others.

I just understood it completely today.

I looked at the report from Amazon on who bought the kindle book in answer to my request to support me, for 99 cents.

A total of 13 copies sold.

Two copies sold to two of my students: both are the most extraordinarily committed people anyone ever wanted to teach.

11 copies sold to people who don’t know me other than from visiting my site.

None of my friends, none of my other students, none of my fellow-students (I am a student too, lol) bought it to support me.

When I went to visit their bodies empathically to get clues, I found a mix of resentment and envy.

Exactly the same feelings and attitude that allowed Rabbi Akiva’s students to perish in the plague.

Any feeling or thought of competing, comparison, envy, the desire to tear someone down, lowers your vibration.

Desire to receive for the self alone is what we call evil. The Dark Side is exclusively made up of that, desire to receive for the self alone. Wanting what belongs to another or denying another the emotional support in order to keep them small, down and out, cut them to size.

I don’t care whether you buy my book or not. Ultimately it is just a collection of articles you can read on this very blog. Even the pictures are the same. I get 35 cents before taxes, so even if I sold one to every reader of this blog I would not pay one month’s worth of rent from all the money I get.

But I do care whether the people who read my blog, learn from me, or call us friends, are only there to keep me down, to build the Dark Side, to work against the Light.

I care about that.

Please start watching your feelings, watching your attitudes, and start catching yourself killing life, and supporting death.

When you get disgusted with yourself enough, maybe you’ll be ready to join the light.

PS: I have to admit, I’ve taken it personally that the amount of support didn’t match the amount of value I think I have been giving.

But, of course,

  1. value is only in the eye of the recipient
  2. perception of value is proportionate to the amount of effort one was ask to obtain something: here: none… therefore no value
  3. by making my articles available for no cost I am also adding to the Dark Side because I encourage the moochers and the looters, possibly yourself to continue mooching and looting
  4. the fact that I write these articles to get clear and not for you isn’t an excuse. It’s time to go back to the drawing board and force YOU to put out if you want my stuff… hm. What do you think?

PPS: you can still get my book on amazon. if you don’t have a kindle, send me your receipt and I’ll send you a pdf. here is the link to amazon: my amazon book for 99 cents: The Grand Experiment. I will be grateful and you’ll be able to feel better about yourself.

The real accomplishment is to catch yourself… you can’t catch what you don’t see.

The post How Evil Grows on Planet Earth, or my kindle book first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

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A little giggle is good for your soul… A lot is even better Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:23 +0000 posted 2011-12-15 16:33:08. Cuddling, giggling… both are good for your soul.

The post A little giggle is good for your soul… A lot is even better first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-15 16:33:08.

cuddling, giggling, both raise your vibration

Cuddling, giggling… both are good for your soul.

The post A little giggle is good for your soul… A lot is even better first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

David Hawkins MuscleTesting Vs. MuscleTesting Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:22 +0000 posted 2011-12-14 10:48:16. David Hawkins Muscletesting Vs. Muscletesting While Connected To SourceI am getting a lot of questions about muscletesting. Most questions are about how reliable the test is.Unfortunately, the way David R. Hawkins teaches muscletesting, the test is not reliable.For years, I could ask one question and ask the same question two minutes … Continue reading "David Hawkins MuscleTesting Vs. MuscleTesting"

The post David Hawkins MuscleTesting Vs. MuscleTesting first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-14 10:48:16.

david hawkins muscletesting unreliable David Hawkins Muscletesting Vs. Muscletesting While Connected To Source

I am getting a lot of questions about muscletesting. Most questions are about how reliable the test is.

Unfortunately, the way David R. Hawkins teaches muscletesting, the test is not reliable.

For years, I could ask one question and ask the same question two minutes later, and the answer would be the opposite. I would say that is not reliable.

When I started to work with Theta Healing, I found the same level of unreliability. Same question, different answers. Bummer.

I observed my chiropractor always come up with the same remedy to recommend: the one he got the most commission on. hm.

Then when I really connected to Source, the situation changed. Now I have complete certainty… except certain areas, the future, and other spying-like inquiries are not permitted me to access.

Today I claim that David Hawkins’ muscletesting works as long as you are connected to Source while you are testing, but doesn’t work reliably if you are not.

You see, most things you do come from the ego, or the name it is better known by, the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, the 99% of the mind that is the iceberg below the water level. You only have access to the subconscious mind’s content when you watch your actions, and when, accidentally, you catch some evil thoughts.

Although your body is wise, although your body knows what is good for it, and what isn’t, in the split second that passes after the question, your subconscious mind overrides the body’s answer.

In muscletesting you really only have a split second window where the body actually speaks, and not longer. Time the muscletest to catch that split second is not easy.

What happens after that split second? the subconscious mind speaks.

If this weren’t the case, you wouldn’t reach for the chocolate, you wouldn’t stay up too late, you wouldn’t do the things that are bad for your body. You would be able to say no to the things that are bad for you.

But unfortunately, you won’t be able to get an accurate reading, unless you find a way to disengage the subconscious mind. 2

Muscletesting while in conscious, beta brain wave mode, 3 is very unreliable.

So the task is to disengage the subconscious, and the Tangerine Method of Connecting is perfect for that.

There are three levels of connecting, and the first level is already disengaging the ego.

It takes practice

  1. to be able to “multitask” while connected
  2. to be able to notice when the ego re-engages
  3. disengage the ego again to get a correct reading.

When you do the David Hawkins muscletesting, i.e. there are two people involved, the questioner needs to be in the Tangerine State, and the person muscletested should not know the question their body is answering.

In the case of the David Hawkins muscletesting we are dealing with two subconscious minds, and it is important that both are disengaged.

The questioner disengages their mind with the Tangerine Method of Connecting, level 1, and they then ask the question in their head, without saying it out loud. The person tested then doesn’t know what the question is, so their body is free to express the truth.

The one-person way of testing, the way I teach it, requires only you to be in the Tangerine State.

In that state, if you are truly connected for about 30-60 seconds before you ask any questions, the fact that you are connected to Source, also means that you are connected to All-of-It, i.e. to another person.

To be truly connected to All-of-It, you need to be connected on Level Two.

It is understandable why. You are going to access the “database” of the most intimate details of another person. You can’t just barge in there, with your ego freely reigning… it would be a deadly world where you can do that, wouldn’t it.

You could cause death, destruction, and Source would never agree to that, never land you a hand.

So that addresses the last question: your intention.

This is not automatic magic, as David Hawkins muscletesting claims. This is a serious moral issue.

Unless your state of mind is “desire-for-the-sake-of-sharing” your results will be unreliable. 4

Remember, fundamental law number one is never take away from one to give it to another. Not stuff, not honor, dignity, freedom, love, etc. Not anything.

If the muscletesting is to decide a bet, there is a winner and there is a loser. If the muscletesting is to make someone wrong, look bad, then the muscletesting is not serving a higher purpose, and it will give you faulty and untrue results.

Now, how can you learn and master being connected to Source? The Saturday connection classes are perfect for that. I make you do different challenges while connected, which will prepare you to do muscletesting and get reliable results.

If you want to learn more about how to stay in the “desire-for-the-sake-of-sharing” mindset, please comment below. If I get more than 10 people requesting, I’ll create a webinar to teach specifically that, so you don’t have to wait weeks to get it.

The post David Hawkins MuscleTesting Vs. MuscleTesting first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Want More Energy? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really! Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:21 +0000 posted 2011-12-13 12:54:51. Want More Energy? Want To Get More Out Of Life? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really!I have discovered that sexuality can be awakened by directing Source energy to the sexual organs.Now, why would I be so excited about that? After all we live in an oversexed society… right?Right.But the society is oversexed because … Continue reading "Want More Energy? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really!"

The post Want More Energy? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really! first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-13 12:54:51.

Want More Energy? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really!

sexual energyWant More Energy? Want To Get More Out Of Life? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really!

I have discovered that sexuality can be awakened by directing Source energy to the sexual organs.

Now, why would I be so excited about that? After all we live in an oversexed society… right?


But the society is oversexed because of manipulation, not because we were “designed” this way!

One of the most important books I have ever read was Michel Foucault’s The History of Sexuality. It is a difficult read, but I was hooked early on: I have a soft spot for sexuality, if you haven’t noticed, lol.

I read only one of the four(?) volumes, volume 2.

In that book he tells the reader how sexuality is being used by the powers that be to play 3-card Monte with humanity. 5

Foucault say that by turning sex into the topic of conversation, people

  1. get busy thinking about sex
  2. start having less sex, or less satisfying sex in reality
  3. lose touch with the enormous energy that is stored in human sexuality and it becomes unavailable to them.
  4. they are too pre-ccupied and too weak to fight for their freedoms or stand up for themselves.

Sports figures, before an important event, are warned by their coaches to refrain from sex. Why? Because the sexual energy is a vehicle for the soul to move you.

Let me explain: the size of your desire will ultimately determine how much you get in life.

Imagine yourself being at a dinner where you need to bring your plate or bowl if you want to eat. If you bring a big bowl, you can eat a lot. If you bring a saucer… you got the picture, right? The bowl and the saucer are vessels of desire.

Most of us are walking around in life with a thimble size vessel.

We further reduce the size by always consuming (fulfilling) sexual desire… never increasing the fire. By eating even when we are not hungry. By picking up the phone to talk, texting, sending an email, buying stuff… whenever a thimble-sized desire accumulates.

Our digestive fire, our sexual fire, our intellectual fire, our emotional fire get smaller and smaller… it works a lot like batteries.
sexual energy running on empty
A new battery can hold a full charge and release it in let’s say 4-5 hours. Then, every time you plug the appliance in before the battery is fully empty, or every time you charge it only enough to be usable, you reduce the amount of charge the battery can hold.

One of my laptops is now able to go on battery power for exactly 2 minutes.

So, what do you do with a tired, corrupted battery?

You can let it run empty, then recharge it fully, then let it run empty… until it learns a new trick… and it does.

The same is the method with the other tired and corrupted faculties of yours. Sexual energy, hunger, intellectual and emotional hunger.

I have mentioned this in my “Passion” article, and I got a lot of feedback from my students. They can’t see themselves able to change.

So, what else can you do to rekindle and restore the original vessel of sexual desire and energy?

At the time of writing that article I didn’t know. I know now. You can actually restore the battery to new… like factories do all the time.

10 days ago I started to give myself Source energy on my sexual organs. I have experienced

  1. increased sensation there… good news! 🙂
  2. increased imagination… I have had quite a few wet dreams since then
  3. increased sensitivity
  4. increased mental sharpness
  5. and markedly decreased craving for food, conversation, chocolate, sleep, etc.
  6. my ability to work longer without getting tired is off the charts

As an empath, I can’t really feel what the Source energy (light) is doing… but…

Last Saturday I had five women on the Connection call and I did a long sexual healing meditation with them. That “treatment” repeated a few times would send these women over the moon.

Last Sunday I did a 40-minute sexual healing session with a male friend of mine over the phone, and could clearly feel how the light was warming up, returning aliveness, changing color and texture of the different regions, including the nether regions.

I am going to do more experiments, and if they are as effective as I predict they are going to be, I’ll be starting to do regular sexual healing classes: separate for men and women.

It seems to me that you need that energy, you need that fire. And the soul definitely needs you to have it.

You can’t participate in this project unless you first learn to connect. Classes are on Saturdays. Click here to register. It admits you to all the classes on Saturdays

PS: If you think that your partner needs it, not you, take a long hard look at yourself, and sign up to learn to connect. Your partner will want to find out what you did… that is what you want, right?

The post Want More Energy? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really! first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

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Help Make Me An Amazon Best Selling Author… Please? Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:20 +0000 posted 2011-12-11 13:43:54. If you ever wanted to get the Unconditional Love Activator but didn’t want to pay seven bucks, here is your chance to get it for 99 cents.In my new book on Kindle, The Grand Experiment, there is a link to the Activator. All you have to pay is the 99 cents … Continue reading "Help Make Me An Amazon Best Selling Author… Please?"

The post Help Make Me An Amazon Best Selling Author… Please? first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

Originally posted 2011-12-11 13:43:54.

the grand experiment book on amazonIf you ever wanted to get the Unconditional Love Activator but didn’t want to pay seven bucks, here is your chance to get it for 99 cents.

In my new book on Kindle, The Grand Experiment, there is a link to the Activator. All you have to pay is the 99 cents on Kindle.
If you don’t have a Kindle, you can view it on the Kindle PC edition…


Now, why would you want to get the Unconditional Love Activator?

Well, this is why:

The Unconditional Love Activation is Your First Step To Freedom, Power, Purpose, And Self-Expression

When You Feel You Are Loved, Appreciated -Unconditionally – Life Stops Being An Uphill Struggle

Before the activation, you do stuff so that people like you, accept you, so you can feel useful and ok.
After the activation, you know. Not with your conscious mind, instead you know it with your whole being.

All the needing to’s, having to’s, wanting to’s (craving) and should’s disappear and whether you do anything or not, you feel good about yourself, and about your life.

That is a whole different starting point for a day… you have power. You can be with how it is, even if you think that it could be changed. And then, if you feel like it, you change stuff, do stuff, and your life starts to expand, and you in it.

My money didn’t start to flow until I got that activator.
I could not say no, until I got that activator.
I was a busybody, which, for a spiritual teacher, is a real bad thing.
I was a know-it-all, until I got that activator…

Apart from occasional glitches when the old machine gets activated by some unexpected incident, life has been smooth, I have had no hunger for money, for success, for love, for interest… and all of those have started to flow towards me.

I didn’t need them. It seems that need repels what you want. Want repels them too.

So, that’s why I recommend that you get this activator.

Now, this activator has two parts:

  1. you need to learn to connect to Source on level 2. There are classes throughout the week to learn this. No charge.
  2. your activator comes in an audio or video format.

Go and get the kindle book.

It will change your life.

The Unconditional Activator works best if you do it with some regularity, weekly, monthly, daily… your choice.

The day you get it will be the first day of the rest of your life.

The post Help Make Me An Amazon Best Selling Author… Please? first appeared on Become all you can become with Sophie.

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